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#1 11-02-2011 19:00:22

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
Site Web

DK/ Witchblade Deck help

[card]Zahal[/card] lvl 4
[card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] lvl 3
[card]Kounok the Prophet[/card] lvl 1

[card]Armed and Ready[/card] x2
[card]Assassination[/card] x1
[card]Deirf Geiss's Shield[/card] x1
[card]Devouring Swarm[/card] x1
[card]Dragon Molt[/card] x1
[card]Fight![/card] x1
[card]Fireball[/card] x1
*[card]Guardian's Benediction[/card] x1
[card]Healing Balm[/card] x1
*[card]I hate Mystics[/card] x1
*[card]I hate the Zil[/card] x1
[card]Ice Shield[/card] x1
[card]Journey[/card] x1
[card]Mage's Grand Staff[/card] x1
[card]Short Sword[/card] x1
[card]Smart Ass[/card] x1
*[card]Than the sword[/card] x2
[card]Weapon Dance[/card] x1

[card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] obviously use the [card]Fireball[/card], [card]Ice shield[/card], and [card]Mage's Grand Staff[/card]. I've been thinking of ditching [card]Guardian's benediction[/card], but it is a chain card that ups my magic attack, and since the witches hit twice, once magically and once physically, along with -2 health and the upgrade to their def, often they are the last one to go, unless focused on to kill off my mage.

I intend to get [card]Draconian Sword[/card]s (Which I cant afford just yet) as well as leveling 2 more [card]Dragon Molt[/card] (Again, cant afford it yet) and once I do, I'll be switching out the witches for [card]Valentin[/card], making a pure DK deck, and hopefully getting [card]Naya[/card] sometime and making a witch deck.

I'd like some advice on a cheap way to boost my deck. The ones with the * behind it are the only ones I ever find myself discarding, though guardians benediction I will sometimes use just for the def (phys and mag) that it gives me and use its chain with an attack, or item.

Until I can fuze [card]Kounok[/card] and [card]Kounok the Prophet[/card] together, they always seem to be the first to die off.

For other possible interchangable cards I have:
Aez the Wandering warrior lvl 3
[card]Anazra[/card] lvl 2
[card]Anryena[/card] lvl 2
[card]Bomzar[/card] lvl 1
[card]Kounok[/card] lvl 3
[card]Pilkim[/card] lvl 2
[card]Valentin[/card] lvl 3

[card]Crystal Shelf[/card] x1
[card]Disguise[/card] x1 (possible chain with [card]Than the sword[/card])
[card]Dragon's Presence[/card] x1
[card]Follow the Pink rabbit[/card] x3
[card]Lightning Bolts[/card] x2
[card]Smoked Arrow[/card] x2

EDIT: Please message me on FB or email me on here if you have an answer since subscription doesnt seem to work well

Dernière modification par Erryth (11-02-2011 19:16:39)

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#2 12-02-2011 12:13:55

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
Site Web

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Anyone have any advice?

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#3 12-02-2011 17:11:19

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

I get no help?

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#4 12-02-2011 19:16:49

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

I think because there are like 4-5 other threads that can help you....


Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#5 12-02-2011 20:21:23

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

goscar a écrit :

I think because there are like 4-5 other threads that can help you....


And I think that since there are many people asking for help for their decks and since no one has the same deck, you are WRONG.

If your reasoning would be right that since there might be similar things that can help, which I've found none that would match my question, that most all of the threads should be locked because they do the same thing.

Talk about their deck, and strategy. Oddly enough, thats the name of this board. Wonder why asking people to help me work out the kinks in my deck would make cause for it to be locked. Talking about fixing others decks does not help me with my deck.

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#6 12-02-2011 21:14:51

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

I am saying the post you did here can be made in there..... so yeah fail less please!

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#7 12-02-2011 21:20:45

Ergonomic Cat
Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 21

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Ice Shield is a great Witchblade card, especially since it chains.  I also really like I Hate Brawlers, since it also chains.

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#8 12-02-2011 22:20:01

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

goscar a écrit :

I am saying the post you did here can be made in there..... so yeah fail less please!

Made in where? This is a board to discuss decks and strategies is it not? I think that asking for help on my deck to improve my overall success would be in my best interest. If there is a board for that in particular, then I have no problems moving, otherwise stop trying to be an ass please

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#9 12-02-2011 22:24:21

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Ergonomic Cat a écrit :

Ice Shield is a great Witchblade card, especially since it chains.  I also really like I Hate Brawlers, since it also chains.

