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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » Kotoba deck » 08-10-2011 23:04:11

Ya just the other day I got paid for about 1,000 or so fez I don't recall the exact number and I put up the cards that I didn't want up for sale so now I guess its all a matter of time... I will just have to save up for Gak thanks for the info tho smile

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Kotoba deck » 08-10-2011 04:58:20

If you don't mind me asking... how did you make so much crystals? I am trying to make a good kotoba deck and I can't even afford Gakyusha the Imperial Lord yet... I already have the other two Character cards but I really don't get how people make so many crystals?

#3 Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Healing card? » 07-10-2011 22:57:37

Loyal Disciple
Réponses : 2

So idk this might be horrible but I was thinking something along the lines of...

It's Good for You
Marauder- Warrior

Heal +3/+4 health
Warrior: Attack -2/-3
Marauder: Attack -3/-4
Chain: Armor/Shield

This is my first time so I could use your guys opinion on whether you think it is good or just completely horrible in general or if any modifications should be made etc. Thanks smile

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