
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Bugs » Marketplace - Cards not appearing within. » 02-04-2011 13:11:49

Also, when viewing cards in your "collection", the marketplace price listed under the card is inaccurate.

I can also confirm that cards are not showing up in the marketplace. Last night I put a [card]Watcher[/card] up for sale. Today only 4 are available but mine was not one of them, and no it did not sell.

#2 Re : FAQs » Fee'z Price increase? » 01-04-2011 20:22:29

I'm guessing I see the Travian bank and you see the old Feerik bank. I did buy Fee'z before but never saw anything labeled as a first time buyer promo. Again, probably an old Feerik thing that Travian does not do.

Now that you mention it though, I'm sure that its' just Travian vs. Feerik, which means Travian may be increasing Fee'z prices. I'm curious to know if Feerik plans to raise prices to match.

#3 FAQs » Fee'z Price increase? » 01-04-2011 17:03:29

Réponses : 2

I notice that the bank has undergone some changes. Besides the new graphics, the prices have undergone a change. While the current prices are the same as they were previously, there is now a "slashed" price underneath that is about 30% higher than the regular prices, indicating that the current prices are just a promotion. Does this mean that when this promotion ends the prices are going to go up?

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The Pirate Guild: Open Debate Limited time! » 31-03-2011 16:47:51

Rathedan a écrit :

Here are a few topics you can start with, but are not limited to, in creating your feedback:

- What types of gameplay are used, according to you, the pirate guild? Which are present, but currently unusable?

- Do you play this guild? If yes, what type of deck?

- Do you think pirates are competitive in ELO? If yes, how and with what "tools"?

- Is there a "selling point" (or several) on the Pirates that you find interesting that attracts you to them versus other guilds? (Graphic style, atmosphere, gameplay, music, ...)

- Is there any single thing (or several) on the Pirates that you find boring? (Graphic style, atmosphere, gameplay, music, ...)

- Finally, what are the ideas you think can be used to improve the gameplay of the different types of decks Pirates?

I see pirates as highly strategic. For example one can manipulate powder to give [card]Armada[/card] 30+ attack strength pretty easily, but you have to sacrifice a few turns with other characters to do so. Powder weapons, Pirate Codes, Flames of the Phoenix etc. all require you to keep track of who has powder and how much they have. This is a unique tactic to the Pirate guild.

I currently have played with decks focusing on [card]Armada[/card] and [card]Captain Al Killicrew[/card]. I wanted to try a Mechanist focused deck, but there just doesn't seem to be anything competitive in the Mechanist caste.

Considering I have a hard time in the level room, I do not think a pirate deck could compete in the Elo room.

The gameplay mechanics are what appeal to me. As I mentioned, using powder tokens is unique to pirates and add a new feel to the game after playing other guilds.

Building on powder and adding more Mechanist cards would make the guild better. Also, fix the bugs with current cards. [card]Powder Keg[/card] does not work properly, and I've read posts on [card]Pistolblade[/card] being inconsistent with dual wielding. With so few cards in the pirate guild it really hurts when a few don't work properly.

#6 Re : Bugs » Powder Keg » 31-03-2011 16:37:12

Rathedan a écrit :

They say it does the correct damage but that the only way they got it to work was that it doubled the damage then healed back half...

So bugged, but it apparently hits for correct amount.

If this is true then they have since removed that "fix", as it is currently (as of yesterday) only healing 3 health, not healing 3 and dealing 6 damage.

#7 Re : Bugs » Powder Keg » 30-03-2011 22:38:59

Cool thanks. Is there a list of known bugged cards so we can avoid using them?

#8 Bugs » Powder Keg » 30-03-2011 21:21:31

Réponses : 13

I think [card]Powder keg[/card] is healing 3 damage instead of dealing 3 damage. Twice now after dealing fire damage to my opponent while he has powder keg on him my opponent gained 3 health after the fight for no other apparent reason.

I'll try to pay more attention to see if it continues to happen.

#9 Suggestions » Mercenary Killer Trophy fix » 30-03-2011 01:12:02

Réponses : 2

Perhaps it is just my bad luck, but in my 12 levels of playing Eredan I've only beaten one all mercenary deck, and I honestly don't even remember playing against it. Is it safe to assume that the unpopularity of full mercenary decks means that this trophy, "Mercenary Killer", as well as "The Reaper" etc. are extremely difficult for everyone to complete?

May I suggest changing the requirements for "Mercenary Killer" trophies to simply require a single mercenary character in your opponents deck rather than needing all 3 to be mercenaries. This would actually make these trophies accessible.

