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#1 26-05-2011 05:11:40

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-03-2011
Messages : 9

Anti-Circus Strategies

I face Circus quite often (well, who doesn't tongue) and due to their unique win condition, makes them one of the toughest decks for me to face. While I can win them if I play my cards right and nuke them down fast enough (e.g. with my Mage or WB deck), generally anything with any lower damage output simply loses against them, short of playing A New Start, which is pretty expensive.

I'd imagine things like Kotoba, with their terrible Spirit and low reliance on cards in hand due to their impressive stats would suffer less against them, but then again I've never played a Kotoba warrior deck.

What decks work well against Circus? Or is ANS the only straight answer to them?

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#2 26-05-2011 07:04:11

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : Anti-Circus Strategies

on the contrary, a well built kotoba deck is actually the one who give headache to circus sad
with Galmara+iro+asajiro, their attack is already high that they don't really need to use any card to kill...

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#3 26-05-2011 07:11:06

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-03-2011
Messages : 9

Re : Anti-Circus Strategies

silversaint a écrit :

on the contrary, a well built kotoba deck is actually the one who give headache to circus sad
with Galmara+iro+asajiro, their attack is already high that they don't really need to use any card to kill...

Haha thats what I was saying. Kotoba would do well against Circus. Sorry if it was unclear smile

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#4 26-05-2011 12:00:26

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 108

Re : Anti-Circus Strategies

i play an eclipse-deck and circus is often auto win.
all you have to do ist to play solars anger on Iolmarek and keep Kararines spirit low (no order). Salem and the priest are normally one turn kills for Djamena if sacred nova hits decent.
i think Zil Marauders should kill them easily too.
so, everything with high attack and low spirit will kill circus decks quite easily.

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#5 26-05-2011 12:05:57

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-12-2010
Messages : 189

Re : Anti-Circus Strategies

Hansi a écrit :

i play an eclipse-deck and circus is often auto win.
all you have to do ist to play solars anger on Iolmarek and keep Kararines spirit low (no order). Salem and the priest are normally one turn kills for Djamena if sacred nova hits decent.
i think Zil Marauders should kill them easily too.
so, everything with high attack and low spirit will kill circus decks quite easily.

Well Zil Marauder is having dificulties with The Shadow around...

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#6 03-06-2011 10:45:44

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
Site Web

Re : Anti-Circus Strategies

Joasht a écrit :

What decks work well against Circus? Or is ANS the only straight answer to them?

I've used Sap Heart to kill them off before. I use the two elves and spiritspeaker to chain magic poison and def cards. I used to use dandy but I got tired of him for the girls. Having 2 players use nature magic to stop chains and do damage over time spells along with 2 attacks per round can put an early stop to them.

But then again, they were meant to end games quickly. Not to survive long like the kotoba.

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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