
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 29-03-2011 00:02:39

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Witchblades infestation

It's only my vision?
all rooms are full of this nasty tricky and unbalanced decks?

Hey creatives we need some balance, Eredan it's unplayable until you can't go out there without anti-mage decks.

Come on, let's face it you screw up totally... I play about 10 games and 8 of it... witchblades

Metagame it's overpowered and overrated 

Guys what did you think about this decks?

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#2 29-03-2011 00:06:53

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : Witchblades infestation

Meh. Eredan's been going downhill for awhile now with all the bugs going on (they STILL haven't fixed the bug where you timer just runs out and you lose) and the change of not being able to go to the marketplace until level 6 (Dumbest. Idea. EVER).

However, the reason people go Witchblade is because they work, like Noz works. The only thing you can do is join them or try to do something of your own and play it as best you can. I play with what I have fun with, and if I play a Witchblade/Noz deck...well, whatever. Scrubs will be scrubs and life goes on.

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#3 29-03-2011 00:21:40

Lieu : Argentina
Inscription : 27-11-2010
Messages : 1 076

Re : Witchblades infestation

Ryken a écrit :

(they STILL haven't fixed the bug where you timer just runs out and you lose)

I haven't timed out for more than 2 month. Get a better connection/computer.

and the change of not being able to go to the marketplace until level 6 (Dumbest. Idea. EVER).

That was implemented to decrease the influx of multi-accounts. People making 200k per day by cheating was not good for the game.
You can't access the market? Just level up those damned 6 levels! They are just a couple hours of play.

Witchblades are one of the cheapest and more effective decks in the game. That's why most people use it.

“¡Se me ha acabado el té!”

[Chat Eredan Hispano | Clan Séptimo Sentido]

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#4 29-03-2011 00:59:17

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : Witchblades infestation

Samsari a écrit :

I haven't timed out for more than 2 month. Get a better connection/computer.

Yeah, that's you though. And guess what? Not everyone is you!! Amazing. And I have a great connection. It's not perfect, but it works.

Samsari a écrit :

That was implemented to decrease the influx of multi-accounts. People making 200k per day by cheating was not good for the game.
You can't access the market? Just level up those damned 6 levels! They are just a couple hours of play.

I'm level 15. I'm talking about my friends who play. Mainly a friend who came back from being deployed and found out she can't access the marketplace after he restarted. OR get the crystals from friending everyone he could that plays the game (The Facebook Trophy thing). And guess what (again)? Not everyone has a couple of hours a day to devote to play, including myself. I play a couple of games, smile, and go on to do something else.

I understand why they THINK it's a good idea, though, with stopping the whole infinite money thing (good ting, yes). But regardless of whatever you say or any reason you (or they) come up with, at all, it was still a dumb idea for other reasons, like not being able to play the characters you want (cause you can't buy the level 1 versions off the marketplace) unless you buy packs with your own money (and pray you get something good). Fair? Not at all unless you have money to spare.

And if you wanna see the decline in play all you gotta do it look at how full the lobbies are now as opposed to how they were back then. No contest. I barley see 10 people in the lobbies anymore. Maybe it's different for the lower levels, but where I'm at there's barley anyone. And lemme tell you, facing the same people all the time gets a tad tiresome.

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#5 29-03-2011 01:09:16

Lieu : Argentina
Inscription : 27-11-2010
Messages : 1 076

Re : Witchblades infestation

Ryken a écrit :
Samsari a écrit :

I haven't timed out for more than 2 month. Get a better connection/computer.

Yeah, that's you though. And guess what? Not everyone is you!! Amazing. And I have a great connection. It's not perfect, but it works.

It's not good enough. And my computer and connection are not that great too. But still, it works.

Samsari a écrit :

That was implemented to decrease the influx of multi-accounts. People making 200k per day by cheating was not good for the game.
You can't access the market? Just level up those damned 6 levels! They are just a couple hours of play.

I'm level 15. I'm talking about my friends who play. Mainly a friend who came back from being deployed and found out she can't access the marketplace after he restarted. OR get the crystals from friending everyone he could that plays the game (The Facebook Trophy thing). And guess what (again)? Not everyone has a couple of hours a day to devote to play, including myself. I play a couple of games, smile, and go on to do something else.

