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#1 Suggestions & FAQs » Abrack quest » 30-12-2010 20:54:04

Réponses : 0

hello (i already present my self in the itg forum)

i started the quest Abrack:resurrection that told to kill 8 sleeping Abrack.
I realize that he's found in the halloween land. Since is no more halloween i think it's no more possible to complete this quest...

or there's another way?


#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Zill courts (anti meta) » 15-11-2010 12:42:37

quite good. it's my main deck but now i didn't use cause i can get enough manipulation.

i didn't  lightin'bolt but 2 static charges and 1 more wall (it's a slowing one and i realize that the third one isn't rellay necessary). you could think 4-5 spell for only one mage would be too much... well it's azardous but the payment is quite good

i suggest to use some steal (one should be enough... for me it was). kots and zil (and sometimes even noz (theft the armour and seal)) become just puppies to play

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » "the darkness" zil deck - i need some help » 13-11-2010 09:27:50

blackwaltz a écrit :

It's also a good idea to bring one or two copies of steal for Golemarlork, vou'll never know when your gonna need it to steal some pally hammers or shurikens (When you steal a shuriken it returns to YOUR hand till the game ends). tongue

indeed it's great. I didn't think about pally hammy...

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » "the darkness" zil deck - i need some help » 12-11-2010 21:07:35

JarodG64 a écrit :
G.I.Gy a écrit :

natable cards are: firon, elfine bow( really i don't like it but could be usefull), tsume... well have fun in chosing

Tsume is useless on a golem. The spirit effect is only for the Crows.

really? i thought it was only the "activate immediately" clause only

Bow could be good, but i don't remember now exactly how the damage is spread... just try

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » "the darkness" zil deck - i need some help » 12-11-2010 08:17:56

remember, as long as you play golemarlok you can use ANY item in the game... of course you can only play on him...

natable cards are: firon, elfine bow( really i don't like it but could be usefull), tsume... well have fun in chosing

#6 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Next weeks cards » 05-11-2010 08:21:11

the Gals are kararine and hasna. (hasna is here for aestethic purpose... clear, isn't it?)

there is a lot of better choice for this week quest, i chose the DN because of Under The Sun, Solaris, Spiritual Duel and so on.

Alone they are almost the 50% of the whole deck, and  i won't need to loose sleeping to decide for other crappy cards.

Lastly is a deck already tested and quite competitive... and funny to play

the only thing is decide the chars set... if the classic Aziz, Iolmaerk, Kararine (eclipse)
or the priest version with orzine, hasna e kararine (priest/marauder) that i use in the event of two week (i read in this forum how this kind of deck works)

Iolm And Aziz are yet at the first level and aren't so competitive

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Present Yourselves! » 04-11-2010 19:50:48

Hello! Here's Gianluca from Italy; I'm 29 and i work as a web developer.
This game is addicted...  Forgive me if I misspeak, I try to speak English the best as i can.

anyway i'm so curious to see how this cast will work

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Next weeks cards » 04-11-2010 18:19:20

Weeeeeeeew... look like i could dust my old Desert Nomad Gals.

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