I was thinking about getting another ice shield, but for the moment on the deck at hand, I already have a bit more then what is needed for my witchblade. I was actually asking for how to incorporate what I have into a better, full DK deck. I have Valentin lvl 4 and Zahal lvl 4 and have a Kounok lvl 3 and Kounok the Prophet lvl 1 which Im leveling to fuse the two.

Im looking to switch out the witchblade and the mage stuff for better items for a dk deck, but I dont have a lot of money for it, typically around 5,000-10,000. Is there something I should focus on getting, or a few cheaper things that will work till I can afford things like dragon armor and draconian swords

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#10 13-02-2011 02:58:32

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

there's 1 card you have to get: [card]Magic Attack[/card]. It's not so expensive, and I believe DK's can use it. It's a winning card.

If there's one card that I hate the most out of a DK deck, it's Magic Attack. Other than the [card]draconian sword[/card] and [card]dragon armor[/card].

Another effective yet cheap DK card is [card]Shell[/card].
But I personally don't run DK, I run Witchblade which unfortunately much more expensive deck than DK since Naya is absolutely required in it, so I'm not going suggest you to build witchblade right now.

oh one more thing, to have lv4 Zahal you will need [card]Watchmaker[/card] which is 200k. So it would be wise to just buy a lv4 Zahal (15k or so).

good luck with your deck smile

Dernière modification par Ninsane (13-02-2011 03:08:10)

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#11 13-02-2011 07:11:17

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Ninsane a écrit :

there's 1 card you have to get: [card]Magic Attack[/card]. It's not so expensive, and I believe DK's can use it. It's a winning card.

If there's one card that I hate the most out of a DK deck, it's Magic Attack. Other than the [card]draconian sword[/card] and [card]dragon armor[/card].

Another effective yet cheap DK card is [card]Shell[/card].
But I personally don't run DK, I run Witchblade which unfortunately much more expensive deck than DK since Naya is absolutely required in it, so I'm not going suggest you to build witchblade right now.

oh one more thing, to have lv4 Zahal you will need [card]Watchmaker[/card] which is 200k. So it would be wise to just buy a lv4 Zahal (15k or so).

good luck with your deck smile

Yeah Im not sure why I havent looked for [card]Magic Attack[/card] yet, but I have seen the effects of it. I have one Dragon Molt that I am working on leveling up to Dragon Armor, but thats for later.

As for Shell, wouldnt that give you a max of +4 def? If you can only have 3 of the cards in your deck, and to get any def you need to discard at least one to get +2, discarding the other to get +4 sounds like a lot of wasted space for a simple, 1 use def hmm

As posted, I actually started out with a Zahal, leveled it to 3, then sold it and bought a level 4 already which helps my witchblades def lack (Which increases when I use the grand mage staff giving her a respectable 5 def)

And I dont intend to make a witchblade deck without naya, simply because she is the only one that would truly complete it... And I dont have the money for the 3 swords, ice shield, and other witchblade attire.

What card would you suggest getting rid of for the Magic Attack? Im thinking of getting rid of the I hate zil and one of the Than the Sword. I hardly ever use it since most of the time my DK's only have 2 spirit giving only 3 attack, and most of the time I can chain or attack for better, and Eglantyne and Moira focus to much on either countering their items, using magic, or something to really use that.

Dernière modification par Erryth (20-02-2011 00:22:56)

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#12 13-02-2011 13:44:18

Inscription : 28-01-2011
Messages : 477

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

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#13 13-02-2011 17:34:30

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

0_Shanks a écrit :

I have seen that thread actually and posted on it before I ever made this thread. While that one does give me ideas to add to my own deck, the one there is more for a completed DK deck, and not one struggling to get there, what to use and replace till you can hold something similar, and then work your way to getting the perfect deck.

Getting one card at a time is how I am going about it right now, but I dont know which cards would normally be rejected. For instance, I happen to like Deirf Geiss's Shield, as it gives 2 def over 1. Not quite as good as dragon armor, but I would put that as comparable to the dragon molt I have right now. I'd eventually like to get the sword that goes with it, since that would be 3 def and att, leaving room for a dagger, so because of that, to me, if I found the sword cheaper then the draconian sword, chances are I would take it. I am using a witchblade atm till Kounok the Prophet levels up and I can get his lvl 3 form.