Not having enough time is not an excuse. If that was the case "INSTANT LV 20 AND 1,000,000 CRYSTALS FOR EVERYONE! W00T!". Learn to be pacient.
And about the social trophies "bug". The true reason is that that was the way that some people get that many free crystals. They just took them out until they fix it.

And lastly, why U so MAD?

Dernière modification par Samsari (29-03-2011 01:10:22)

“¡Se me ha acabado el té!”

[Chat Eredan Hispano | Clan Séptimo Sentido]

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#6 29-03-2011 03:21:34

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : Witchblades infestation

Why am I mad? Because they took a great game and made it bad. That's reason enough.

And really? not having time isn't an excuse? Well excuse me for having a life beyond Facebook. I know I'm probably in the minority in this and I'm not asking for them to cater to me and those that don't really have a lot of time. I'm just upset about it. If you don't agree to that...well, I guess that just speaks volume on your outlook on the situation.

Not getting to buy the cards you want right off the bat unless you BUY packs with REAL money is selfish and stupid (with no guarantee to get what you want). And as far as the Facebook Trophy thing, all I gotta say is this; isn't making you have to reach level 6 already a fix to that situation? From what was explained to me, wasn't that the core of the problem? Why not take THAT out instead of making people reach level 6 before they hit the marketplace? No money right when you start the game seems like a better idea.

Better solutions equal a better play experience. There is no argument for that.

Dernière modification par Ryken (29-03-2011 04:12:18)

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#7 29-03-2011 04:03:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-10-2010
Messages : 175

Re : Witchblades infestation

Samsari a écrit :
Ryken a écrit :

(they STILL haven't fixed the bug where you timer just runs out and you lose)

I haven't timed out for more than 2 month. Get a better connection/computer.

i will say this yes the have tried to fix it but it still happens, i run a very high end gaming lap top and it still happens to me every now and then just not that much anymore it not always us to blame with are computers and connection

Ryken a écrit :

Why am I mad? Because they took a great game and mad it bad. That's reason enough.

And really? not having time isn't an excuse? Well excuse me for having a life beyond Facebook. I know I'm probably in the minority in this and I'm not asking for them to cater to me and those that don't really have a lot of time. I'm just upset about it. If you don't agree to that...well, I guess that just speaks volume on your outlook on the situation.

Not getting to buy the cards you want right off the bat unless you BUY packs with REAL money is selfish and stupid (with no guarantee to get what you want). And as far as the Facebook Trophy thing, all I gotta say is this; isn't making you have to reach level 6 already a fix to that situation? From what was explained to me, wasn't that the core of the problem? Why not take THAT out instead of making people reach level 6 before they hit the marketplace? No money right when you start the game seems like a better idea.

Better solutions equal a better play experience. There is no argument for that.

i feel you on this I dont put money in to this game and i dont spend hours on it too, i have a life and a family my kids need the money more then this game..... i have been play since the beganing and im only a level 16 just hit it today. my cards are crap aned i get teh crap kick out of me all the time

Dernière modification par Joey_Parker (29-03-2011 04:07:05)

"Fear is all in the mind"

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#8 29-03-2011 04:09:07

Inscription : 11-03-2011
Messages : 20

Re : Witchblades infestation

Well, I haven't got a disconnection ever since last week, my guess is that they fixed it (but the other day I found a 'new' bug).
Btw, I still think that Kotobas should use Bleeding a lot more... That's a WB/Mage killer...
Still, Ryken has the best Signature I've ever seen!

Dernière modification par Erian (29-03-2011 04:10:34)

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#9 29-03-2011 04:17:38

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Witchblades infestation

Why didn't you make new topic to talk about that? that don't have nothing about witchblades..... if you don't want to talk about it go to the right place.

Ahhh and I'll not try Noz decks, because I play all minus Noz, I simply refuse to do it.

Witchblade decks make more damages than Marauder Zil decks, make spirit attacks, and resend damages? Come on this is completely overpowered.

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#10 29-03-2011 04:43:36

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Witchblades infestation

I liked the way you think.  You ought to some hang out with us in the english chat sometime.  big_smile


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#11 29-03-2011 04:59:39

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Witchblades infestation

RyogaLX a écrit :

Ahhh and I'll not try Noz decks, because I play all minus Noz, I simply refuse to do it.


