
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 09-04-2011 21:46:50

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 04-04-2011
Messages : 15


First let me say that I'm know I'm new in the game (first week so far) but I've been playing card and strategy games for ages; and is a shame I didn't discover this sooner but well, I was busy tongue

Oh! This post is gonna be one of those TL:DR, so if you are not interested please stop here, the last thing I want is to make you lose precious time ^_^

Now, what I really want to do is give some feedback; seeing the forums and how the devs. want to involve the players I think it would be nice to try to improve this game a little wink

Let me say that I'm a programmer myself and, while I don't have much experience with games (apart from playing and testing them) I do know a little about what involves programming for webs, and for the record I hate Flash, always did and always will do (learning HTML5 now, but it still has a long way to go to reach the capabilites of Flash).

And after saying that (so you can understand the why and the who) let's be serious:

The game feels really refreshing and a good mix between Magic and RPG games, the ability to improve your cards reminds me a little of Poxnora (before SOE came, when it was fun).
The fact that you can only have 3 "creatures" in your deck is a very good point; but if for some reason you want to change your creatures you better spend money in buying them upgraded cause the way will be tough.
The soundtrack is really good but repetitive, whenever I play against Zil I turn the audio off.
The menus are pretty intuitive but the lack of options to customize your own "home screen" is a little bit of a bother.
Although you can do well with the basic deck you get the feeling after a few matches that the fun will begin after you buy some boosters; and is true, I've already spent a good quantity of money because I want to get more, and more, and more tongue
The worst part of all is that, playing with a Notebook (1024x600) you need to have a browser with good Flash support and a good "Full Screen" option, specially if you want to go to the marketplace (and now that's a fkin nightmare).
So far I can tell that IE8 dies in the marketplace, I cannot play with last version of Chrome due to the crappy full screen, last version of Opera works good but it gets stuck after one hour or two, so that leaves FF4 which works pretty well all things considered.
The search system is utterly crap, you cannot expect people to wait that much until the whole list is ready. Send only some parameters and keep the art in lower quality; also, I would give the option to customize it so people with a good computer can see 50 cards per page and people like me can see only 5, just throwing some ideas here wink

I'd give Eredan an 7/10, if you can fix the marketplace the game will improve a lot for me.
As a suggestion I'd say "find a way to give free Fee'z"; in a RO private server I played you got some jewels by clicking banners daily, with 5 maximum clicks per day (it took me a month clicking daily to get enough jewels to buy some good items, but it was worth it).

If you are here, thanks for reading and, sincerelly, Keep up the Good Work!!
Oh! And Kudos for the Art designers! I love it!

Dernière modification par Cryzak (09-04-2011 21:49:10)

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