I've seen many people be VERY against using witchblades with DK's, but for the moment, without the dragon armor and draconian swords, I personally think I am better off with Eglantyne and Moira vs using my lvl 4 Valentin since I dont have the group stats yet. Some people say that since the witchblade is only effective using both fighting and spells, that takes up room that the DK's need for their stuff, so it conflicts, hence why I shouldnt use it. I might have to many spells, or to many mage only items that leaves me at times with nothing to use.

Telling me to switch out for someone who's weaker, and he is when compared to the witchblades versatility and him lacking the sword and armor and other draconian spells, just doesnt seem right, which is why I am looking for different options. Looking at other peoples threads helps a bit, bit looking at how other people solve problems that are only sometimes similar, and not the same, doesnt always help in the way I am looking for.

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#14 13-02-2011 18:30:56

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

For 3 [card]Magic Attack[/card] you could replace
[card]I hate the zil[/card]
[card]Mage's grand staff[/card] (since DK can't use it)

and you should replace [card]Devouring swarm[/card] with [card]Freeze[/card]

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#15 14-02-2011 02:43:45

Inscription : 12-02-2011
Messages : 30

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

I believe it should change to a DK deck with golem...
bomzar is very good on lv 3 can use items DK uses.
The only problem would be chaining and that's the problem DK also faces

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#16 14-02-2011 05:50:34

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Ninsane a écrit :

For 3 [card]Magic Attack[/card] you could replace
[card]I hate the zil[/card]
[card]Mage's grand staff[/card] (since DK can't use it)

and you should replace [card]Devouring swarm[/card] with [card]Freeze[/card]

I have a [card]Freeze[/card] card and used to use it instead of [card]Devouring swarm[/card], but the one advantage I like using this card is that I can take off whatever weapon I want on the enemy, instead of only going for the ones on my current opponent. Really helps for when a certain person is trying to dodge my mage, or when my witchblade is better used somewhere else.

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#17 14-02-2011 06:15:42

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

fingreen a écrit :

I believe it should change to a DK deck with golem...
bomzar is very good on lv 3 can use items DK uses.
The only problem would be chaining and that's the problem DK also faces

Honestly I've always been kind of skeptical about him, save for when [card]Aerouant the Crystalomancer[/card] is also in play.

[card]Bomzar[/card] lvl 3 stats:
Gain chain if you play a scroll
If [card]Aerouant the Crystalomancer[/card] is in play, gain Attack +1 and Defense +1
Turns 1 and 6: Attack +1
Spirit= 0
Attack= 7/9
Defense= 3
Health= 14

[card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] lvl 3 stats:
Attack +1 against Warriors
Turns 2, 3, 5, and 6: Attack +1 and Defense +1
Spirit= 2
Attack= 4/9
Defense= 2
Health= 13

First of all, I don't play using scrolls, so he cant chain.
Second, I don't use [card]Aerouant the Crystalomancer[/card] so he cant get his bonus
Third, there are absolutely no cards specific to golems to use to chain or give benefits.
Forth, he isn't a Dragon Guemelite or a Dragon Knight, so the [card]Draconian Sword[/card]s would do nothing for him.
Fifth, no spirit makes for a poor mage.

Now that all the negative is done, one of the reasons the DK's are so effective is that once they are loaded up on armor, swords and [card]Crystal Shelf[/card]s, they dont really NEED to chain, since they are pretty much topped out. [card]Bomzar[/card] would get none of their benefits. [card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] can use [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] which would allow them to gain the benefits of the attack+ from the swords as well as use them herself...selves...

Really the only way I see [card]Bomzar[/card] being very good is with [card]Aerouant the Crystalomancer[/card], in which case he does some severe damage. Using him, [card]Aerouant the Crystalomancer[/card] and probably [card]Pilkim[/card] or [card]Prophet[/card], would make for a great mage team, in which case he would be better suited for it then the witchblades, but I dont think he is suited for being on a Dragon Knight team.

