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#1 04-01-2011 13:55:05

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 434

Just an idea about a Gaya deck

I assume someone already thought about something similar but it doesn't hurt to ask

[card]Keizan[/card] (most likely the warrior path)

3x [card]Master Craftsman[/card]
3x [card]Amber Fetish of Protection[/card]
3x [card]Elfine Bow[/card]
3x [card]Odds and Ends[/card]
?x [card]Magic Poison[/card]
1x [card]Evil Jorusien[/card]

?x [card]Amber Spear[/card]
?x [card]Quick Draw[/card]
?x [card]Hypnotic Melody[/card]
?x [card]Multitasking[/card] (if your budget allows it)
The usual
1x [card]Anathematize[/card]
1x [card]To Lay Bare[/card]
?x [card]Obesity[/card]

The idea is to equip 1 item on all of the characters (preferably an [card]Elfine Bow[/card] to either [card]Keizan[/card] or [card]Ydiane[/card] before you play [card]Gaya[/card] so you can OHK at least 1 opponent in the early stages).

During [card]Gaya[/card]'s battle you play [card]Master Craftsman[/card] + [card]Amber Fetish of Protection[/card]/[card]Odds and Ends[/card]. The end result should be permanent +6 attack +2 defense because on 4+ turn you will have at least 3 present guemelites on the field + at least 3 characters equiped with 1 or more items.

You can add the "classic" [card]Ydiane[/card] combo [card]Hypnotic Melody[/card] + [card]Quick Draw[/card] because you can use it later with [card]Gaya[/card] (since she is an elfine as well and will have more than enough attack to finish the opponent).

In other words it's some sort of a variation of the [card]Melissandre[/card] deck with less OHK capabilities.

Any suggestions ?

Dernière modification par Poptolev (04-01-2011 17:27:10)

"Of course they don't want that (adding more crystals to the game) to happen, because then the outrageous card prices would drop"

So MUCH stupidity in one sentence xD

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#2 04-01-2011 17:01:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Just an idea about a Gaya deck

A problem:

Keizan cannot equip the Elfine Bow. In this case, Melissandre would work better, especially since you can then devastate your opponent with a triple bow attack.

I initially thought the Bad Jorusien would work better since it increases damage taken by your opponent, but I like your Fetish idea more. It feels sort of like the Foam Giant SUIT UP! deck, except it's an elf killing everyone all at once.

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#3 04-01-2011 17:14:59

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 434

Re : Just an idea about a Gaya deck

Hmm didn't saw the elfine requirement on the bow. Having [card]Melissandre[/card] will reduce the number of nature guemelites but -1 attack (+5 +2) ain't so bad anyways.

Doing the math ATM ... [card]Evil Jorusien[/card] will increase your damage by 2-3 (3 if you play [card]Quick Attack[/card] and attack with [card]Melissandre[/card] or [card]Yliadne[/card]) while the fetish increases +2 minimum (depends on what deck you play and what deck the opponent plays) which is .. pretty much the same. The only difference is that once the opponent dies the jorusien dies with him, while the fetish stays for another attack (eventually).

If you replace [card]Keizan[/card] with [card]Melissandre[/card] you'll have 3 more spaces (the deck has a lot of free space actually) so you can work with both (the jorusien and the fetish) depending on the situation.

The only reason I prefer [card]Keizan[/card] is because he has weapon chain and the combo works better if all of your characters are equipped with something. (despite the fact that he will reduce [card]Gaya[/card]'s defense from 4 (2+2) to 3 (2+2-1) )

As for a weapon for [card]Keizan[/card] ... [card]Amber Spear[/card] maybe ? It's pretty much the a cheap version of [card]Living Dagger[/card] minus the dual wield (both of them give +2 atk and a total of +2 HP .. just at different circumstances but the end HP result is the same)

I will try it out tomorrow after the weekly card release ... I'm low on cash and 40k for [card]Keizan[/card] is not something I'm going to spend on whim without thinking about it first.

Dernière modification par Poptolev (04-01-2011 17:26:16)

"Of course they don't want that (adding more crystals to the game) to happen, because then the outrageous card prices would drop"

So MUCH stupidity in one sentence xD

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#4 05-01-2011 01:57:50

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Just an idea about a Gaya deck

I'm actually playing around with this concept currently.  There are 3 things to consider with Gaya.

A) Amber Fetish of Protection - +1 attack for each guem in play, if played by Gaya, character now is a nature guem in addition to other races.  This means it buffs itself if it's played on non-guems.

B) Amber Fetish of Destruction - -1 attack for each guem in play, if played by Gaya character is now HUMAN.  For guems, this removes their ability to cast their element spells, otherwise it serves no purpose... except... well I don't want to tell everyone the concept or you'll all be ripping my concept off.  Sadly, it doesn't overwrite other races, they just become dual races.  This would have been a nice counter to Homchi IHAS's crazy amount of defense.

C) Amber's buff and/or debuff happens BEFORE played cards happen.  So yea if characters died it might be weaker... but if it dies, the buff/debuff is still there.  Can anyone say Strike the Iron or IHAS?

So I run 2 and 1 Amber Fetish rather then just 3 Protection, but it helps that I also have a Multitasking.

Tips on playing:
Destruction -
Target non-mage Guem that have a unique element that they can take advantage(kill Abominations Nature Guem isn't really worth it, go for The Shadows Shadow Guem just in case they run a Cloning), otherwise target untapped characters and characters without items first(for master craftsmen).

Protection(severe misnomer since it doesn't protect you at all, unless your playing Root) -
Target non-Guems first, so that the buff of BOTH Ambers is more powerful such as... Gaya, however still best to pick someone untapped.

If your running Keizan, I'd more likely suggest using 2 Destruction since you already have 2 Guem, their crippling will hurt more then your buffing an already Guem(However that doesn't mean you shouldn't use multitasking if it's there +3-6 attack is still +3-6 attack).  Consider throwing in a Root, this can really cripple mages or just whoever they really depend on (like foam giant).  Also consider using Jayane instead.  You don't really need to change things into Nature Guems when two already are and you may not want to turn the other Guems human since they buff you and debuff themselves.  In this case 6 health healing potions might be quite awesome in addition, but will take more space.

Also Master Craftsmen doesn't stack and though it seems anyone can play it, it can only go on a Craftsmen.  But since you'll be throwing stuff on everyone that could easily be +6 attack, +2 defense for her making her a pretty good warrior.

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