On another note, I would like to comment on some other posts and things discussed here to help clarify the tad bit here and there.

Ryken a écrit :

However, the reason people go Witchblade is because they work, like Noz works. The only thing you can do is join them or try to do something of your own and play it as best you can. I play with what I have fun with, and if I play a Witchblade/Noz deck...well, whatever. Scrubs will be scrubs and life goes on.

Congratulations, you have managed to bring up the most simple and also the weakest reason why people play Witchblades. Go flock with your other sheep please, at least until you actually have a productive and reasonable post to post. 'It is the way it is, so f*** it.' wont do sir.

Ryken a écrit :

And if you wanna see the decline in play all you gotta do it look at how full the lobbies are now as opposed to how they were back then. No contest. I barley see 10 people in the lobbies anymore. Maybe it's different for the lower levels, but where I'm at there's barley anyone. And lemme tell you, facing the same people all the time gets a tad tiresome.

You do realise that back in the day, you saw running matches, whereas now you do not. The names are removed from the lobby list. This game has been growing in the post few months. Just because your ignoranace to this fact makes you think it is not so, does not mean it isn't.

Joey_Parker a écrit :

i will say this yes the have tried to fix it but it still happens, i run a very high end gaming lap top and it still happens to me every now and then just not that much anymore it not always us to blame with are computers and connection

They have tried to fix the bug problem. It has improved GREATLY from random disconnects almost every other game to hardly ever at all. I recently purchased a new computer and it runs the game a whole lot smoother and faster than my old lap top did (which hardly had any disconnection problems as is). Seeing as this did change my gameplay, the reason of failure might not necessarily be in Feerik's hands but the computers not able to run the extensive flash Eredan iTCG uses.

I personally believe they should get rid of the browser based flash and make it a client based one you download, thus taking a HUGE laod off of the players' computers to run the game. It would also help Feerik playtest new updates better on a private client server, instead of doing live tests in game and fixing things as they go... I could go on about this, but I think the general point is clear. The game is too hefty to run on EVERY computer.

On topic (lol tongue ): We once had a thread on witchblades and how boring they are here:

The first. The best. MSN.
Visit our guild's thread here and join up!
Also check this out: An English chat room!

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#12 29-03-2011 05:55:05

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : Witchblades infestation

bleachman a écrit :

Congratulations, you have managed to bring up the most simple and also the weakest reason why people play Witchblades. Go flock with your other sheep please, at least until you actually have a productive and reasonable post to post. 'It is the way it is, so f*** it.' wont do sir.

What, that reason isn't good enough? What other reasons are there? Look, there are several reasons people play decks; because they're easy to play, they're hard to beat or they're simply broken and win 90% of the time with little effort. Pick any one of first three and you have your standard Witchblade deck. It isn't that hard of a concept to grasp.

I told someone to play with what they think is fun. This isn't my first rodeo man. I've played Magic, YGO and Pokemon for years. Dorkish? Probably but I've been through my fair share of OP decks that made me wanna pull my teeth out. Every time I STILL played something I wanted to, not what everyone else was playing (unless what everyone else was playing was what I wanted to play. Madness, I know. lol). That's not bad advice, and it's not something you should be putting down. It's sound advice. 'Let the scrubs be scrubs'. That's life.

bleachman a écrit :

You do realise that back in the day, you saw running matches, whereas now you do not. The names are removed from the lobby list. This game has been growing in the post few months. Just because your ignoranace to this fact makes you think it is not so, does not mean it isn't.

Oh. I guess I missed the post where they announced that matches that were currently in progress were not going to be shown anymore. I'll admit I missed this...unless they never posted that. But if they did, I'm wrong. But I won't apologize for the comment, simply because never being able to get an Elo match is kinda depressing. hmm But maybe THAT has something to do with the time of day. I'm not sure.

Dernière modification par Ryken (29-03-2011 05:56:39)

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#13 29-03-2011 09:24:42

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Witchblades infestation

There is already one of this thread running in the forum. I would suggest a lock as it does not add anything useful other than rants and complains which the other thread has already become.

