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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 09-01-2011 08:08:42

Inscription : 14-12-2010
Messages : 35

other ways......of increasing ***bip*** elo?????

I'm just asking if there's some faster way or different place to play for elo points cuz elo rooms are like empty most of the time but there's like 100-200 ppl who somehow gets like 1800+ elo within like 3 days..........

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#2 09-01-2011 19:19:09

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 20-12-2010
Messages : 10

Re : other ways......of increasing ***bip*** elo?????

i guess another choice would be tournaments, i didnt realize that in the beginning but via beating enemies there u also gain elo, although they r down at the moment =/

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#3 09-01-2011 23:06:51

Inscription : 14-12-2010
Messages : 35

Re : other ways......of increasing ***bip*** elo?????

yeah I know miss those tourneys....... participated a few times and once I was on a roll and gained 120 elo in an hour

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