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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 17-12-2012 04:47:14

well SARAH and Queen tanks kill most campaign quests, but SARAH should also be alright in PvP.

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 16th: Limited Edition of the New Legendary Pack + Lottery » 17-11-2012 02:25:23

Does anyone know if this pack is limited one like last yr or unlimited till nov 30?

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Kotoba is back! (Competitive Imperial) » 17-11-2012 00:22:21

Niiiice. So I will replace Gakuyasha with Master Ma. In addition,  I will look into using 3 Corrupteds. Might consider 1-2 Masamune Armors.
However, I still need to save up for legendary Iro first.

Anything else?

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Kotoba is back! (Competitive Imperial) » 13-11-2012 03:19:38

So after looking around the forums more, I decided on an improvised deck.


3x Emporer's Speech
3x Wakizashi
3x Life Devourer
3x Weapons at Will
2x Clumsiness
1x The best defense...
1x kensensei
3x Kusanagi
1x Journey
3x Glory to the Emporer
2x Keep your guard up!

Is that any better?

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Kotoba is back! (Competitive Imperial) » 12-11-2012 19:00:47

Well, that's another thing. I don't know if I should replace Gakyusha with Master Ma....

Also, I'm now heavily considering Taichi Sword..

#6 Deck and Strategy » Kotoba is back! (Competitive Imperial) » 12-11-2012 06:33:40

Réponses : 7

So I know I just posted the deck regarding SARAH very recently, but I dropped the idea when I "playtested" it with scraps of paper, concluding the deck to be too reliant on too many factors. So I decided to look at the original imperial trio. For now, my deck list is:


3x Emporer's Speech
3x Wakizashi
3x Life Devourer
3x Weapons at Will
2x Clumsiness
1x The best defense...
1x kensensei
3x Kusanagi
1x Journey
3x Military Strategy
2x Heavy Armor

Still not too sure what to main deck....should I put heavy armor? Strength of  Kotoba?

And I'll try to promote iro to the champion....but hes just so expensive right now tongue

Also, how would you think this would fare in ELO?

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 09-11-2012 02:31:24

well of course i know about the other factors. but like theres always a metagame for the higher up elos.

Well I have a Noz Blast, but its just too out of date, and ill just play with a new deck for a while before i decide to go back to it. besides, i already know that this deck would die to mages.

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 08-11-2012 05:35:07

So my deck's revision again:

3x Artiicial Intelligence
1x Chimera
2x Firon
3x Recycling
2x Put the World to Rights
3x Ica-Rusty's Mechanical Arm
1x Crown of the Border
2x Emergency Generator
1x The Prestige
1x Magic Shield
2x Good Jorusien
1x Dark Stone Heart
1x Clumsiness
2x Telendar's Black Blade

Do u guys think this can take on 1700+ elo?
Also, did a quick price check: with prestige, 600k. without, 300k. asumming I'll go for the 600k deck, is there any other 1700+ elo deck that could be cheaper?

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 08-11-2012 00:14:22

So basically I cant get closure or health potion then?
And yeah, I want 25 cards, was afraid that with closure and hp pot itd my deck would be a bit bulky.

So ill go with
-1 Firon
+1 Ica-Rusty Mechanical Arm

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 07-11-2012 23:07:51

Okay, sure. (Learning some new cards!)
So my deck's revision would be:


3x Artiicial Intelligence
1x Chimera
3x Firon
3x Recycling
2x Put the World to Rights
2x Ica-Rusty's Mechanical Arm
1x Crown of the Border
2x Emergency Generator
1x The Prestige
1x Magic Shield
2x Good Jorusien
1x Dark Stone Heart
1x Clumsiness
2x Telendar's Black Blade

25 card deck. I do not know how to get closure or Health potion, hope you guys can clarify that!

Also, I'm keeping the arms at 2, because Recycling gets recycled by SARAH anyways so I didn't see the need for 3 arms.

In addition, i think that my deck is getting a bit too big...could I get some help? Remove a Firon? Artificial intelligence?

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 07-11-2012 06:43:35

Interesting...However with all that, I think that i'd need at least 500k crystals(?) to get all the cards. So according to you guys, my deck should now be:

Ica Rusty

3x Artificial Intelligence
1x Chimera
3x Firon
2x Multitasking
2x Recycling
2x Put the World to Rights
2x Ica-Rusty's Mechanical Arm
1x Crown of the Border
2x Pirate Brawl
3x Emergency Generator
1x Prestige
1x Magic Shield

23 Cards sound about right. I took out a Multitasking because the arguement of SARAH recycling it seems strong to me, and I do want to take advantage of the recycling effect with a smaller deck.

#12 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 06-11-2012 02:54:33

Well, I chose SARAH over Foamies because I just like her effects better. I'm a bit torn in between SARAH and Queen though...SARAH can kind of "loop" her discards, but Queen has her jewels and as you said, quests. In addition, I wouldn't need a Chimera on Queen. However, I'm favoring SARAH atm..but only 55-45. I still need a real reason why to dish my crystals on SARAH deck.

#13 Re : Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 06-11-2012 02:29:59

Another option I'm willing to think about is the Queen deck, they seem similar enough.

