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#1 Re : FAQs » Question about Dark Stone Heart » 25-09-2010 21:14:03

JarodG64 a écrit :

Mages also have [card]Freeze![/card] to get rid of your DSH.

Just learned that the hard way. Funny: you would think that an item that gives you spell immunity would be immune to spells...

#3 Re : FAQs » Question about Dark Stone Heart » 25-09-2010 01:14:48

Rathedan a écrit :

2) Numbers still show on immunities.

Must be that. Saw the red numbers, didn't stopped to loom at the really important number.

Nehantic stone is a tossup whether its better than DSH or not. I personally like to leave it on a hero instead of spamming it versus mages, simply because you can't chain the heart with anything.

I supose you could chain it in using Fly of the Handle (or something, can't remember the name right now) on a Pack deck, but don't look efficiente. Any other possibility?

Thanks for the info.

#4 FAQs » Question about Dark Stone Heart » 24-09-2010 17:57:41

Réponses : 10

First of all: Hi guys! First post here.

Probably a noob question, but I'm having trouble figuring how to use Dark Stone Heart. I played it as the first card but still got hit by the enemy card 2 spell. Figured the Heart has to activate as other items. Then I checked the upgraded version and it returns every round. How would it work then? Can someone give me some pointers?


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