I'm glad Cossette created a thread to discuss how to overcome an "OP" deck, which this forum sorely needs judging from the amount of "OP" threads that we have running.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#14 29-03-2011 09:31:30

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : Witchblades infestation

Well, I've always wondered why they haven't made certain cards Limited, like you can only have 2, like Unique is only 1. That way you can limit the amount of cards that make certain decks OP, like RoD in Witchblades.

It's just off the top of my head but I'm sure it could help in SOME way. hmm

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#15 29-03-2011 10:08:33

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Witchblades infestation

Ryken a écrit :

Well, I've always wondered why they haven't made certain cards Limited, like you can only have 2, like Unique is only 1. That way you can limit the amount of cards that make certain decks OP, like RoD in Witchblades.

It's just off the top of my head but I'm sure it could help in SOME way. hmm

Rain of Death is powerful... I cannot disagree that. But without Rain of Death, what happen to the mages? Compared to a Fireball (X+3 to X+5), Rain of Death is only (X+3 to X+7), additional 2 high damage. It is expensive for a reason.

What other spells that a mage can have? Lightning Bolt? Static Charge? This will spell the demise of ALL mage decks against decks with HIGH PHYSICAL DAMAGE like Kotoba or Zil Warriors Abomination. I don't see anyone complains about that.

The only thing to blame is that the decks against mages or any mage-based decks  that are crying "OP! OP! OP!" are the decks with LOW Spirit. DEAL WITH IT! Boost your Spirit or what not. Try something new for crying out loud.

P.S. I have experimented with a Crow/Tsoutai deck and I have defeated decent Witchblade decks whilst levelling it. So it is possible and its about time people stop complaining and try other things.

Dernière modification par magius (29-03-2011 10:09:27)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#16 29-03-2011 14:19:15

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 27-03-2011
Messages : 16

Re : Witchblades infestation

I absolutely agree with magius.

I can also see the problem most people here are facing. But i purely can't see why Witchblades are the main focus of this hate.

Is RoD a Witchblade problem?! No. They can't chain it as mages can.
Are they better mages? Hell no.
Are they better fighters? Hell no.
Can they produce insane damage? Hell yes. But this is true for every Beatdown-Deck.

Giving decks easy ways to increase spirit-ratings would probably benefit mages too strong.

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#17 29-03-2011 14:42:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-10-2010
Messages : 175

Re : Witchblades infestation

bleachman a écrit :

I personally believe they should get rid of the browser based flash and make it a client based one you download, thus taking a HUGE laod off of the players' computers to run the game. It would also help Feerik playtest new updates better on a private client server, instead of doing live tests in game and fixing things as they go... I could go on about this, but I think the general point is clear. The game is too hefty to run on EVERY computer.

On topic (lol tongue ): We once had a thread on witchblades and how boring they are here:

Agreed i would love it if it was a download instead of browser based

Dernière modification par Joey_Parker (29-03-2011 14:43:32)

"Fear is all in the mind"

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#18 29-03-2011 15:08:19

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Witchblades infestation

I still think witchblades are just flavor of the month, but thats me. Give it another few weeks, and I bet there'll be a new caste (or something else of the likes) that'll overtake witchblades as the common denominator for easy to construct decks. Circus and Eclipse are recent examples of the same thing.

The reason they're popular is because they are decent for a price tag of approx 250k crystals, without the need for legendaries. Now, good witchblades cost a pretty penny more, using hungy voids, last actions, etc, but the "infestation", so to speak, really isn't from them, its from basic decks stacked with RoD.

They fall in the same line as a lot of other "mid-budget" decks, running somewhere between 100 and 250k, but their damage output is hard to counter at that level.

Highly competitive decks really shouldn't have an issue with most of the witches, I know for myself I rarely lose to them with my ELO decks, but the other ones that are mid tier really do have some problems...

Eclipse? Zero spirit, Zero defense spells disaster for a spell/attack combo
Tracker? Isn't fast enough to deal with the spell damage
Dragon Knights? Outdated, can't even compete.
Cheap Circus? Too fragile.
Sap heart QD? Probably can compete, but is it inexpensive? (not sure anymore)

It's infesting so much because eredan is growing faster now, and once people see a winning combo, they tend to copy it if they don't know anything else to do. WB is honestly the FOTM (flavor of the month) because of their strength versus comparable priced decks.

