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#1 13-06-2011 22:13:29

Inscription : 03-04-2011
Messages : 52

Escaping Death and Demon Portal

I was playing Tracker vs a Nehantist Mage Deck. Very strong and well built. He used Demon May Rise on all my characters. He was left with Iron Mask and I was left with Hime equipped with quite a lot of stuff. I was expecting from him to use Demon Portal so I played Escaping Death with should have stopped any character from modifying the character's stats with more than 3 points. He used Demon Portal and it was effective (pun intented). He got all my stats (which were way past 3 points over his base stats). Isn't it counted as a modification of attack ? Shouldn't Escaping Death have worked ?

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#2 13-06-2011 22:27:40

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Escaping Death and Demon Portal

There is a subtle difference between preventing to enhance or diminish skills more than 3 (escaping death or Yilith power) and fixing the value with cards like Spiritual duel or Demon Portal.

In this game, fixing value is not considered like apply a bonus.

There is no bug in this case.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 14-06-2011 00:56:31

Inscription : 08-06-2011
Messages : 43

Re : Escaping Death and Demon Portal

than question should demon portal work on someone using [card]Dark Stone Heart[/card] since it is a mage card??

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#4 14-06-2011 12:37:57

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Escaping Death and Demon Portal

No, normally the Dark Stone Heart should prevent the switch.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#5 14-06-2011 15:13:53

Inscription : 08-06-2011
Messages : 43

Re : Escaping Death and Demon Portal

yeah well it happen to me and i had it attached a turn before

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