Dernière modification par Erryth (14-02-2011 06:22:17)

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#18 14-02-2011 06:24:22

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-10-2010
Messages : 175

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

what about maybe adding in [card]The Last Action[/card] or maybe [card]The Last word[/card] for [card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] you also might want to add in [card] Blade of The Witch[/card] for her too

Dernière modification par Joey_Parker (14-02-2011 06:30:00)

"Fear is all in the mind"

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#19 14-02-2011 06:31:05

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Joey_Parker a écrit :

what about maybe adding in [card]The Last Action[/card] or maybe [card]The Last word[/card] for [card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] you also might want to add in [card] Blade of The Witch[/card] for her too

While those cards are awesome and any mage user would love to have them, they are far far to spendy for me, I just dont have the 90,000-120,000 it takes to buy it.

Also, which I am using [card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] in place of [card]Valentin[/card] at the moment, that is only until Kounok the Prophet is up to level 3, in which case she is going to be switched out for my lvl 4 DK. Stats and cards wise, I can still do better with the witchblade simply because I dont have a lot of DK specific equipment yet. Once that changes, unless I use [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] she would just be in the way.

[card] Blade of The Witch[/card] is really only good when you are using a witchblade deck, which really needs Naya, but shes so damn expensive, that I'll need a good deck just to farm to get her, which means completing my DK deck first.

That sword gives only 1 attack bonus to her, and attacks for 4 magic damage, not influenced by your current spirit level. On her, it would activate and chain, BUT since it would mean not using one of the [card]Draconian Sword[/card]s, that would make [card]Zahal[/card], and [card]Kounok the Prophet[/card] lose 1 def and 1 attack. The only way to truly use the [card] Blade of The Witch[/card] is to use 3 of them, so that each character gets +3 attack

Dernière modification par Erryth (14-02-2011 06:36:20)

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#20 14-02-2011 14:49:28

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Erryth a écrit :

Now that all the negative is done, one of the reasons the DK's are so effective is that once they are loaded up on armor, swords and [card]Crystal Shelf[/card]s, they dont really NEED to chain, since they are pretty much topped out. [card]Bomzar[/card] would get none of their benefits. [card]Eglantyne and Moira[/card] can use [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] which would allow them to gain the benefits of the attack+ from the swords as well as use them herself...selves...

Really the only way I see [card]Bomzar[/card] being very good is with [card]Aerouant the Crystalomancer[/card], in which case he does some severe damage. Using him, [card]Aerouant the Crystalomancer[/card] and probably [card]Pilkim[/card] or [card]Prophet[/card], would make for a great mage team, in which case he would be better suited for it then the witchblades, but I dont think he is suited for being on a Dragon Knight team.

The good thing about [card]Bomzar[/card] and his golem-ness is being able to use things like [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] without having to worry about its caste, (and become a Dragon Knight itself,) which helps with the swords.  Plus, as it's a scroll and can then be chained to another sword, it can be rather helpful.  Not that it would help with any of the passive benefits from characters, I'm just throwing it out there for the benefit of golem-kind.

[card]Bomzar[/card] is, without the benefits of turn orders and Aeronaut, still the better in average stats at 6.25 as opposed to 5.875.

I suppose though, that on the down-side of things is the losing out on the Marauder class use.  At which point, since only one person would be able to use [card]Smart Ass[/card], it might be better to have a [card]Genius[/card] in there somewhere... for the Spirit issue, of course.

Dernière modification par XenoZangotta (14-02-2011 15:20:08)

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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#21 14-02-2011 18:04:51

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

XenoZangotta a écrit :

The good thing about [card]Bomzar[/card] and his golem-ness is being able to use things like [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] without having to worry about its caste, (and become a Dragon Knight itself,) which helps with the swords.  Plus, as it's a scroll and can then be chained to another sword, it can be rather helpful.  Not that it would help with any of the passive benefits from characters, I'm just throwing it out there for the benefit of golem-kind.

[card]Bomzar[/card] is, without the benefits of turn orders and Aeronaut, still the better in average stats at 6.25 as opposed to 5.875.

I suppose though, that on the down-side of things is the losing out on the Marauder class use.  At which point, since only one person would be able to use [card]Smart Ass[/card], it might be better to have a [card]Genius[/card] in there somewhere... for the Spirit issue, of course.

Huh I wasnt actually aware he could use [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] I'd assumed it was a witchblade only item. That does level the playing field a bit. And seeing as how it did not say it was a scroll, but an item instead, I had also figured it wouldn't be chainable. Just because it looked like a scroll, didnt mean it worked like one. Apparently Im wrong.

