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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 Re : Bugs » No Card Effects » 21-05-2011 03:07:37

Earlier today nothing worked. Logged out, logged back in later.

I played one game where my effects worked. The other play instantly left when he saw me start a chain (that worked).

It stopped working the next match.

Edit: I am also about to discover that Xin the Ironbringer is near invincible. This is normally not the case since I play Nehant Beatdown but now I'm about to be taught a lesson of defeat.

#2 Suggestions » Individual Card Forum » 28-04-2011 08:45:19

Réponses : 1

I think it'd be nice to have a forum (subforum? I'm not sure if I'm using proper language here) to discuss individual cards, or even the use of 1 card against another. To kind of separate it from the rest of the deck, if discussed in deck discussion, but it could also be helpful to find strengths you may not have seen, and find weaknesses in certain cards you might not have considered.

#3 Re : Suggestions » This is getting stupid, yet another economy rant... » 28-04-2011 07:32:57

I'm still mostly a noob, so my input might not be as valuable as someone elses, but...

If the economy isn't regulated, it's not really going to work. Classical economics, where the economy regulates itself, is the reason that events like the Great Depression happened. The government has to step in and fix things from time to time, and get us out of recessions and avoid hyperinflation.

A lot of cards are terrifyingly expensive. Simply putting a crystal price cap (I'm not sure if they have this already or not) based on rarity would do the trick.

If the most powerful cards in the game cap at say, 100K, then nobody's going to pay 100K for something less than the best, and those less than amazing cards will be forced to be cheaper. I'm not saying 100K would have to be the cap (although, being a poor bastard, seeing cards worth more traumatizes me), but you should get the idea.

The difference in crystals you get from a booster pack based on luck would be smaller, because cards would only be priced within a certain range.

Buying crystals directly would make the problem worse. Why buy a booster and take a chance, when I can buy a crystal and buy the card directly? Then everyone's buying crystals, and because the stock is smaller then everyone selling their cards has to inflate the prices to make sure they can still afford all the cards THEY want.

If the prices inflate, they become more and more restricted to players with higher incomes. Those players will then be selling fewer copies, and then have to bump up the price yet again... etc., the problem would compound itself.

Making a raw card-crystals exchange rate based on EXP might also help.

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