
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 01-09-2011 15:02:57

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 04-08-2011
Messages : 150

New Trophy Avaliable

Starting today at 3:30 pm (French Time) until Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 9 am, a new trophy is available.
You do not have much time so don't waste any!

Cumulate 60 Points. Win 1 Point for every fight in which you dealt damage to the opposing character and he is not dead at the end of the fight. (You cannot accumulate more than 9 Points per game and you must play against different players). You will earn the Dissidence card and the title: The Quarrel .


Dissidence : Action. Collector. The opposing character copies your character's Guilds in place of his own. This card is attached to your opponent's character. Duration 3 Turns..

Enjoy the Game !
Eredan iTCG, The Trading Card Game.
Find it on Facebook !

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#2 01-09-2011 15:15:17

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

Nice card, can really screw some adversaries. I mean almost removing a character out of combat. If you manage to use in the last part of the battle you can even stop him from using guild related cards for 2 ou 3 turns.

The only doubt I have is: It is my turn, for exemple I am playing Zahal aganst Iro. I use this card, Iro uses Waki + Kensensei. Will it negate those cards during this fight, or it only start counting after the current fight is over? (Something like obesity?).

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#3 01-09-2011 15:32:25

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

The logic of the last releases is that the turn count begins when the card is activated.

We have to test to be sure, but I put my bet on the waki and Kensensei go directly to the discard without activation and 1 turn is counted.

Dernière modification par Zurga (01-09-2011 15:32:52)

Collectionneur de cartes

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#4 02-09-2011 12:36:02

Inscription : 18-05-2011
Messages : 21

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

VERY nice card imo. Just a shame it's so easy to get. Time to crack out the obesitys *sigh*

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#5 02-09-2011 13:29:22

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Philippines
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 214

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

This can be really useful specially against council or guild base decks
, if your using nethans it can screw the council

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#6 02-09-2011 17:33:17

Inscription : 21-12-2010
Messages : 89

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

The Card is activated when the card is played. That means the opposite Character gets your Guild immediatly.
Someone played this Card against me an I learnt it the hard way sad

Dernière modification par Kylina (02-09-2011 17:33:44)

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#7 03-09-2011 00:27:43

Ptit nouveau
Lieu : Budapest
Inscription : 31-07-2011
Messages : 11

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

Sorry to disappoint you, but this card only effects the opponent after he played his card, so it won't counter like obesity.

Life is a dance and you are the dancer

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#8 03-09-2011 23:41:48

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-06-2011
Messages : 347

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

worse still you'll only get 2 uses out of this card

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#9 04-09-2011 01:43:29

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : New Trophy Avaliable

Timing when to use this card is crucial. When played at the right time, the outcome can be disastrous for the opponent.

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