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#1 28-10-2010 15:04:14

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Next weeks cards

Based on a frech story (and google translation) we will get more Sap heart next week. A druid like leader and maybe some Hom'chai warriors.

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#2 28-10-2010 15:16:04

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Italy
Inscription : 18-10-2010
Messages : 131

Re : Next weeks cards

I suppose that will exit more nature spells,amongst new sap cards.

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#3 28-10-2010 17:46:06

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Next weeks cards

Yeah, looks like the dude on the event card has a staff like in spiritspeakers card.


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#4 04-11-2010 17:05:55

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Next weeks cards

Next weeks cards are bit vague, but it will be crow clan for sure, on clan there is problem, might be pure kotoba, mith be mercenary or anything else.

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#5 04-11-2010 17:07:14

Inscription : 25-09-2010
Messages : 472

Re : Next weeks cards

It's turn of Kotoba.

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#6 04-11-2010 17:46:53

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Next weeks cards

If its Kotoba turn so it will be Raven Tsoutai most likely.

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#7 04-11-2010 18:19:20

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 04-11-2010
Messages : 10

Re : Next weeks cards

Weeeeeeeew... look like i could dust my old Desert Nomad Gals.

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#8 05-11-2010 00:42:08

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Italy
Inscription : 18-10-2010
Messages : 131

Re : Next weeks cards

G.I.Gy a écrit :

Weeeeeeeew... look like i could dust my old Desert Nomad Gals.

Why?Who you mean by the way? big_smile

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#9 05-11-2010 08:21:11

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 04-11-2010
Messages : 10

Re : Next weeks cards

the Gals are kararine and hasna. (hasna is here for aestethic purpose... clear, isn't it?)

there is a lot of better choice for this week quest, i chose the DN because of Under The Sun, Solaris, Spiritual Duel and so on.

Alone they are almost the 50% of the whole deck, and  i won't need to loose sleeping to decide for other crappy cards.

Lastly is a deck already tested and quite competitive... and funny to play

the only thing is decide the chars set... if the classic Aziz, Iolmaerk, Kararine (eclipse)
or the priest version with orzine, hasna e kararine (priest/marauder) that i use in the event of two week (i read in this forum how this kind of deck works)

Iolm And Aziz are yet at the first level and aren't so competitive

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#10 12-11-2010 21:20:43

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Next weeks cards

Next weeks story is pretty convoluted, time travels.... Might be new mercenaries, might be entire new clan of time travelers. Story department out of ideas it seems (***bip*** added clan of time travelers few months ago)

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#11 13-11-2010 00:56:14

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : Next weeks cards

or maybe new characters that will need watchmaker or apostle to upgrade to their last level?

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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#12 13-11-2010 05:37:17

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Next weeks cards

Time magic would be nice, considering we have two time guemelites.  Maybe some story to clear up why they're even around to begin with.  Perhaps a legendary time spell of some sort.  Who knows?


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#13 13-11-2010 07:15:16

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Next weeks cards

The mystical Watchmaker and Apostle will create a time shift and bring us back to the past. All editions, events, trophies and card collections will be reset. We get to start over.

The first. The best. MSN.
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#14 13-11-2010 07:30:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Next weeks cards


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#15 13-11-2010 18:36:56

Inscription : 01-09-2010
Messages : 30

Re : Next weeks cards

We can hope for them to add some level 5 / 6 upgrades that get unlocked by a guemelite of time. Zil have had a monopoly on level 5 / 6 for long enough.

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#16 13-11-2010 19:53:24


Re : Next weeks cards

I think is the turn of Psaume, the musisian and he`s already with us in the sap´s card melody (something, the one who decrease defense and atack) so I guess psaume, his instrument, the forbbiden book, and cards for time guemelite XD

#17 13-11-2010 19:57:19

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 30-08-2010
Messages : 100

Re : Next weeks cards

i read in a french blog that maybe we will get a mercenary caste call Tempus

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#18 18-11-2010 17:52:47

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Next weeks cards

Next weeks cards are pure and simple, we are finnaly getting craftsman class chars. Will it be mono guild, multi guild like courts or mercenary is open for guessing.

Edit: Noz might be getting new golem, but is at 10% certainty.

Dernière modification par Politikas (18-11-2010 17:57:14)

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#19 18-11-2010 22:18:42

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 30-08-2010
Messages : 100

Re : Next weeks cards

they will be mono guild and as far as i know 1koto 1 noz and 1 merc

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#20 25-11-2010 18:38:12

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Next weeks cards

After reading next weeks story I'm at a loss. Picture looks bit sap heart like, but story has no mention about them. Story is a history lesson about times long ago, and two brothers not agreeing and trees exploding, so if anyone have better info I'm waiting for it.

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#21 25-11-2010 19:47:38


Re : Next weeks cards

Is the time for KaiDan to appear...Hope SO T_T...the sap heart guild need more cards...mono tematic are their decks right now...

#22 26-11-2010 17:50:31

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 126

Re : Next weeks cards

Where are the stories?  I can't find it anywhere.

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#23 26-11-2010 20:34:09


Re : Next weeks cards Teh history are in french but if u know spanish u can read translated in the spanish forum

#24 29-11-2010 20:30:18

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Next weeks cards

This weeks card will be sap heart, its picture is on new sap clan boosters.

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#25 02-12-2010 18:17:38

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : Next weeks cards

next weeks cards would be more for the craftsmen , I think

Dernière modification par blackwaltz (02-12-2010 18:18:30)

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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