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#1 06-12-2011 09:16:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-11-2011
Messages : 216

SAp insecta

Hi, my new idea for Sap (again..) ^^!


Here card to support

Confusing Area (action)
rarity: rare
ability: Choose one of your out of combat character and add 3 "Ant tokens" to him as pets. If your character not die this turn, at the end of turn, each "Ant token" in game is brought randomly to attach your living character.

Ant bomb!!! (action)
rarity: uncommon
ability: choose a character and create 5 "Ant tokens" as his pets. At the end of fight, all "Ant tokens" which is not along the chosen character are destroy. Chain

Sleeping Ant (Action, unique, area of effect(AOE))
rarity: rare
ability: All characters gain 2 "Ant tokens", then all character gain heal x health point which x= number of "Ant token" attached to him.


Concept is "Ant token" considered as "Pet"

sleeping Ant, Confusing Area, and Ant bomb!!! can boost up your character's power and also do combo with themself...

Please comment... sorry for my english.

(For the balance might be not = = however I try not do it over power)

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