
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : FAQs » I Deletedmy Only!!!!!!!!!! » 08-12-2010 19:16:14

sorry to sound facetious... but i'd hazard a guess at Cellotape?

Failing this, healing balm, dexterity test and good omens are quite popular heals..

#2 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Excaliburs Reprise... » 08-12-2010 15:01:24

lol i know smile ... like i said, it was posted more out of self indulgence and an excuse to reminisce than anything else smile

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Damage Formula » 08-12-2010 02:02:32

in the example you've given, you'll take between 3-9 damage.

Basically you subtract your Defence score from the low and high score and that gives you the range of damage that will be dealt.

In this case, a player with 3 hp or less is guarantee'd to be killed.  A player with between 4 and 9 health can potentially be killed in one hit, and someone with 10 or more health will survive unless theres some other effect in play or the attacker gets a 2nd attack.

#4 Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Excaliburs Reprise... » 08-12-2010 01:53:12

Réponses : 3

Sorry, posting this more for old times sake than because its a serious suggestion.

Many many years ago, back in the days of pen and paper RPG's, a very young Cytheria found themselves GMing a scenario in D&D in which the aim of the game was to slap player characters in the face with nasty, devious and strange traps.

We had hive mind "coins" (the more you collect, the smarter they got, till they started taking over your character) expensive looking "silver statues" under fountains of water ready for any happy looter to pick up and discover that they were really made from caesium, and a mad wizard, Bob, who a bit fed up with all the attention his room mate Merlin got with Excalibur, created a wonderful homage to his old friend, the amazing, glowy rune engraved, sword of incredible killing power "Excaliburs Reprise" - which was one of my favorites and works as a card for eredan lol...

Clever mages could read the runes on the blade which read "He who so pulleth this plutonium bladed sword from its lead lined stone-sheath, shall be king born of all irradiated fools..." 
Unfortunately most warriors who picked it up just thought it was a good sword and tried to remember to ask the local priest about their sudden hair loss when they got a spare moment....

anyhoos wall of text done, please enjoy the card, and I hope you werent put off too much by the reminiscing..


#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Eredan Training Group aka [ETG] » 08-12-2010 01:17:39

Eredan IGN (in game name): Cytheria
Facebook profile:
Current level: 11
Preferred gaming hours in GMT:varies day to day - spend a lot of time online but idle (watching markets)

Will always try to play in training rooms to maximise XP for other players where possible, regardless of if they are listed on the thread here (tho I'm happy to insta gank players who are overly aggressive and obviously dont want to use the training rooms properly)

Also happy to play training games in the normal rooms, if you see me online and fancy a couple of rounds for extra xp drop me a message and if im active ill load my deck up with Thats an Order's and join you smile

#6 Suggestions » Suggestion - Marketplace "Offers" » 07-12-2010 18:59:17

Réponses : 8


Been playing the game a few weeks and since deciding how I'd like to build my deck up a little over the last fortnight or so, I've run into a problem I'm sure many of you are familiar with... hunting down an affordable deal on a specific card.

Speaking as a newb, I cant always afford the cards I'd like, and over the past couple of days I've been playing a nasty game of "chase the card" as the price for the card I really want at the moment keeps raising so its always just beyond my means.
For older players, whilst the cost might not be such an issue, I'm sure there's probably been a time when you'd pick up some card or another, if it was only a little cheaper.

As i've not found it suggested yet, I figured I'd scribble the idea down here.

On top of the existing system where sellers can specify a price for a specific card and dump it on the market, allow Buyers to submit bids on cards as well.

Sellers could then be alerted when putting a card up for sale that there is an offer of a certain amount for that card which they can either accept for an instant sale, or reject, allowing them to put the card up as normal.

Limiting players to 3-4 offers at once, removing the crystals from them on placing the offer (to ensure they can actually afford to pay it) and enforcing the current 1hour wait before the offer is live should help prevent abuse of the system, although not sure how you'd want to deal with transaction tax for this kind of sale... (maybe split it 50/50 between buyer and seller to give a little more incentive for sellers?)

eg.   Player A wants to buy some card, lets say Abomination, but isn't happy with the current market rate (680k at time of writing). 
They are willing to pay out 500,000 crystals for him and so submit an offer to that effect.

An hour later their offer goes live, just in time for Player B to put their copy of the card up for sale.

Player B opens the card up in their collection, and under the traditional sales blurb at the bottom of the listing ( Market Price and Average sale price) they see an additional "Highest Offer - 500,000".

On the left hand side, in addition to the Sale Price options and sell button, there's an additional "Accept Offer" option, which will immediately complete the sale, and land them with a very quick and easy 500k (minus tax etc)

I wouldn't suggest allowing users to browse all the available offers, as this could be abused to transfer cards from alt accounts.  Similarly would automatically refuse any offer that's the same value as, or higher than the current market price to stop people locking cards out against offers.

Hope this is a useful suggestion anyways.... meantime back to card chasing :S

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Facebook Add Me List + BE a GODFATHER! » 05-12-2010 20:12:01

Please feel free to add me, semi-regular player, predominantly playing zil while i work on building some alternate decks to try out properly...

(Please mention Eredan as you're reason for adding me where possible smile )

and my godfather link for any that want it...

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