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#1 Re : FAQs » Fights not counting » 22-06-2012 16:53:51

Okay... guess that makes sense. That would explain why I've had 109 fights in the level room yet I just got the trophy for 100 fights.

#2 FAQs » Fights not counting » 22-06-2012 16:43:33

Réponses : 2

I entered a fight to earn today's daily quest, using a different-guild deck. My opponent timed out and the quest didn't complete, neither did a single thing advance in my trophy list. Must the battle finish a certain way for such to get counted? e_e That should be noted somewhere if so.

#3 Re : Bugs » Glitchy cards - attachments in particular » 21-06-2012 16:25:28

Seems this bug has been fixed, at least as far as I've seen. Woo~

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 20th 2012 : New editions » 21-06-2012 13:22:27

So I just earned the new Fight off a boss mission, and I can say I like it better than the old one. If only I could sell it :v ah well lol

#5 Re : Bugs » Shûlong vs Stamping » 21-06-2012 01:49:19

With "That's an Order!" played, the effect for both odd and even turns activated, which means that the physical attack was prevented.

#6 Re : Suggestions » Better challenge room system... » 21-06-2012 01:40:58

I don't want any arguments about deck strategy. I'm just saying that it is very hard to challenge specific people. What if I want to fight with my friend yet I hit the person 2 above him and 4 levels higher that can easily defeat me? I feel that I should be able to challenge people I want to without the list spazzing out every 3 seconds like it does.

#7 Re : Suggestions » Better challenge room system... » 21-06-2012 00:48:58

steeliebob a écrit :

Looked at how the higher levels play there deck and improve your own deck based on that.

I don't need to do that to improve my deck. You're ignoring my statement altogether...

#8 Re : Suggestions » Better challenge room system... » 21-06-2012 00:45:09

soulst3al3r a écrit :

random confrontation is way more fun

When you've got a deck well-built and have a high level, sure.. e__e

#9 Suggestions » Better challenge room system... » 21-06-2012 00:31:34

Réponses : 17

I hate it but this just keeps happening. I try to challenge some people and then others join or leave and the list spazzes all over the place right when I do and then I select someone many levels higher than me. The list of people needs to not update as often or hold steady in such a way that when I'm trying to challenge I don't end up challenging random people.

#10 Re : Bugs » Can't log in to game » 20-06-2012 22:36:57

I use Google Chrome and play through Google Apps logging in via Facebook every day. Are you sure you're logged in to Facebook when you try this?

#11 Re : Bugs » Store bug » 20-06-2012 22:35:44

Yes, decks have specific cards available in each one. Are you saying it shows every single card when you click "Cards available in this product" on a deck?
Edit: Yep, guess that is what he's saying. It happens for me too. That new pack uploaded may have broken the system. P.S. That thing is expensive. o__o

#12 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 20-06-2012 17:34:50

I'm building up money and buying cards slowly to make my decks better, like all players should. Seems no one understands that I made a mistake and just wants to state "No it's not OP" and "You need to strategize" without explaining things properly. This problem has been resolved and you still rant.

#13 Re : FAQs » What is caste? » 20-06-2012 14:11:57

Yep, Tempus is a caste of the Time-based variety for the Mercenaries. You'd have to use someone like [card]The Executioner[/card] to play the card.

#14 Re : FAQs » What is caste? » 20-06-2012 14:02:59

Castes are special groups that your characters can be in along with their guild. Each guild has at least one caste within it. For example, Noz'Dingard guild has Witchblade, Dragon Knight, and Compendium Castes. Zil has The Pack and Circus. Kotoba has Crow, Demon Hunters, Tsutai, and Trackers. The card you picked probably has a caste written under its picture. Only a character of that caste can play it.

