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Due to trophy room being disabled during the evening, I don't think the daily quest is attainable although it is stated that it suppose to end at Midnight French time. My timezone is GMT+1. It is a shame as I can only play during the evening nowadays. So I missed the first quest of activating 10 items.
In addition, how do we know about the daily quest criteria if the trophy room is being disabled during evenings?
EDIT: I've activated the 10 items as required yesterday evening as well but do not get the reward in the morning today when I log in to check. Just a blank daily summary screen with no progress for the first day.
Dernière modification par magius (19-04-2011 12:14:43)
Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan
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I didn't even see what was this about.
I saw an image with a sword and a few numbers but where I suppose the quest info. was I had no text at all.
I lost the chance too .. any shortcut to see the daily quests?
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Hello, all problems related to the daily quest should be fixed at some point today.
Please check on the new topic for bug updates: http://forum.eredan.com/viewtopic.php?id=19977
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
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i don't know where you guy's are having problem's with the daily quest's i already have done 2 quest's with no problem's
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Hello, all problems related to the daily quest should be fixed at some point today.
Please check on the new topic for bug updates: http://forum.eredan.com/viewtopic.php?id=19977
Hi Dantesan,
Don't think this fixes it (unless it is not fixed yet). Missed the first day even though I activated 10 items in the evening when the trophy room is disabled.
Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan
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Odd. First day I did the quest I had the first stage. On the second day I did the quest I still had the first stage only. Today I did the quest and I have first, second and third stage. It should be fixed.
Did you report your situation to feerik via customer support?
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Odd. First day I did the quest I had the first stage. On the second day I did the quest I still had the first stage only. Today I did the quest and I have first, second and third stage. It should be fixed.
Did you report your situation to feerik via customer support?
I only started the first day daily quest in the evening when the trophy room is disabled.
I guess I need to raise a customer support ticket.
Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan
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Hello Magius,
yes this is a problem with the time difference France/Usa or other, as we know that trophies are deactivated in the evenings in France so this could stop some nationalities to complete the daily quests. This is annoying indeed.
From what I heard, It is currently under discussion (unless the trophies are now open in the evenings again).
Please check the know bug list, I have just updated it mentioning this issue.
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
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