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#1 14-07-2011 11:35:05

Inscription : 10-07-2011
Messages : 22

Guide to getting some rare stuff

Since the old guide about getting collectors is more than half a year old and somewhat not correct, i've decided to write a new one. Some declarations first:
1. This is about getting these cards:



2.English's not my native language, so please do not be offended if i sometimes do not use it properly.

3.To get these cards one will need to acquire Feez. Actually, quite a lot.

Let's start with Ateb. It can be gained by achieving 2000 elo. It's hard and basically discussed in the Decks.

Elhoradana is a reward for The Odyssean achievement - obtain all Card Events from Act I and II.
There are 34 of them, so at first you will need 34*195=6630 Feez. You can work only on any three of them simultaneously. They can be rebought and redone, but since the rewards are unique, it's not recommended.
The basic deck i used for most of them is pretty standard Zil Marauder Abomination - Telendar - the Shadow.
These 34 trophies are divided into several groups. Some of the rewards are not shown with the "card" teg.
Group A. Autoplay.
This includes the trophies that do not require special decks or skills - just time and maybe a bit of luck. Good for starting this process or filling the third slot.
The Traveler - Win 2k Crystals through games. Awards [card]Journey[/card]
The Rested - Heal 600 hp. Awards [card]Camp[/card]
The Stormy - Cumulate 5k damage points. Awards [card]Storm[/card]
The Belligerent - Win 30 fights against different players (adp later) with at least one Mercenary on your side. Awards [card]Confrontation[/card]. Replace, say, Telendar with Fog snake.
The Executioner - Have 50 opp's chars at -5 or more playing adp. Awards [card]Time to die[/card]. That's the one to start with, actually.
The Monster - Obtain 1000 Defense bonus points by playing. Awards [card]The Monster[/card]. Order bonus counts. IB on Council counts as 6.
The Chaotic One - Trigger order bonus 500 times. Awards [card]Finish him[/card]
The Treasure Hunter - Activate 400 items. Awards [card]The Precious[/card]
The Ambassador - Win 30 games adp with only one survivor. Awards [card]The Ambassador[/card]
The Timeless One - Win 50 games adp in 6 turns or less. Awards [card]Tempus Fugit[/card]

Group B. Pretty autoplay for a specific deck. May require some deckbuilding if none of your usual decks fits.
The Fatalist - Win 40 games adp with 2 Maradeurs in your group. Awards [card]Fatality[/card]
The Theurgical One - Activate 1k Theurgies. Awards [card]The Crystal's Song[/card]
The Quest Seeker - 150 points, one for killing a Nomad, one for killing with a Nomad. Awards [card]Ordeal[/card]
The Clairvoyant - Play 40 games adp activating at least 6 items. Awards [card]Omen[/card]
The Prophet - Play 40 games adp casting 8 spells each. Awards [card]Reborn[/card]
The Abandoned One - Play 60 games adp with 2 chars from a same caste. Awards [card]Revelation[/card]
The Mummified One - 50 points. One for each yours Priest survived, one for each Priest killed. Awards [card]Death of the Dead[/card]

The Honorable One. Deal 1000 magic damage with warriors, marauders and craftsmen. Awards [card]Restored Honor[/card]

Group C. Special. Those below will probably require serious deck modifications. Luckily, they are easily done in groups.
- No human -
I used abomination - the shadow - lord galmarra variation of my basic deck for these.
The Lycanthrope - Win 45 games adp with no humans on yor side. Awards [card]Volk's Curse[/card]
The Awakened One - Play 60 games adp with 2 Guemelites your side. Awards [card]The Awakening[/card]
The Scary One - Play 75 games adp with 2 Shadow Guemelites your side. Awards [card]Free the Shadow[/card]

- No Item -
Better be done after gaining some other achievements to improve winning chances.
Infinity - Win 30 fights adp with 20 different cards. Awards [card]The Seal[/card]
The Schemer - Play 600 Actions with only actions in deck. Awards [card]Scheme[/card]
The Negotiator - Play 60 games adp with no items in deck. Awards [card]Adventure![/card]

- Modifications -
Courtesans ftw.
The Crow. Play 300 cards that modify the opp's stats. Awards [card]Ill Omen[/card]
The Survivor. Play 300 cards that affects stats or hp of several chars. Awards [card]Explosion[/card]

- Items -
The Craftsman. Play 60 games adp activating items of 3 diff. types. Awards [card]Instructions for Use[/card]
The Interdependent One. Boost the stats by 1000 by items. Awards [card]Opening[/card]

The King. Activate [card]Sword of the Elders[/card] on any version of Aez 80 times adp. Double against Iro. Awards [card]Challenge[/card]
The Blacksmith. Activate [card]Runic Gauntlet[/card] 150 times. Double on Hares. 1 extra for spirit bonus. Awards [card]Forge Your Destiny[/card]
The Berzerker. Kill 200 chars with a char with gauntlet. Double for Hares again.  Awards [card]Fist Fight[/card]

Group D. Very special.
Those are just meh. The only bright spot - they all require playing, not winning, and can be done through a single loosing streak.
The Avenger - Play 50 games with a minimum score of 50 and Toran, Aku, Marlok or Anryena in your deck. Awards [card]Revenge[/card]
The Called - Play 100 games with chars with no common class. Awards [card]The Calling[/card]
The Courtier - Play 50 games with only evo1 chars. Awards [card]The Ball[/card]

Now, the StoneEater. As of now, the only thing that is required to get her is level20. And leveling by just playing is not really the fastest way. Some extra tips how to exchange Cry to Exp besides pretty obvious daily q's, winning, streak winning, trophy collecting and fighting achies.

1. Guild Trophies. You'll have to have about 100k free Cry to do that. Buy all needed chars, get yourself free 1200 Exp, sell them back. At the current prices, u'll loose ~7-12k Cry per achi, so it's easy 10800 Exp for ~100k Cry.
2. Card Collector Trophies. 7000 cards for 100 Cry each. 14000 Exp for 700k Cry. Prolly worth it if u r really lucky in boosters.

Hope that's at least a little helpful.

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#2 14-07-2011 13:23:34

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Philippines
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 214

Re : Guide to getting some rare stuff

Great post! its really help full..

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