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#1 07-04-2011 01:59:45

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 04-11-2010
Messages : 14

To the Edge trophy not working

I just played a game in the practice room with a Nehanist deck I tossed together and since I was playing Carkass with 3 War Axes, I tossed in 'To the Edge' for the heck of it. I was playing against a Desert Nomad deck with Youss, Kararine and Aziz. He had attached a Deirf Geiss's Double blade to Kararine and Aziz and had a Vampiric Blade on Youss, I had a War Axe on Carkass so I figured, 3 for 1 trade is worth it. I played 'To the Edge' and my War Axe was discarded, but none of his weapons went away. Suffice to say I lost in a big way. Anyone else notice this?

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#2 07-04-2011 02:10:32

Lieu : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Inscription : 29-12-2010
Messages : 1 510

Re : To the Edge trophy not working

[card]To the Edge[/card] only discards if the char have 2 handed weapons or 2 one handed weapons equipped (dual wield). In your case every opposing char had a single one handed weapon equipped while Carkass had a two handed weapon.
Use [card]Ascetic[/card], more reliable.


"A vei, esses cara não sabem nem onde caga."

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