
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Suggestions » A use for game sounds » 26-01-2011 03:38:51

Réponses : 1

It's cool that you made sound for the game. It doesn't serve much purpose though. There is one thing that would be great for sound, but it doesn't do it right now...

Let the player now when they need to make a move. That way people like me, who like to play eredan while cooking or working on other things, can look away while the opponent is thinking and hear when it's time to discard or whatever.

#2 Bugs » Cards jumping NEW INFO » 23-01-2011 22:14:18

Réponses : 0

I think I know more specifically when cards jump...
It's when BOTH players do area effect spells. Or possibly when both players affect the same character card in a single round.
I play mages with AOE damage spells, and I pretty much only see the card movement when I play against courtesan decks and other long-game decks with AOE heal or Ice Barriers or Manipulations.

#3 Bugs » Cards moving during game » 13-01-2011 20:40:43

Réponses : 0

You probably know about this already but I'll post a screen shot if you need...

As I play, some character cards move up and to the left, a little bit more each turn. Eventually, they move completely out of the game area so that  I can no longer  click them. This sometimes causes me to lose a game because I can't choose who will be competing that turn... all opponent's character cards are off the screen.

#4 FAQs » How to get hungry void? » 12-01-2011 19:50:06

Réponses : 3

How do I get a copy of that broken hungry void card? I can't find it in trophies or purchasable cards...

#5 Suggestions » AVG says gamevance is malware » 05-01-2011 08:24:57

Réponses : 7

Installing gamevance is one of the free feez options. I appreciate the free feez, but installing malware is pretty bad news.

#6 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » How much did you spend on this game? » 11-12-2010 19:41:29

I spent $15 and I'm able to  be pretty competitive. Great price for a great game. Thanks!

#8 Re : FAQs » Problem upgrading lightning to level 3 » 07-12-2010 21:45:37 … ZWZh&hl=en

Hope that long link works. As you (hopefully) can see in the picture, the upper static charge shows 'not in my collection' while the other two are fully xp'd.

Thanks for your interest.

#9 Re : FAQs » Problem upgrading lightning to level 3 » 07-12-2010 18:56:41

To clarify...
I have two fully xp'd statics and one fully xp'd lightning lvl2. I cannot raise lightning to lvl 3.
Does anyone know what's going on?

#10 FAQs » Problem upgrading lightning to level 3 » 06-12-2010 20:23:08

Réponses : 6

I want to upgrade my lightning lvl 2 to lvl 3.
I have lightning lvl2 full xp and 2 static charges full xp.
On the upgrade screen, my static charges are in the wrong place to upgrade, that is one of them is on the bottom saying I can use it to upgrade my staff, but it is not connected to the lightning upgrade.
Do I need 3 static charges to upgrade my lightning, but only 2 actually combine, or what?

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