#14 Deck and Strategy » S.A.R.A.H Competitive » 06-11-2012 02:03:35

Réponses : 19

So after two years of playing with Noz Blasts, I've finally set my eyes on another deck: SARAH Crafting. If possible, I'd like to make this deck a competitive one (hopefully 1800~, but at least 1700~). I already have a few cards that would save me 20k or so, and another 200k as a budget (but I'll farm more crystals later). So for now, the deck I'm looking at is:

[card]Meister Galene[/card]

3x [card]Good Jorusien[/card]
3x [card]Artificial Intelligence[/card]
1x [card]Chimera[/card]
3x [card]Firon[/card]
3x [card]Multitasking[/card]
3x [card]Recycling[/card]
2x [card]Put the World to Rights[/card]
2x [card]Ica-Rusty's Mechanical Arm[/card]
1x [card]Crown of the Border[/card]

Also, a quick question: Whats it take to make a Chimera? Cause a Chimera Fragment is 7k while a Chimera is 50k....If you only need a few fragments, I'd rather buy those big_smile

#15 FAQs » Question on how to get cards » 04-11-2012 22:30:51

Réponses : 2

So I have a Queen Aelide deck, and I wanted to add in cards like Shield of Light and Shadow, Gold Medal, Health Potion, Neferthot, etc....

But I can't find the cards! They aren't in Market, nor in trophies, nor in card store. Is there any way to get them, or are they event exclusive?

#16 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz Blast or Compendiums? » 27-10-2012 03:58:03

Well, I see the sense in putting in a wait. Nice suggestion!

However, cards that I will buy right now would be Pilkim, and Mastery. They seem pretty nessesary regardless of new cards.

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz Blast or Compendiums? » 26-10-2012 09:26:48

Remember that I only have 1.5m though....I cant afford Hungry Void sad

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz Blast or Compendiums? » 26-10-2012 09:16:40

I see. Thanks a lot!

I think I'll shoot for Noz Blast. I like the feeling of (BOOM you're dead.) as opposed to Compendium's more controlled feel for the deck. I also personally think Compendiums could be easily countered (Prestige, anamathize)

I already have Reborn and Other side of the coin, luckily. I'll get Pilkim regardless (he is too awesome). I feel that gust is a bit situational; its really only effective on Pilkim imo, because of his high Spirit cap (5 with prophet)

Stupid question inc: Can you only have one Mastery in the deck?

#19 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz Blast or Compendiums? » 26-10-2012 08:52:26

From what I see, Noz Mages look pretty sick from the characters (I always did like Pilkim). BTW, I don't see why I would need to spend much more than 1.5m (Pilkim 500k, 3 gusts 75k, Master 350k)

Do any of you know if there are going to be any releases for Noz anytime soon? Compendium?

One more thing: Compendium Secret seems to be a great card...too great. I'm not sure if it was meant to be used to other guild didn't say anything about it. Prerequisites doesn't really tie into it after all....But mabye it's just me.

Anything else? What about Reborn?

#20 Deck and Strategy » Noz Blast or Compendiums? » 26-10-2012 07:56:23

Réponses : 13

So I've been wanting to update my old Noz deck, but I'm not sure if I should go Compendium or Noz Blast. I have up to 1.5m crystals to spend.

Cards I already have that could be useful:

ArchAngel Anreya
Aerounant the Crystomancer
3 The Dragon's Breath
3 Rain of Death
1 The Last Action
1 The Last Word
1 Lightning Bolts lvl 3
1 Council's Banner
2 Drownings
2 Luminosity
3 Dragon's Armor
Armor Invocation

I think I can afford either deck, with the exception of Epics like The Hungry Void and perhaps Mastery.


#21 Re : Deck and Strategy » Need to revamp my Noz Compendiums » 24-10-2012 04:08:49

Ahh I see.

Another thing: I can see that this deck's direction is more of a control deck that has huge sustained damage for the cost of like 2-3 turns. In addition, this deck starts to not look like a OHK deck..should I switch to this new Noz Blast that I hear of? Of course, I never playtested either one, so I'd kind of like to know a comparison of Compendiums and Noz.

Oh and one more thing:
I'm willing to spend a lot of crystals (1.5mil~) on this deck (I had a lot left over tongue)
I think that with those crystals I can pretty much buy anything short of epics such as A New Start or The Hungry Void. If i have spare crystals left over I might get mastery even..

#22 Re : Deck and Strategy » Need to revamp my Noz Compendiums » 24-10-2012 03:54:10

so you are basically saying that i should be using more "control" cards to determine the characters i want to battle with?

Also: why does the price for blanche skyrocket from lvl 2-3? what card do i throw in the evo path?

#23 Deck and Strategy » Need to revamp my Noz Compendiums » 24-10-2012 01:58:59

Réponses : 4

Hi forums!

So i haven't played Eredan for 1 yr~ or so, and I need to revamp my Compendiums. Back when I first made this deck, it was on the high end of the competition, and I hope to be able to manage it again. Hope I can get some nice critisism!


Archangel Anryena
Aeronaut the Crystomancer


Draconian Scepter x1
Dragon Armor x3


Lightning Bolts 3 x1
The Council's Banner x1
The Last Word x1
Armor Invocation x2
Drowning x2
Freeze! x1
Luminosity x1
Rain of Death x3
The Dragon's Breath x3
The Last Action x1

Your avg 20 card deck. I have noticed that u can make up to 50 card decks, but I'm not sure how I should build this. Help would be appreciated!

#24 Re : Suggestions » 5 feez a day keeps complaints away » 23-03-2012 00:55:32

cat, thats wayyyy too much. feerik isnt close to being nice enuff for that, and it would make legendaries deflate like crazy.

#25 Re : Suggestions » 5 feez a day keeps complaints away » 22-03-2012 04:45:13

i like the ideas. im kinda leaning on the feez/boosters or whatever for 5th daily instead of a random card now. something that ppl have to do on eredan everyday and earn a reward that keeps them playing.

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