RoD isn't the problem though in these decks. The blades are the problem. Mage/Marauders are meant to be able to only cast one spell, but the makeup of the deck is broken because of the blades, allowing them two spells for 2 direct damages plus an attack in the same turn. It breaks the class restriction completely. That's where the inequality lies. If you want to point ht eblame somewhere, that's where it lies.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#19 29-03-2011 15:45:50

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : Witchblades infestation

I am tired of them too, but im tired of people complainig about every deck they face... about mages, about courtesans, about discard decks and witchblades...

You must understand that just like in real life, somethings become popular, but eventually they will become normal and casual in the rooms. You will see, just wait for the next guild to come...

Dernière modification par Santuros (29-03-2011 15:48:47)

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#20 29-03-2011 15:56:55

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Witchblades infestation

Exactly. Watch how the new cards that'll come out will the the rock to the witches scissors, while one of the decks above is the paper to both(I'm betting eithe eclipse or Circus).

In other words, time will balance out all disparities.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#21 29-03-2011 17:58:42

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-03-2011
Messages : 239

Re : Witchblades infestation

I haven't seen that many witchblade decks but i'm still lvl 11 .
I have considered to play with them but i just don't like the noz big_smile

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#22 29-03-2011 19:28:41

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Witchblades infestation

Hondaime a écrit :

I haven't seen that many witchblade decks but i'm still lvl 11 .
I have considered to play with them but i just don't like the noz big_smile

In which server did you play? In the moon?
I had play against lvl 13 witchblade player... I'm lvl 17 with a deck of 17 rare cards in my deck, I lose, when other guild-build decks I won with perfect.

Dernière modification par RyogaLX (29-03-2011 19:31:25)

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#23 30-03-2011 21:30:00

Inscription : 11-03-2011
Messages : 20

Re : Witchblades infestation

Joey_Parker a écrit :
bleachman a écrit :

I personally believe they should get rid of the browser based flash and make it a client based one you download, thus taking a HUGE laod off of the players' computers to run the game. It would also help Feerik playtest new updates better on a private client server, instead of doing live tests in game and fixing things as they go... I could go on about this, but I think the general point is clear. The game is too hefty to run on EVERY computer.

On topic (lol tongue ): We once had a thread on witchblades and how boring they are here:

Agreed i would love it if it was a download instead of browser based

You just posted what I was about to post a completely new topic for. Thank you!

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#24 31-03-2011 05:49:11

Inscription : 13-02-2011
Messages : 37

Re : Witchblades infestation

i always can't stop to laugh while seeing this kind of topic
when they got 0 spirit char they will shouting loud WB IS SUCK OP OP OP
and then they change to high spirit char and facing heavy discard deck
then start shouting again DISCARD IS BROKEN OP OP OP

Dernière modification par reedwine (31-03-2011 05:50:51)

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#25 31-03-2011 16:38:49

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Witchblades infestation

reedwine a écrit :

i always can't stop to laugh while seeing this kind of topic
when they got 0 spirit char they will shouting loud WB IS SUCK OP OP OP
and then they change to high spirit char and facing heavy discard deck
then start shouting again DISCARD IS BROKEN OP OP OP

Discard decks is not broken, I had good match against it and found that it's well constructed and designed.

My complain about Witchblades is not about 0 Spirit chars, I fight with a good spirit chars too.

If you see Wb in a statistical point of view they have some uncontrollably and OP stats, for example, Heavy marauder deck (Like well constructed, upgraded and complete Zil deck), each char deals about 13-15 point of damage per turn, considering that they only make Def based attacks, this decks are mor propense to lose with heavy armored decks. In witchblades things change a lot in terms that they have good averange Def, good spirit and deal about 11-14 average damages, plus they can use "healing armors", re-equip items, use spells and specially they do Spirit based atacks and defense based attacks. For this reason when you deal Heavy armor decks WB wins, when you deal heavy spirit deck WB wins. They have damage like marauder, one of the best armors in game, unique defensive and offensive spells, weapons and... can use all the best cards in game.

Even if you fight with good Spirits chars, you lose at all. Which is the really deal? make a deck with pure anti equipement, anti spell and good chars deck.

The idea of the game make balanced decks, not build decks to face another "Exclusive".

If you'r defender and possible user of WB, don't defend it with arguments that lacks of content.

Dernière modification par RyogaLX (31-03-2011 16:43:19)

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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