
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Bugs » Fog Hydra? » 28-03-2012 18:23:53

Réponses : 1

Why is Fog Hydra lvl 2 only able to be sold at 1250-1600? lvl 1 lists at 18000 and lvl 3 at 26000 at this moment? This has got to be glitch of some kind.

#2 Bugs » sorry » 01-03-2012 06:47:32

Réponses : 0

deleted cause i got it tongue

#4 Re : FAQs » [FAQ] Card Upgrade List » 29-02-2012 05:01:50

Anyone know what Vizier needs to upgrade from 1-max?

#5 Bugs » Fee purchase problem » 19-02-2012 03:44:45

Réponses : 1

I made a purchase that went through but i have received no feez sad The link for bank card took a sec to load so I went through the link below the load bar as prompted to on slow loads and made it to the "thanks for purchase" screen? Please help

#7 FAQs » Easter Poll » 02-08-2011 12:21:56

Réponses : 3

I believe I recall that all who voted on the re-vamp card poll at Easter time were to receive the card that won, for participation. Any word on when that may happen?

#8 Re : Bugs » I cant enter eredan itcg? please help.. » 17-06-2011 04:57:52

Wish I could.  I get the same thing.  Seems that the new release of the Noz cards have overloaded their capacity.  Says wait a few seconds, but nearly 10 min of F5'n and ya just gotta give up sad

#9 FAQs » Marketplace View » 18-05-2011 18:31:09

Réponses : 0

Did the marketplace view change as an unchangeable format or can it be changed?
Mine comes up in a list view instead of an icon format. I can see that the reload might have been an issue, but is there a way switch to view in the icon or card image view?
I know it ain't a big deal, but if my collection has an option to change views can't the marketplace be set with the same parameters?
Thanks for any help y'all smile

#10 Re : Suggestions » Marketplace Format » 18-05-2011 18:21:52

ashman a écrit :

In the current system, holding the 'CTRL' key (or whatever is for non-English languages) will let you select multiple choices.

For example, click 'Nehant', hold down CTRL while selecting 'SPELLS', will give you all Nehant spells.

Would be easier with check boxes, but I believe that you can accomplish what you want with the current system.


Thanks much!!! smile

#11 Re : FAQs » The booster decks » 16-05-2011 20:42:44

mattt a écrit :

they changed.
now cards like fireballs melted in rod aren't sellable
u can sell a melted card only if melted with a rare card bought in the market.
startes deck are useless

...unless you actually need the cards there-in. Take the merc pre-built. It would take 50,000+ crystals to buy in market but 15 bucks to fork over sounds a lot easier.
Granted not all are worth it though.

#12 Re : FAQs » [FAQ] Card Upgrade List » 16-05-2011 20:33:10

Anyone have a clue what Thunder King 3 needs to level up?
Thanks for any help!!!

#13 Re : Suggestions » Marketplace Format » 11-05-2011 21:41:06

Ok!  I get that many of us have enough "time" to go from dragon knights to noz and back again discerning what to purchase, I'm a full time student,un-employed sad, and a new father smile.  Efficiency is all I know and with the current navigation system I don't see how the current method as being sufficient.  Being that the majority of the million+ players are casual at best, making the most of these users time and easing the deck building process.  Maybe the majority don't care or none it does make perfect sense. 

Just Looking To Improve smile

#14 Suggestions » Marketplace Format » 10-05-2011 21:50:39

Réponses : 4

Alright, wouldn't it be a bit easier and faster to browse what's needed by a "checklist" or boxes to uncheck guilds or class individually. Going from one to the next is ok, but we could see all that we need individually by just de-selecting. Just Sayin' :)

#15 Re : Bugs » Translation » 02-05-2011 23:44:02

smile   Thank You So Much    smile

#16 Bugs » Translation » 02-05-2011 22:43:42

Réponses : 4

One minute the game was in English and when I came back minutes later its now in another language??? Please Help sad

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