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#1 05-01-2011 08:24:57

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 11

AVG says gamevance is malware

Installing gamevance is one of the free feez options. I appreciate the free feez, but installing malware is pretty bad news.

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#2 05-01-2011 19:14:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-11-2010
Messages : 237

Re : AVG says gamevance is malware

i never do any download for free feez. just for that reason. im sure they look at them but i wouldnt take the chance

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#3 06-01-2011 02:34:40

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-11-2010
Messages : 139

Re : AVG says gamevance is malware

I agree, I typically try not to install something that I dont know the purpose of, Gamevance is essentially software to play flash games, which I can do from the web browser, thus rendering the software useless. I personally stick to surveys, they take more time, but they are safer and the chance of picking up malware is much lower

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#4 06-01-2011 04:51:19

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : AVG says gamevance is malware

Gamevance isn't malware... just the stupid programs is like a hole that would let a whole lot of crap pentrate your comp adn rape it..... NEVER DOWNLOAD A GAMEVANCE GAME/PROGRAM!!!!!!

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#5 06-01-2011 15:42:13

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : AVG says gamevance is malware

goscar a écrit :

Gamevance isn't malware... just the stupid programs is like a hole that would let a whole lot of crap pentrate your comp adn rape it..... NEVER DOWNLOAD A GAMEVANCE GAME/PROGRAM!!!!!!

Your description is that of malware, specifically a Trojan. If you want some quick feez search for the facebook app ones. They usually work.

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#6 06-01-2011 18:20:52

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-11-2010
Messages : 139

Re : AVG says gamevance is malware

Thank you for giving the textbook definition of malware, that pretty much sums up and supports what Im trying to say, which is, do not download something that does not have a clear and definite purpose.

Dernière modification par Warhound90 (06-01-2011 18:21:53)

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#7 10-01-2011 11:54:38

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : AVG says gamevance is malware


What service provider/ or Partner is offering to download Malware guys?

Could you give me details on the steps you followed, the more detailed , the better.


Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#8 10-01-2011 19:00:10

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-11-2010
Messages : 139

Re : AVG says gamevance is malware

I know Peanutlabs does it, offering fee'z for downloading Gamevance and playing frogger or something. I didn't do it because I've run into gamevance before, but thats where I saw it

Dernière modification par Warhound90 (10-01-2011 19:03:20)

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