
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 15th: The Pact! » 18-11-2012 12:25:51

the most important thing to gain point in this trophies don't dealt damage to opponent or i get attacked. which one is correct ?

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 8th: The Lost Legion! » 10-11-2012 07:41:25

elmariachi17 a écrit :

easiest is zil priest with put-up job, stitches and maybe chiaroscuro. it comes naturally

but i don have zil priest deck and i lack of crystal

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 8th: The Lost Legion! » 09-11-2012 13:06:28

ioxygen a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :

can world tree deck get the trophy of this quest. is there any card can help world tree deck ?

[card]Regeneration[/card], [card]Double clay[/card], [card]Reforestation[/card], [card]Invisibility[/card], [card]Being One with Nature[/card], [card]Ancient staff[/card], [card]Dais intervention[/card]

These are some of the cards that come to mind for world trees.

do you have any idea to get at least 2 character have 8 defense point with world tree deck ?

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 8th: The Lost Legion! » 09-11-2012 08:13:27

can world tree deck get the trophy of this quest. is there any card can help world tree deck ?

#5 Re : FAQs » Wow!How is that possible? » 07-11-2012 12:02:32

Faraoh a écrit :

I faced some pirates and this is something i can not understand:
First, his Nut equipped a Mystical Bow.But that's a sap card!How can a pirate play a sap card?
And then his ica rusty played a firon(which is kotoba)!
Is it because they are golems?

yes, because golem can let you play any card without restriction

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » former subscribe » 06-11-2012 17:04:59

thank for telling me. i hope they fix it fast.

IGN : Anthony_Christoper

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » loading problem » 06-11-2012 16:19:00

now i can access to the games now but it very slow and cant go to room i think eredan staff having maintained or something.

#9 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » former subscribe » 06-11-2012 16:17:12

Réponses : 2

hello i am former subscribe now how long do i need to wait to subscribe again ?

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » loading problem » 06-11-2012 13:49:25

Caitlyn a écrit :

sometimes it takes a while to load especially if you are on a new browser.. the "tear" icon is only half full for a while.  Just let it load, it varies depending on your connection speed but if it takes a really long time, it shuld work after a refresh.

umm.. i keeping refresh but not it does not working and i don thing my connection speed haven't a problem. more than that, it happen only today and first time i been waiting for 6 hour. i hope staff can find solution of it.

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » loading problem » 06-11-2012 12:54:48

Teremune a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :

i cant play the games because this games keep loading. is there any maintained going on ?

IGN: Anhtony_Christoper

Have you tried Clearing your cache?

yes i have. i even have to restart my computer and reconnect the connection it still loading nothing change.

#12 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » loading problem » 06-11-2012 11:57:40

Réponses : 6

i cant play the games because this games keep loading. is there any maintained going on ?


IGN: Anhtony_Christoper

#13 Re : Bugs » Wrong Text » 05-11-2012 13:54:46

al_vh1n a écrit :

Did  Feerik changed Courtesan to Courtier? Or is it translation bug?

i think they change it last 2 weak.

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 30th: The Night of the Witches » 31-10-2012 18:26:57

doctordeath a écrit :
kaitae a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :

hello what the meaning discard 80 opposing mask.

does that mean discard the mask ?

but it doesn't work sad

Well it either means remove from a character who has it equipped or just discard it not sure. but firstly, did you accept the quest b4 starting to do it (click the trophy/quest box thing)
2nd time around if you repeat these quest, do they have to be against another set of different players, and another 30 different characters or can you re-use the ones you used for 1st completion of trophy?

Has anyone finished this one yet?  If you discard a mask from their deck does that count?  If you kill a character with a mask on, doesn't the mask also go into the discard pile?  Does that count too?  Does putting the card from play back into their deck count as discarding it?  They really should have been more detailed about the requirements of this particular trophy.

i agree

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 30th: The Night of the Witches » 31-10-2012 05:24:58

Innariel a écrit :

So who wants to help me/get helped in return for various trophies on this? I'm looking at the 10 friends one in particular, but knowing who you are playing against helps in other trophies as well (kill masked chars, letting one char dress up 4 times, etc.).

My IGN is Surly, pm me if you want a trophy buddy for this event. I honestly don't see random matches in the leveling room ever finishing. Especially not with all the ELO level discard and compendium stalking the corridors.

My IGN is Anthony_Christoper i playing this buddy event .

