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#1 Re : FAQs » just wondering » 09-01-2012 19:20:37


Elfine Bow. Its a sap heart weapon that spreads damage and gives a +1 attack boost.

#2 Re : Clan » Furia de Guem » 26-12-2011 04:41:26

kalcifer a écrit :
JvL a écrit :

este tipo de acusaciones directas estan prohibidas en el foro, espero que no se repita esto...
para eso mande ticket o solucionelo por privado

Perdon. No volvera a suceder. Soy nuevo a esto de los foros. La unica rason que lo puse es porque lla era la quinta vez consecutiva y de los demas me lo esperaba pero no de un miembro de un clan tan "respetable". Mucha razon, el repeto ajeno es la paz. Lo llevare en mente, y me pondre a leer todos los reglamentos para seguirlos al pie de la letra. Al fin para eso son para seguerlos... stupide o sin huevos =]

#3 Re : Clan » Furia de Guem » 26-12-2011 04:05:13


No que siempre jugando limpio. Otra marica que me roba la perfeccion.



#4 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 25-12-2011 23:46:24


57 games in with back to back wins and I finally got the Mystic Slayer's Shadow. Nice Christmas present Feerik =]

#5 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 24-12-2011 09:17:53

Calandra a écrit :

i got the shadow of the slayer on my first attempt... he is level 3 already and got:
1 spirit
7/10 attack
2 def
13 life

+1 attack against warriors
turn 1 and 3 he gets def +1

and if he dies another char of your team will change form and get +3 attack till end of the match

i finished the whole storyline with IhaS deck without problems as the AI doesnt have any anathem in deck...

the final boss i could finish with 2 chars still alive

i just lost one fight in the whole storyline when the enemy used to block my IhaS with this card---> [card]übergewicht[/card]

Hopefully you aren't being a troll. Anyone can see the stats of the card by simply going over it... If its true you obtained the card mind sending me a pic of the appearance of an altered character of yours by his effect =]

#6 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 24-12-2011 09:14:33

Santuros a écrit :

well we will have to wait til tomorrow for an official answer...

I believe the surprise was that we could ice out the elfs by making them level four...

#7 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 23-12-2011 04:02:40

Lemant a écrit :
JvL a écrit :

Ice Elfs? They are of the Mercenary Class. Look up Yilith. Like her. Where have you been for the past month? lol

If you reread my original post, you would know that I started this game less than a week ago...

It was a rhetorical question. XD Even if you have been playing for three days and on the forums it's all about the new ice elfs.

#8 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 23-12-2011 01:12:54

Lemant a écrit :
JvL a écrit :

The Kotoba boss is the most difficult in my opinion, but not really. I beat it on my second attempt with a deck composed of Aez the Wandering Warrior, and the two Ice elves along with most of the other free cards we have gotten from the advent calendar/trophies. The key here is Icy aura and Frostbite, 3x Tadaa, 3x Hibernation, 3x Fallback, and Litmus test wink

I know nothing of ice elves.  I like elves in general.  But which guild do ice elves belong?  Are they of Sap Hearts?

Ice Elfs? They are of the Mercenary Class. Look up Yilith. Like her. Where have you been for the past month? lol

#9 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 23-12-2011 00:41:48

Kilanjared a écrit :
JvL a écrit :

I beat every single adventure chapter. The Ursend one more than 3x each and the boss more than 10 times back to back without losing once. Still no Mystic Slayer's Shadow sad Adventure mode is getting old quick. Also the replay incentive is pretty bad because the rewards seem to keep getting crappier and crappier. I'm definitely winning the $500,000,000 lottery before getting this "random price card"...

Wow, I've beaten every other quest but this one.  It seems super tough!  What deck are you using to beat them??

For the Ursend ones I'm using different variations of my Queen Craft deck, which consists of Jorus, Ramen, and obviously the Queen of Avaloniaaaaa. For some of the others I used My pirate deck, with Souchi, Gemineye, and Jon the Filibuster. For the rest my Ice elf deck, with Aez the Wandering Warrior , Kokrem and Ayir.

#10 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 23-12-2011 00:30:46

Lemant a écrit :
Nightmare a écrit :

my small advice for kotoba boss ,im no veteran but i managed to beat it with kotoba weapons at will ,is to put more disarment so you can discard his weapons also the latest trophy that discards every guild affiliated card is good dissidecne wont help you against this boss cause you are already kotoba better get time to die

Weapons at Will won't help since only craftsman/warriors may use it.  My deck is comprised entirely of human marauders.

A trophy card that discards EVERY guild affiliated card?  If so, what will my human trackers use?  Trackers are VERY DEPENDENT on Kotoba Tracker guild cards for both offense/defense and chains.

You are right about Dissidence being useless against Xzia.  I didn't realize the Kotoba boss is of Kotoba guild (duh!), the same guild as my trackers.

I have been toying with the idea of including more disarmament cards in my deck, but  it still needs more to be a viable force against Xzia.

Perhaps if I could add more Assassination with To Track Down.  Not sure whether To Track Down will effectively bring down Xzia's magic-based defense boost.  I know the card works against item-based defense boost.