#15 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 20-06-2012 13:50:47

Zurga a écrit :

[card]Clumsiness[/card], [card]paranoia[/card], [card]dissidence[/card] are not specific counter to World-Tree deck, but counter for all decks, almost auto-include cards.
You have a lot of way to raise your spirit and killing the [card]wild buds[/card] effect.
Adapt your deck is the right answer.
I can play a witchblade deck with 3 [card]simple attack[/card], 3 [card]de mano a mano[/card], 3 [card]fight[/card], 3 [card]discretion[/card], 3 [card]random[/card], 3 [card]guardian's benediction[/card] and 3 [card]protect the weak[/card].
Basically, I will find all others decks overpowered.
Go to the decks and strategy part and ask for help with your deck if you don't find any solution.
Ylliana level 3
Kill a lot of spirit of your opponent, use it against the big spirit.
Wild buds with no spirit and no nature spell is very weak...
Play [card]neutralization[/card], if you can't play wilds buds, you don't make damage..

Did you find [card]The Last Action [/card] and [card]lightning bolts[/card] (level 3), [card]The Dragon's Breath[/card]  so weak ?

Wilds buds doesn't do 9 magical damage to all character at first turn, use your cards to prevent this when you can play.

incredibly long but not incredibly helpful, sorry
If you understood my statement, you wouldn't protect your own. You would have corrected me like the kind vampiricshaman did. Also, those cards you ask of are  not even close to as cheap as Wild Buds, and the only contender would be Lightning Bolts. Now that I know I was wrong about how Wild Buds worked, yeah I'd say those two cards are quite close in power, which is nice. Wild Buds might still be stronger than Lightning Bolts but the Noz does have cards similar in power and price.
Btw, that is definitely not a good WB deck. The only card from that list I use is Guardian's Benediction.
Sorry but, there is no way to 'adapt' to protect against the Wild Buds I thought existed. There is for the real thing, which I realize now. If my character hadn't been the only one alive, I would have been fine... meh.

#16 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 20-06-2012 13:24:08

At that point, even if the opponent wasn't World-Tree it would have still dealt 9 points. I use witchblades, so of course I have several cards to raise my spirit. Problem is the sap heart deck had more cards to drag my stats down. Even if I remove other cards, I'd still have all my characters hit with 9 magic damage.
And again, the question is missed. If this game is balanced and Wild Buds (among other cards) isn't OP, then where are cards of equivalent power in other guilds? I've seen a few, but they aren't nearly as easy to get as the sap hearts cards.
To be honest, at this point I probably will try to create a sap hearts deck...
...Well dang, so it's spread... thanks for saying what I missed, unlike others who haven't corrected me. Well that fact alone would make it far less powerful... <.< >.>;
Albeit, I had only one character alive at that point so.. yeah.. owch for her. Though for a single character Rain of Death would have been just as devastating. :v

#17 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 20-06-2012 13:04:14

Again, not a reply to my question, but whatever. I'll reiterate that part.
No one can edit their deck to take on every opponent. I also cannot modify my deck to defend against the opponent I'm currently playing. Plus there is NO WAY I can protect my characters from 7 to 12 points of magic damage when every single one is hit by it. I do not see how anyone can protect against that.
As I've been saying, there isn't a card like wild buds existent in every guild. For the game to be balanced, there should be, shouldn't there? A card that deals massive damage, isn't very common but is easy to get, and almost every character from the guild can use it.
Either you're saying 11 points to every character isn't massive damage, or just saying I'm 100% wrong...

#18 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 20-06-2012 12:46:39

I hoped to have a response from my question. :<

#19 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 20-06-2012 03:01:48

soulst3al3r a écrit :

yeah people saying OP this and Op that simply because their deck is not suited to face it is the reason why it is getting nerfed. Seriously, stop it. Have you seen zil the living shadow or master mage pilkim decks? those decks will destroy most decks in 4 turns or less.

