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#1 21-02-2011 11:01:53

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 08-02-2011
Messages : 6

Help in DECK


I really need some help and advices for my deck because I think is missing something..


1 arcanium
3 burn in hell
1 frenzy
3 ice barrier
1 lightning bolts
2 overwhelming victory
2 rain of death
1 static charge
2 than the sword
3 last word
1 win using magic

Well I really don´t know why I dont get good results against the pack for example,that normally would be "easy" to win :S so i really apreciate some help:) THANK YOU

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#2 21-02-2011 18:39:02

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Buenos Aires, Argentina
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 197

Re : Help in DECK

i'd put some [card]manipulacion[/card]s in it, and maybe switch [card]anryena[/card] for an [card]everent[/card] so he can boost the [card]burn in hell[/card]s and the [card]arcanium[/card]... maybe switch [card]win using magic[/card] for another strong spell, don't really know if it works to you...

La derrota deja abatidos a los perdedores, pero inspira a los ganadores...

Noblesse Obblige:
The Abuse of Greatness is When it Disjoins Remorse from Power

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#3 21-02-2011 20:08:05

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-11-2010
Messages : 237

Re : Help in DECK

i think pacification would be better than frenzy.
1 you get to choose
2 it removes from the opponent as well
3 you dont take damage

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