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#2 Re : Update list » Keep-the-totem/Brutus » 22-03-2012 15:28:32

Sapphon a écrit :

...If you discard all your opponent's hand in Eredan, he will draw 5 new cards the next turn (kinda like a wheel of fortune, heh)...

I'm having trouble seeing it as a wheel of fortune... previously discard decks were a threat and actually felt challenging to go against. Now it feels just a little too overwhelming.

Feels like i'll need a anti-shadow item of some sort to even stand a chance. Or the famous ANS.

Because having Arachnophobia, rain dance, sanctuary of woods or even moneyed in every deck feels very limiting.

#3 Re : Update list » Keep-the-totem/Brutus » 22-03-2012 10:24:22

Cossette a écrit :

MTG 60 cards deck, 4 copies max - "Hymn to tourach" discard 2 cards from hand got banned because its to fasts.

Eredan 20 cards deck, 3 copies max - "Indigestion" discard 3 cards from hand O_o do the math...

Just fought someone with [card]Indigestion[/card], [card]mental siphon[/card] and a few [card]treacherous[/card].

Despite being as conservative as i can and with 2 [card]sanctuary of woods[/card], all it took is one indigestion... QQ

As you can see i'm a little upset that i didn't get to score a point for the saps. xD

Edit: was running Keith(warrior), wreckwood and hundawa. Sanctuary wasn't used during treacherous not that the 4 cards it returns would do much help.

Anyone playing sap has a good strategy against discards?

#4 Re : Bugs » After battle bug » 06-11-2011 04:32:39

Same here, normally after i upgrade a card.
My collection opens up and pressing anything else won't work anymore.

#5 FAQs » The Prophet Trophy » 03-11-2011 15:14:27

Réponses : 1

Do i just need to cast 8 spells in a game, against 40 different players to finish this trophy?

Been using spells like magic poison and root etc, should have numbered over 8 times per game at least but can't seem to get anything even though i won the game.

Can someone help me?

#6 Bugs » Scarab Shield Changed? » 07-08-2011 19:02:09

Réponses : 1

[card]Scarab Shield[/card]

I noticed the in-game text now says "Activates immediately" as well.

Yay..., But it doesn't seem to be working in game.

Fix pls?

Also, is armor and shield supposed to take the same slot?
Cause right now, [card]Solar Plastron[/card] and scarab shield seems to cancel each other out...

#8 Re : Suggestions » Damage dealt (end game calculation) should be off set by healing » 08-06-2011 03:43:56

No wai~ O.o

damn, i feel dumb. Thanks for correcting me ^_^"

I went back to do the maths but found the damage score the opponent has doesn't quite tally with the amount of damage i saw, and i can't seem to figure out where the healing offsets the amount assuming healing is offseting 1:1.

How is the score at the end of the match calculated?

#9 Suggestions » Damage dealt (end game calculation) should be off set by healing » 07-06-2011 10:47:17

Réponses : 6

Because Desert Normads have it tough when a tie happens and damage is calculated to see who wins.

I think it was the developers intentions to let DN have the ability to heal to balance off their lack of defence but probably overlooked the situation when a tie happens and damage is calculated to see who wins.

The opponent almost always does more damage to DNs due to their 0 def which i feel is unfair since DNs are really healing themselves rather than defending the attack as a defence mechanism.

I propose that healing should somehow affect the end result. Possibly not total healing but rather, effective healing, meaning heals that were actually used to replace lose health and not overhealed.

This might balance of some of the grotesque healing cards like [card]Mercy[/card] can give out.


#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Summoning Kehper » 30-05-2011 13:30:48

thanks for the responses,

yes it doesn't make for a solid deck and because it's unique, it's uses are really limited.

Even more so if it's ability is triggered based on which card is played first.
Imo it should always have a first priority (because it's unique and by the time it appears, it'll almost always be later than the other cards) when it comes to resolving the remaining health of your normads to make it more playable.

Hope devs look into this.

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Summoning Kehper » 30-05-2011 10:03:13

yes i was going for that effect, i haven't done enough testing to really know how it's calculated but right now it's starting to seem as though the life heals from solaris etc is calculated before the Summoning Kehper card effect is applied.

[card]Port[/card] etc brings your character's health down to -30.
Your [card]Iolmarek[/card] has [card]Spear of Light[/card] and used [card]solaris[/card] and hit the opponent for -6, meaning a +6 in health after the battle.
(3 from spirit, 3 from solaris)

If [card]Summoning Kehper[/card] is calculated before the +6 is applied, that would save Iol's sorry ass and bring him up to 2 health.

However if the +6 is applied before Summoning Kepher is applied, all it does is bring the value to -24 and then it becomes -4, which kinda makes the card really meh and i can't help but think of it as unintentional.

Just curious has anyone ever tested this?

#12 Deck and Strategy » Summoning Kehper » 30-05-2011 07:20:59

Réponses : 8

[card]Summoning Kehper[/card]

I intend to use this card with
[card]Spear of Light[/card]
[card]Travel Ration[/card]
to bring charactes who are heavily injured back but for that to work the Summoning Kehper ability has to kick in before the others so that their little heal can nudge the heal back to 1 or 2.

But if Summoning Kehper works after, it does nothing really.

I'd like to confirm which is the case now, and if it the later, then what is the point of this card?


#13 Re : Deck and Strategy » Mage Sap Heart Deck » 23-03-2011 07:07:48

I'm running a similar deck using mylad, keizan and hailwalker. What I found is this deck's really weak against high spi opponents so I threw in 2 philosophy discussions and had pretty decent results.

I think my deck lacks offense because I havent yet managed to get my hands on RoD and the like but with philosophy discussion and lots of scout the areas and wood protection and grand mage's staff I've managed to stand on equal footing with some witchblades.

I know the deck is far from fighting in Elo rooms but I really enjoy the playstyle and just cause the sap hearts look really awesome smile

#14 Bugs » BUG: Powder Keg healing opponent by 3 health when cast using Multitask » 14-03-2011 20:30:28

Réponses : 2

Either i'm asleep and dreaming or [card]Powder Keg[/card] that's cast using [card]Multitasking[/card] actually healed my opponent 3 health instead of dealing 3 more when hit by my pirate's pistol blade.

Tried without multitasking and this time there was additional damage without anything funky.

Replicated the problem with multitasking yet again later.

Someone enlighten me? sad

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