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The next "Event" or "Sale"? » 29-03-2011 19:06:06

MuGGzy a écrit :

Any hints as to when the next "event" or "sale" might be coming up? I am holding off on buying more "Feez" until I see a deal, just wanted to know how long that might be. Easter maybe? July 4th in the US?

I think every Wednesday features a select discounted booster for 24 hours. Keep your eyes open tomorrow.

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Questions » 29-03-2011 19:02:31

Hilmario a écrit :

1. Will I ever be able to get free fee'z from doing surveys?

2. Do I have to spend fee'z to be able to complete trophies like "The rested", and "The traveler"?
I would like to have "Camp" and "The journey" in my deck, but paying 195 fee'z for them is unacceptable. With 160 games played and 76% win I should have gotten "The journey" a long time ago...

3. How am i supposed to improve my deck when the cards i need cost 15-20k and you get few crystals for every win?

1. It has been confirmed by Feerik that if your account was created after the partnership with Travian, you cannot get free Fee'z in any way. Even if your account was created before the partnership, Free Fee'z are only available in select countries. Players who were "grandfathered" in can still get Free Fee'z. It is unconfirmed if this will ever change, but there appears to be no desire on either side to remedy the discrepancy.

2. Yes. I agree that the cost is a bit high, but those cards are hardly considered "broken". They're not going to make or break a deck. And as new cards are created the usefulness of old cards will decrease.

3. Buy boosters. Eredan cannot be played for free on a competitive level. And there's nothing wrong with that, every company needs to make money to exist. You just have to realize that while you can "play" for free, you can't really "compete" for free.

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Free Fee'z, or lack thereof » 23-03-2011 23:08:36

MuGGzy a écrit :

Where are these "Free" Fees you speak of? I started the game well before 3/3/11 and have never gotten a single Free Fee. What am I missing? Do you have to actually DO something to get them?

I can't give you a step by step because I don't have access, but from what I've been told there's a "Free" option in the bank. Selecting it gives you options for online surveys which, when completed, award you with Fee'z.

#13 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Free Fee'z, or lack thereof » 23-03-2011 20:45:31

Who is responsible is irrelevant. The fact remains that old players can continue to get free Fee'z and new players cannot. My post is a warning to new players advising them of this unfairness.

I'm sad to hear that Feerik has nothing to do with this as that means it's unlikely to change. I'm sure Feerik has our interest as players in mind and would have tried to resolve this discrepancy, but I'm also sure Travian isn't going to care.

It's a shame because I like Eredan as a game. I just can't find enjoyment in it now knowing that my opponents most likely have free resources that I cannot have.

#14 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Free Fee'z, or lack thereof » 23-03-2011 17:35:21

Réponses : 7

New players be warned! After the partnership between Eredan iTCG and Travian games any account created after 3-3-11 can not access free Fee'z options that were common before hand. Keep in mind that any account created before 3-3-11 still CAN acquire free Fee'z, up to 2000 per month according to one account.

What does this mean for new players? Previously the ability to sell in the marketplace was considered free due to the ability to easily obtain enough free Fee'z in a 3 week period to buy a basic booster pack. However, new players will have to purchase Fee'z or booster packs (which require Fee'z) to access this feature. This is significant because the only practical source of Crystals is from selling cards in the marketplace. Accounts created before 3-3-11 can use free Fee'z to access the marketplace.

Also, consider that much of the current player-base started before 3-3-11, and thus have a continuous source of free Fee'z. This means they can buy booster packs for free, which contain rare or legendary cards, that new players must pay for. Not only do they have a free source of good cards to put in their decks, but they can also sell those cards on the marketplace (for free) in order to earn Crystals to buy other expensive cards. Again, new players must pay around $5 US for a booster pack on promo, or about $7 US at regular price. Old members can buy these for free.

Lastly, consider the most recent holiday event, St. Patrick's day. This event required at least 3 booster pack purchases (more if you're unlucky) to complete. Old members can do it for free, new members had to pay.

I realize that the surveys were time consuming, inconsistent, and required contact info. I've done surveys for other games' currencies so I am familiar with them. For some people it may be more enticing to simply pay for Fee'z. However the fact remains that new players don't even have the option for free Fee'z while old accounts still do.

I also understand that every company needs to make a profit. I don't expect free Fee'z simply for logging in. However an even playing field among the players would be nice. If some literally no option to get free Fee'z, none should be able to.

