
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » New event - Bring out the guemelites » 29-10-2010 00:45:05

Seems pretty straightforward this week. Dunno why so many uptight people have have their panties in a bunch over people decking to get last week's achievement. Do people really get offended that they got a couple of easy wins against people who were going for that trophy? I mean seriously... cheating? That's kind of like saying that buying random throwaway Guemlites without a finely tuned competitive deck to go with it to get this week's achievement is cheating.

Not that I just did that or anything... <.<    >.>     <.<

Perish the thought.

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » How much did you spend on this game? » 27-10-2010 22:26:31

None yet. Waiting to see if it holds my interest after the initial noob period. If so I'd be glad to drop some cash on a few fee'z just on principle to support a good game.

If it turns out to be broken and uninteresting at higher levels then I won't pay for the privilege of finding that out the hard way lol.

#3 Deck and Strategy » New player deck assistance. » 26-10-2010 07:55:01

Réponses : 1

New player playing Noz. Decided to ad Eglantine to get the defense bonus and Anryena seemed like a good idea. The deck is mostly the default Noz deck fine tuned a bit to focus on defense with really heavy hits to finish off opponents.

Mostly wondering if anyone has any suggestions on where I can go from here with this theme, or would it be better to focus on better characters or something. Also wondering if combining Moria and Eglantyne is really worth it. I haven't decided yet.

[card]Moira the Witchblade[/card] lv 2
[card]Eglantyne the Witchblade[/card] lv 2
[card]Anryena[/card] lv 2

[card]Discretion[/card] x2
[card]Fireball[/card] x1
[card]Guardian's Benediction[/card] x1
[card]Healing Balm[/card] x1
[card]Illusory Reflection[/card] x2
[card]Lightning Bolts[/card] x1
[card]Recycle Magic[/card] x2
[card]Smoked Arrow[/card] x2
[card]Static Charge[/card] x1
[card]Than the Sword[/card] x2
[card]That's an Order[/card] x2
[card]The heart of Battle[/card] x1
[card]The Pen is Mightier...[/card] x2

#4 Re : The Clans » [MSN] The Guild Thread + Applications [NEW MEMBERS and APP. RULES] » 26-10-2010 03:12:12

Hey, a guild!

Name/IGN: Jason / 8BitAssassin

Age/Gender: 29/M

Location/Time Zone: Cincinnati, OH / GMT -5

Occupation: Computer nerd

General About Me: I'd be a typical gamer nerd if I didn't have a life to get in the way of that. I love games and would play just about anything at least once. I just got "hired" as an artist/writer to help a local comic book company get off the ground. I try to compose music as a hobby. Currently play bass and do synths/sequencing in an industrial/metal band with heavy video game music overtones (think KMFDM meets the Minibosses)

Card Game History: Currently play ***biiiiipppp*** bip (name is 8BA-LoA there). This and ***bip*** are the only online games I really play but I've tried some others.

As far as "real" ccgs... Started with MtG and the old Star Wars CCG and played MtG regularly until 2002. Started playing Hecatomb until Wizards dropped it. I've also played and/or collected Ani-Mayhem, V:tES, Rage, Overpower, and some others I can't remember. And I've played several CCGs without actually collecting them (ie with friends or random people looking for other people to play with at game stores).

Recently bout a few new Magic cards. Seeing if I can get back into it.

EDIT: A few questions from the blog...

Level: Currently 9

Main Deck: Noz Witchblade deck

Fav Character: Of the ones I have, Anryena is pretty useful right now. Adds extra buffs to Moria and Eglantyne and can be used to nuke with fireballs, or The Pen is Mightier ...Than the Sword.

Most Hated Character: Pretty much most of the pack characters

What You Would Change About Eredan and Why: The market seems too restrictive, but I haven't really tried selling yet so no worries there yet.

Most OP Thing You Have Done in Eredan: Moria + Eglantyne + Anryena. On Moria's turn got order bonus and played Runic Protection to make her defense 10. Chaining that with I hate Brawlers should make her defense 16 and stop most warrior decks in their tracks.

#5 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » [MSN] Thread of Awesome. » 26-10-2010 02:39:22

Rathedan a écrit :

I think Breezy said something along these lines the other day...meant to make a card for it big_smile

The battle cry should be "SPOOOOOOOOOOOON!"

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