
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » Tsoutai Mages » 01-11-2011 19:58:40

thanks,really helped.
only one problem.
I only have 1 fireball.What should be the damaging spell replacement instead of 3 rain of deaths?(which is quite difficult to obtain.)
I have limited access to Fee'z.What to do?

#3 Bugs » unable to open booster? » 28-10-2011 04:07:10

Réponses : 2

i entered a promo code which was susposed to give me a premium booster.
yet this shows up? … 0955_n.jpg
when the game fully loads the message vanishes.

#4 FAQs » ayako level 3-quick clarification » 23-10-2011 19:08:27

Réponses : 1

does ayako level 3's effect(the attack of your tsoutai cannot be reduced) apply to all the tsoutai on your team or just ayako?

#5 Re : Bugs » the most aggravating bug » 21-10-2011 02:40:04

the same here.
the bloody loading bar won't work whatsoever,i refreshed multiple times,restarted my computer,and guess what happened?


#7 Bugs » Random You Have been Disconnected » 07-10-2011 06:35:06

Réponses : 4

Worst when you just dealt the finishing move and your internet is working fine. … titled.png

#10 Re : FAQs » salable cards and maps? » 25-09-2011 20:06:47

Zurga a écrit :
DalekWho a écrit : there's no maps and stuff like that?

In April, there was an animation with a map and you can gain cards, but it is closed now.

You have also the daily quest, if you fullfill the requirements of the quest for 5 consecutives days, you will have a card as rewards (sellable).
You can choose the the card amongst 9 possible cards.

I do not know any other "map".

what about the thing that fell from the sky in the tutorial?

#11 Re : FAQs » salable cards and maps? » 25-09-2011 00:19:42 there's no maps and stuff like that?

#12 FAQs » salable cards and maps? » 24-09-2011 23:49:40

Réponses : 8

so i just accessed the marketplace.I then realized i cant sell cards bought at the store,and so i was wondering.How does one obtain those very cards,if not bought from the store.I've also heard there's supposed to be some sort of map thing where you fight and get cards.Is this true?If so,how do i access it?

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