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#22 16-02-2011 20:09:41

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
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Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Erryth a écrit :

Huh I wasnt actually aware he could use [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] I'd assumed it was a witchblade only item. That does level the playing field a bit. And seeing as how it did not say it was a scroll, but an item instead, I had also figured it wouldn't be chainable. Just because it looked like a scroll, didnt mean it worked like one. Apparently Im wrong.

My mistake, you're right.  It's a Jewel, not a scroll.  Completely invalidates that part.

However, [card]Bomzar[/card] being a golem means he can use ANY item, no matter what the case may be.  He could have [card]Shuriken[/card] for all it matters, (and they would chain,) but since you're not running a golem deck, I suppose that doesn't matter.

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

Hors ligne

#23 17-02-2011 01:30:34

Inscription : 19-01-2011
Messages : 84
Site Web

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

XenoZangotta a écrit :
Erryth a écrit :

Huh I wasnt actually aware he could use [card]The Dragon's Awakening[/card] I'd assumed it was a witchblade only item. That does level the playing field a bit. And seeing as how it did not say it was a scroll, but an item instead, I had also figured it wouldn't be chainable. Just because it looked like a scroll, didnt mean it worked like one. Apparently Im wrong.

My mistake, you're right.  It's a Jewel, not a scroll.  Completely invalidates that part.

However, [card]Bomzar[/card] being a golem means he can use ANY item, no matter what the case may be.  He could have [card]Shuriken[/card] for all it matters, (and they would chain,) but since you're not running a golem deck, I suppose that doesn't matter.

I wasn't aware that golems were able to use "any" item. I would have thought that would be a key selling point in their use. I have as yet to really level my [card]Bomzar[/card], but I do play a Zil deck using [card]Golemarlok[/card] and since he is a Golem, would he be able to use any item?

Huh... Just tried using the circus only whip weapon. Seems I've been underestimating golems. That was a very nice tip to get, thanks

Dernière modification par Erryth (17-02-2011 01:31:36)

Would love to see a new Dragon Knight character (Whether he be a Mage, Warrior, Marauder, or a combo)
Would also love to see a Mage/Priest character (Aside from Ateb lvl 3 who's the only one I know of)

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#24 18-02-2011 15:20:38

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

Erryth a écrit :
XenoZangotta a écrit :

My mistake, you're right.  It's a Jewel, not a scroll.  Completely invalidates that part.

However, [card]Bomzar[/card] being a golem means he can use ANY item, no matter what the case may be.  He could have [card]Shuriken[/card] for all it matters, (and they would chain,) but since you're not running a golem deck, I suppose that doesn't matter.

I wasn't aware that golems were able to use "any" item. I would have thought that would be a key selling point in their use. I have as yet to really level my [card]Bomzar[/card], but I do play a Zil deck using [card]Golemarlok[/card] and since he is a Golem, would he be able to use any item?

Huh... Just tried using the circus only whip weapon. Seems I've been underestimating golems. That was a very nice tip to get, thanks

Heh, I run Golemarlok as my main character.  The deck includes Shurikens, Firions, Idols of Life, and I hope to one day get Life Devourers and Dark Stone Hearts, (Freeze?  What Freeze?).

Dernière modification par XenoZangotta (18-02-2011 15:22:18)

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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#25 19-02-2011 15:19:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-11-2010
Messages : 237

Re : DK/ Witchblade Deck help

XenoZangotta a écrit :
Erryth a écrit :
XenoZangotta a écrit :

My mistake, you're right.  It's a Jewel, not a scroll.  Completely invalidates that part.

However, [card]Bomzar[/card] being a golem means he can use ANY item, no matter what the case may be.  He could have [card]Shuriken[/card] for all it matters, (and they would chain,) but since you're not running a golem deck, I suppose that doesn't matter.

I wasn't aware that golems were able to use "any" item. I would have thought that would be a key selling point in their use. I have as yet to really level my [card]Bomzar[/card], but I do play a Zil deck using [card]Golemarlok[/card] and since he is a Golem, would he be able to use any item?

Huh... Just tried using the circus only whip weapon. Seems I've been underestimating golems. That was a very nice tip to get, thanks

Heh, I run Golemarlok as my main character.  The deck includes Shurikens, Firions, Idols of Life, and I hope to one day get Life Devourers and Dark Stone Hearts, (Freeze?  What Freeze?).

dark stone heart doesnt stop freeze....

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