#16 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 30th: The Night of the Witches » 31-10-2012 05:22:26

kaitae a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :

hello what the meaning discard 80 opposing mask.

does that mean discard the mask ?

but it doesn't work sad

Well it either means remove from a character who has it equipped or just discard it not sure. but firstly, did you accept the quest b4 starting to do it (click the trophy/quest box thing)
2nd time around if you repeat these quest, do they have to be against another set of different players, and another 30 different characters or can you re-use the ones you used for 1st completion of trophy?

of course i accept the quest before started playing. can you tell me what card can remove it ?

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 30th: The Night of the Witches » 30-10-2012 20:23:49

hello what the meaning discard 80 opposing mask.

does that mean discard the mask ?

but it doesn't work sad

#18 Re : FAQs » Energy for adventure mode » 30-10-2012 08:49:47

Zurga a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :

so the blue energy is the bonus to the energy bar ? example original 60 blue energy 15 (60+15)

became permanent something right that ?

Blue energy is bonus, and never disappear, unless you use it.
Your standard  60 yellow EP still to live as they usually do (use it, regain it,...)

The two bar are counted separately.

then if i use the blue bar energy it wont disappear right?

#19 Re : Clan » Emisarios Del Demiurgo » 30-10-2012 08:48:01

nick96 a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :
nahum el yugi master a écrit :

si puedes, lo que pasa es que no te puede dar los desafios una sola persona, tienen que ser 3 personas distintas n_n creo que ya te los dieron no es asi? O.o no supe por que casi no estoy en chat del clan xD

Sé lo que quieres decir i cant unirse todavía, pero si he ganado uno de los tres retador es que me refiero a entrar?

"lo siento por mi mal español"

Mmmm recuerdo que a ti ya te hicieron los duelos y perdiste los 2 primeros asi que no deberias entrar, pero te di oportunidad le dije a los demas que si me ganabas entrabas, pero te gane asi que de momento no puedes entrar al clan hmm igual si quieres puedes hacer los desafios luego smile

donde que resolver el problema. cristal siguen ganando a hacer un mejor cubierta espero poder derrotar 3 retador al mismo tiempo. hmm

"lo siento por mi mal español"

#20 Re : Clan » Emisarios Del Demiurgo » 29-10-2012 17:36:50

nahum el yugi master a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :
nick96 a écrit :

tomaremos tu desafio en cuenta anthony,ya le aviso a los otros miembros del clan para que se pongan en contacto contigo smile

¿Eso significa que no puede unirse a tu clan todavía?

"lo siento por mi mal español"

si puedes, lo que pasa es que no te puede dar los desafios una sola persona, tienen que ser 3 personas distintas n_n creo que ya te los dieron no es asi? O.o no supe por que casi no estoy en chat del clan xD

Sé lo que quieres decir i cant unirse todavía, pero si he ganado uno de los tres retador es que me refiero a entrar?

"lo siento por mi mal español"

#21 Re : FAQs » Energy for adventure mode » 29-10-2012 17:35:05

Zurga a écrit :

When you buy Energy, you filled an independant "blue" energy bar.
This blue energy is used after the standard "yellow" one.
You can keep the blue energy as long as you want until you use it.

so the blue energy is the bonus to the energy bar ? example original 60 blue energy 15 (60+15)

became permanent something right that ?

#22 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » free fee'z not the same with my country ? » 29-10-2012 17:08:07

Réponses : 1

i does not have this kind of free fee'z but i wonder how other have this kind of free fee'z is it because different country ?

here is my free fee'z different from above.

#23 Re : FAQs » Energy for adventure mode » 29-10-2012 16:28:42

so it wont upgrade the energy thank for informed me about this now i understand after spend it. it wont come back as amount energy i bought.

#24 Re : FAQs » Energy for adventure mode » 29-10-2012 16:21:12

in other word, it became permanent right ?

#25 Re : Clan » Emisarios Del Demiurgo » 29-10-2012 16:13:46

nick96 a écrit :
bornworld a écrit :

Quiero unir el apodo clan: Anthony_Christoper
lvl: 16

pero soy orador Inglés voy a intentar traducir su idioma. Espero que puedas dejarme unirse a su clan gracias.

tomaremos tu desafio en cuenta anthony,ya le aviso a los otros miembros del clan para que se pongan en contacto contigo smile

¿Eso significa que no puede unirse a tu clan todavía?

"lo siento por mi mal español"

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