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#1 12-05-2011 20:23:18

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 12-05-2011
Messages : 10

Trophy "The Heir" not incrementing

My opponents were Lepidus, cemoa and thingol in the level room. In at least 2 of the games I had 1 jewel on each on my characters. Against thingol the game timeouted for both of us, but shows as win in my history.
The jewels I used were 2x Crystal Shelf and 1x Crown of the Border on Aeronaut, Pilkim an Alishk.
The server reacted slower than usual during all of those games (and the ones I played without 3 jewels afterwards).

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#2 13-05-2011 20:53:30

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 12-05-2011
Messages : 10

Re : Trophy "The Heir" not incrementing

Working today, using Crackling Crown instead of Crown of the Border and different characters.

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