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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » NEHANTISTS SHOULD BURRRn!!!! » 01-05-2011 21:08:20

Im sorry for the confusion, and yes the dark side does have the best cookies, maybe thats why the Witchblades are changing to demons. I was seeing if anyone else realized, and would like oppinions on who did it to Eglantyne, and if you think it is just her getting transformed. I was hoping for examples, and really weird fight between dimizar and iron mask for the changer. My thought is it may be a demon as well, all on Eglantyne, and its shown on Awaken the demon, and Nehant seal.

#2 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » NEHANTISTS SHOULD BURRRn!!!! » 30-04-2011 08:04:38

Evil Eevee
Réponses : 9

Im normally a very kind guy but anyone notice how my favorite caste is getting wiped out, or at least one will soon be The Fallen 2.0. I want your comments on who is getting corrupted, which cards this is shown, and who you think is doing it. And capitalize the last letter, it wouldn't let me.

#3 Deck and Strategy » thunder king » 17-03-2011 01:47:49

Evil Eevee
Réponses : 1

I want to make an all merc deck using thunder king. Can someone tell me what i should play with it. I was thinking Hares the Runic and Foam giant. I was also thinking Toran plus someone else for a mage set instead. Suggestions?

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Kounok » 05-01-2011 06:42:10

I mean it says my deck is invalid to play in the room so i cant play with the kounok there.

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » stoneeater » 02-01-2011 23:44:33

Cant you buy everybody for the trophy that gives you stoneeater by then. I say this because that is the only other way I know of to get stone eater.

#6 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Kounok » 02-01-2011 23:42:07

Evil Eevee
Réponses : 9

This is so I know when I have a level 3 Aze (wanderer) and Hares (brute) level 3.
You see recently i leveled up kounok to his "final" level. The problem comes into the fact that he can still upgrade. When I went into the training rooms with him it said my deck was invalid. I know he already counts towards the trophy but he is not fully upgraded. Also, when I do make Kounok the prophet, do I keep the point towards the trophy the crystalmancer?

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Deck around 38k :/ » 02-01-2011 17:03:05

For one thing I say if u suggest tsuro u should have put down watchmaker 2 since you need him for the final level and kudos for the withblade choice I found they were very good. Then again I still havent played with Anazra.

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon Knights » 02-01-2011 16:56:34

Just as a thought, what if u used paladins hammer instead of solars anger I know u give up power here but your opponent has to overcome not only your defense but health as well. This healing is as well boosted by draconian sword because they all gain attack plus 1 by being dragon guemlite. just a thought. Sunburn also may be one of the few anti court cards but usually they get on hordes of the things and getting rid of just one will not do you very well.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » A Prophet deck... » 02-01-2011 16:45:50

Only roblem is that to make the deck costs like all hell, and wouldnt it better if u used last word then action since even though they can gain a lot, u would have to blast through a lot more defense then spirit so wouldnt that probably deal more damage with a last word and then RoD.

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Eredan History from the Wiki » 29-12-2010 19:36:01

I think the name should return, for one thing, the name was much more mysterious and much cooler back then. Though its harder to say trackmages then just the mystic slayers. Makes it easier to see their may be more though now it sounds like a title then a person. And yes I know their was a whole topic dedicated to this about his name and you all agreed on the mystic slayer for the name.

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Pirates » 29-12-2010 19:26:16

ssjtrunks a écrit :

I'm beginning to think i should go back to duel masters

Dual masters really, I think they have potential and need time or at least I need to see the higher levels of the cards. By the way anyone notice that zil no longer dominate level fives, this is because captain Al Killicrew has 4 upgrades, just like the shadow just no fusion.

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Your best auction house buys/sells » 27-12-2010 19:39:03

Best was probably a level 3 Sen Ryaku for 2900, and when homchai first came out I sold a level 1 rargnor for around 17,000.

#13 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Prices » 25-12-2010 01:37:39

Evil Eevee
Réponses : 2

Recently ive seen a lot of cards prices going up making it hard to save up for them, the ones I have noticed lately are Fireball, Static Charge, and Watchmaker now costs as much as some legendary cards. I just want to know what happened to have this come to destroy us new people.

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Present Yourselves! » 25-12-2010 01:34:22

Hello Im from Alaska and play Noz or mage sets, and finally made an account.

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