The Kotoba boss is the most difficult in my opinion, but not really. I beat it on my second attempt with a deck composed of Aez the Wandering Warrior, and the two Ice elves along with most of the other free cards we have gotten from the advent calendar/trophies. The key here is Icy aura and Frostbite, 3x Tadaa, 3x Hibernation, 3x Fallback, and Litmus test wink

#11 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 23-12-2011 00:13:42

ledeir a écrit :
JvL a écrit :

I beat every single adventure chapter. The Ursend one more than 3x each and the boss more than 10 times back to back without losing once. Still no Mystic Slayer's Shadow sad Adventure mode is getting old quick. Also the replay incentive is pretty bad because the rewards seem to keep getting crappier and crappier. I'm definitely winning the $500,000,000 lottery before getting this "random price card"...

It would be nice if the "random prize card" was instead awarded with a trophy for completing a quest line. That way everyone would be guaranteed the prize they sought and people would have a clear indication of how many quests they have left.

I went through most of one arc without getting any cards. Another arc gave me nothing but the special bonus cards. (though in fairness, I liked getting those).

Still, I am quite pleased with this mode. I admit it, I prefer getting crushed by the computer than the other players.

My guess after beating Ursend Chapters over and over(when enough energy is available) is that getting the specific reward cards other than the strengths is like pulling a Legendary is booster packs. Considering we only get 0-3 cards at a time this might take forever. Im being optimisic, at least since its so dificult to get it'll be extra rewarding finally getting it =]

#12 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 22-12-2011 17:44:04

jackal19 a écrit :
soulst3al3r a écrit :

Imagine my hundawa chaining a strength of the sap of hearts and bark about a tank smile Im glad I got it the first time

i think the strengths are insta drops got mine on my first try also

I agree the strenghts are given automatically after you beat the final bosses for the respective guilds.

#13 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 22-12-2011 17:30:13


I beat every single adventure chapter. The Ursend one more than 3x each and the boss more than 10 times back to back without losing once. Still no Mystic Slayer's Shadow sad Adventure mode is getting old quick. Also the replay incentive is pretty bad because the rewards seem to keep getting crappier and crappier. I'm definitely winning the $500,000,000 lottery before getting this "random price card"...

#14 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 22-12-2011 00:52:24

ledeir a écrit :
JvL a écrit :

Wonder if later on they will implement use of the experience gained by the cpu after the match. as of now they gain experience but once you try the mission over it resets back to their old experience. it would be nice for the opponents to get tougher by leveling up.

That would be an interesting feature... But unless they track how much XP they earned against every single player separately it would be just cruel to lower powered players.

Thats too funny! I just Imagined someone trying the first chapter months from now and finding themselves against a lv 25 XD

#15 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 21-12-2011 21:14:10


Wonder if later on they will implement use of the experience gained by the cpu after the match. as of now they gain experience but once you try the mission over it resets back to their old experience. it would be nice for the opponents to get tougher by leveling up.

#16 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 21-12-2011 08:09:50


update on the whole whole "beating the mystic slayer shadow various times theory" beat him 7 times back to back and still no card. for some reason the rewards seem to be getting crappier lol. my next theory is that you might have to beat various characters throughout the chapters various times.... i think i remember some gaining experience... ill start with those. i refuse to believe its just plain random. if that were the case why would there be so many chapters. couldnt someone just replay the easy     chapter 1s over an over? is there higher probability of obtaining it at higher chapters? probably not from my experience. final thoughts.. i believe there is a correlation between mystic slayers shadow playing multiple lock-ons and the game crashing. quite a few times the chapter froze on me as soon as he did that around turn 2,3, or 4.

#17 Re : Lista de Actualizaciones » iTCG : lanzamiento del Modo Aventura! » 21-12-2011 04:41:10


Yo le gane al ultimo boss del ursende. Capitulo 7 que cuesta 15 de energia para entrar. Solo me dieron 200 xp y una carta "I Hate Brawlers" (perdon pero no se como se llama en espanol).

#18 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 21-12-2011 03:43:12


Ursend guild is the hardest!? Those are the only ones I've been doing because I want that Mystic Slayer's Shadow sooooo bad. I beat all seven chapters of it in 9 tries. Yup only lost twice. (disconnected lost track how many) no lie. All I got when I beat him was a 200 xp card and a I Hate Brawlers card. Not bad but was expecting the unique card. Guess I have to beat him multiple times, which is easy (but costly 15 energy per try), if I manage to get in. Works about 1 out of 300 attempts hmm ps I didnt use any of those favors for any of the missions. Just my pirate deck, my Scragh/Mystic Slayer/Fog Hydra deck, and my Queen deck. Has anyone gotten the Mystic Slayer's Shadow card? Does anyone know how to get it?

#19 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 20-12-2011 10:04:30


So after many, many, many attempts... I finally went on an adventure mode spree. My only question/problem was that after completing three chapters I have stopped receiving rewards. The last five I completed didnt give me any rewards. Im a bit concerned that if I continue playing I will beat the rest of them and not get the unique cards offered when the time comes.

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