So pretty much I must make my deck able to defend against everything, yet also able to take on the opponent. That makes sense, but defend against EVERYTHING is hard when there are incredibly tough cards out there. I don't really care that one or two cards are that strong. Every guild should have some of those. The problem is that those one or two sap heart cards are more like 3 or 4 and very common, while the others are far less. And, those two characters are very hard to get, so to get such, those of the same level as you should be able to as well, unless you've spent a ton of money into this game. It /is/ OP when other people can't find something of the same price for a different guild that are just as strong as in that one in particular. AKA, I don't think a card like say, wild buds, exists in other guilds, cheap, common, and incredibly powerful. Those three properties would be the definition of over-powered, OP, no?

#20 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 19-06-2012 23:54:36

Wild Buds! Yeah, that was a card I saw played on the last turn. That would have been what killed my character since I'm sure there were at least 2 other spells on the field from the other guy. At that point, it would have dealt 5 + 4 + 2 or 11 points of magic damage. So, you guys are saying that 11 points of magic damage would not be OP? Nice.
Though technically, Rain of Death could have dealt the same amount, it would have done it to only one character, and would not have had a 100% chance of that much damage. >.> Funny how that card is hard to get where Wild Buds is far more common.

#21 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 19-06-2012 20:19:04

Wolvos a écrit :

paranoia isnt unique tongue

Why I said it was a good choice :V
And though those other cards would have helped if I had ever gotten them, they can't help when the opponent has already played cards. The thing is that I often loose a ton of HP at the end of a battle and I can't tell where it's coming from. Something always gets played that just ruins the battle. I do mean always, when it comes to Sap Hearts...

#22 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 19-06-2012 20:07:27

I keep seeing unique cards as recommended cards, which are very hard to get. Meanwhile the Sap Hearts continue to kill me requiring only their guild cards. ~_~
Paranoia's a good choice though. I have that and theft, best I can get for now.

#23 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 19-06-2012 14:23:11

Seriously? When two of the three opponents have 5 spirit and 5 defense, you're going to say magic attacks will help any? No.. it won't.
Seriously, I don't know what happened, but at the very end the opponent had one character left, and whatever he played made the defense = 10. I never got a single hit on that guy, and I had 3 HP left. BUT, after the fight I had -9 and lost... seriously. How is that not OP?

#24 Re : Suggestions » Sap Heart way too powerful! » 19-06-2012 12:59:04

I use witchblades in battle, and against sap hearts my characters always seem to die with over 5 points of extra damage. Against sap heart mages, SOMEHOW my Yiliana died on the first turn. At the end of the fight she had 11 HP and then boom, somehow died with 0. I don't know what happened but after that, every fight with that one character, I lost over 10 points at the end of the fight and each of my characters died by that one character. The battle traveled too fast for me to see what card combination was causing it but seriously that is way too overpowered.
I have never won a battle with a Sap Hearts opponent... never. I have won in adventure, but that's different... and it's not like I've won much. Maybe twice..

#25 Re : Bugs » Glitchy cards - attachments in particular » 18-06-2012 21:30:29

I think it's getting worse:
The opponent never played [card]Vital Siphon[/card] and yet that was the card that flashed, followed by the other two. The opponent played the [card]Perversion[/card] and [card]Revealing the Secret[/card] seen, and they acted normally. On a side note I have noticed that if the opponent plays two cards that attach, both of them show up flashing in backwards order, one after another. The first card played will replace the other where it should be when attaching, and will stay showing as a card for the opponent. Normally it should disappear from the opponent's side when it comes to mine. The second card will take its normal place and act fine other than showing up early and out of order.
I caught the screenshot right after the fighting finished, before the turn was about to end, so the cards show in the order played, aside from the extra card that shouldn't be there. The card Vital Siphon did not really attach to my character. Aside from its odd placement there, it did not stay around. I am sure it did not activate though, since my character stayed at 8 HP after the battle ended. This is still just a visual bug as far as I know, but this was far more unnerving when I saw it.

Update: I had it happen again where Vital Siphon showed up when it wasn't played. This time the opponent played two spells, but only one was an attachment. Still Vital Siphon acted like it was being played when it wasn't, which was really odd.

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