I'm hoping this is simply an oversight by Feerik and will be resolved soon. As it stands, accounts created before 3-3-11 have a very large advantage over new accounts. If you're just starting this game, keep that in mind if you're considering purchasing Fee'z.

(Why did the forum remove my paragraph spacing? Wall o' texts are hard to read, so I apologize, but the forum is apparently broken.)

#15 Re : FAQs » can't sell cards if you don't buy feez » 23-03-2011 16:39:49

dantesan a écrit :

Travian is now Eredan iTCG's official Publisher in certain countries. This is the system they have put in place for now.

All new registered players related to Travian will not have access to the Free Fee'z option.

Perhaps this will change in the future but this is not up to Feerik to decide.

Hope you understand.


Does this mean that players who registered before the partnership with Travian still do have access to Free Fee'z?

I hope not, but if so, that's incredibly unfair for new players. I for one am not buying anymore Fee'z if I know other people get them for free.

#16 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » In game market requiring fee'z purchase » 23-03-2011 13:55:35

Lonak a écrit :

My mistake then. I do not hold all the information on the Travian Publishing / Feerik partnership, therefore my answer was incorrect.

It's no problem. I've just seen many people, including forum moderators and staff members, mention free Fee'z to new members who do not have access to it. I thought I'd help clear the confusion. Perhaps this can be stickied or something to inform new players?

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » In game market requiring fee'z purchase » 23-03-2011 13:28:58

Lonak a écrit :

Enough Fee'z can be obtained for free through our partners to buy at least one booster every 3 weeks, granting you, eventually, unlimited access to the market.

This is incorrect. Feerik has confirmed for me that accounts created after the partnership with Travian cannot recieve any Free Fee'z. New members MUST pay to use the marketplace.

#18 Re : FAQs » can't sell cards if you don't buy feez » 23-03-2011 13:26:26

bleachman a écrit :

Isn't too difficult with the masses of free Feez options. smile

I just found out from Feerik that accounts created after the partnership with Travian do NOT have access to any Free Fee'z options. So new members MUST buy Fee'z in order to sell on the marketplace.

I'm still awaiting confirmation from Feerik that accounts created before the partnership still can receive free Fee'z. If anyone here can confirm that they can still do the surveys I'd appreciate it.

#19 Re : FAQs » can't sell cards if you don't buy feez » 22-03-2011 15:40:52

Someguy a écrit :

Have you tried the button on the left under Zong Mobile that says Free Feez?  Most of the stuff sucks hard if you aren't willing to give out your mailing information, but I've still managed to get probably close to 2000 free in the last month.

There is no "Zong Mobile". When I open the bank I quite literally ONLY see Packages S, A, B, C, D, and SMS. No advertisements, no links, and no other buttons.

I can tab over to an order history page which is blank. I can then tab over to what appears to be a bonus program page which has an icon colored for each time I've purchases Feez and says "Adds 150 to account when complete". There are no other links, buttons, words, or anything. Nothing that even hints at free feez.

Vasillisque a écrit :

if nothing works at the end, you can always buy a cheap 4 card booster and bam!..license to sell,

It's not that I'm unwilling to pay. I've already spent $16 on this game. It's just incredibly frustrating to know that some people get 2000 Feez for FREE while I apparently don't even get the chance for free Feez.

Anyhow I'm going to submit a bug ticket since it's clear to me that this is definitely not working as intended. Thanks again for all your help guys. Hopefully a staff member can clear this up for me.

#20 Re : FAQs » can't sell cards if you don't buy feez » 21-03-2011 19:18:58

Thanks for the help guys, but I still don't see any "Free Feez" options anywhere in the Bank. I live in the US. All I see are:

Package S, A, B, C, D, SMS. All require payment. If I choose one I'm prompted to pay via Credit Card, Paypal, Click and Buy, or Moneybookers (or phone plan with SMS). Again no "Free" option.

I've tried checking every day or so over the past week with different computers and still nothing. Are the free surveys perhaps limited offers that aren't active right now?

#21 Re : FAQs » can't sell cards if you don't buy feez » 21-03-2011 15:11:48

bleachman a écrit :

Isn't too difficult with the masses of free Feez options. smile

I've seen people allude to free feez many times, yet I can't seem to find any after searching the site, facebook, and google many many times. Is there a trick to getting into the free feez surveys?

#22 Re : FAQs » Linking account to my Facebook » 16-03-2011 19:09:20

I can't seem to figure out how to link Eredan to my facebook account. I can't find any "Link to my facebook account" button, and when I try to log in via facebook it forces me to create a new Eredan account rather than letting me log in with my existing account.

Any help would be appreciated.

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