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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
It's disappointing that subscriptions will not be available for new subscribers -
It seemed like a great idea though I think there should have been some additional subscriber benefits - like no commission in the marketplace or something.
I've been a subscriber for a couple of months now but wanted the flexibility to be able to cancel the subscription then start it again when ready to do so again. Its got to be good for the game to have a steady subscriber base so sorry that this has happened.
Another card I don't have then!
Just a thought on cooperation on trophies.
Now that we have the large profile pictures you can add a message icon or image to indicate the trophy in progress. Could make finding others working on the same trophy a lot easier.
Paint.net is a good free app that lets you manipulate images, add layers etc,
In that way, you can win only one point.
The points are counted only for characters in combat, not out of combat.
This is explicit in the trophy description.
How is it possible to do 60 points in one game? - i probably wont have the deck for it but I intrigued.
Not so sure now I have tried it again but will keep an eye on it.
Its quite hard to place at the right time - seems you really need to have the turn advantage and play it as your first card so no chain.
use the good old [card]multitasking[/card]-[card]port[/card]-[card]detonation[/card] deck against these botz.
with klementine, galene and one of the pirat botz.
Thanks - need to get some crystals, don't have port or multitasking! Oh well!
I am currently fighting them.
I'm using the 3 pirate golems.
It's super easy... just put this in the Deck:
1x Elfine Bow - To end the fight
3x Pocket Spy - To keep the fight going3x Firon
3x Recycling3x The Pirate Code (Healing)
3x Let My Guns Talk (Increases Pirate Code healing and doesn't interfere with Artificual Intelligence since it stays on your character)
3x Artificial Intelligence (chains and can play Recycle)
1x Danger in Delay (doesn't stay in the Discard Pile either)Make sure the 3 zombies are alive by the time only S.A.R.A.H. is alive.
I used this to good effect to get the trophy for killing the 300 zombies - thought I might be able to use it to get the hidden trophy to beat the golems with a pirate golem but failed badly as they keep on adding items. Any ideas?
I dont have Shulong.
What protection does this give - doesn't seem to work against Static Charge
Thanks - I don't have IHAS yet of the zombies so will give Marzhin and The Pack a go.
Have been looking to find out how to beat the slimes without using Shulong but can't seem to find it here. Any ideas?
Sorry to hear you are having problems - try posting this in the Bugs section as you might get a quicker reply.
Finally completed this buying another booster and using the council favor to do the last axiom, Nomads. Got the boss with portal deck.
So I now have a Guardian of the Council to find out what to do with.
I think this must have been related to the server problem as I was playing when it went down.
The event is great in my opinion. I get to play against the bosses with other decks then I normally do/did. Also I never got to 50% drop chance. The 5 missions I completed all dropped the loot before that.
Zil: discard - cheap classic deck even though you will auto lose against some bosses.
Pirates: I did it with the Admiral but as mentioned before SARAH should do the trick
Nomads: Immortals (I did it without Solaris) - Kebek, Vizir, Ba-sther - just make sure you have some defensive cards like [card]basking in the sun[/card] [card]sacred gift[/card] [card]familiar ground[/card]. If you have solaris it should be a breeze
Mercs: Aelide - cheap classic deck
Nehant: Portal - cheap classic deck
Ideas for the other guilds:
Noz: DK - they can tank, heal and get good attack bonuses (I dont have them though)
Kotoba: tsoutai
Sap: IHAS easy if you have 3
Runics: priests or warriors if you have the cards shouldn't be a problemFor new players the event is impossible but for older players with hefty collections it should be a lot of fun.
What is the makeup of the Nehant Portal and Sap IHAS pls?
Also any tips for the final boss should I manage to get there?
It would be nice to be given another week to be able to complete this - there must be a lot of players that would spend time on this over the weekend and have been unable to do so due to the server issues.
It's happened 4 times now! Really annoying.
Looks like it back - Yey
Well if its not down its broken - its been 20 mins - the forum went down too but came back very quickly.
There's a server maintenance message now.
Having the same problem, and there are posts on the French forum re the same issue.
Twice tonight I have lost games with"to long to decide" even though I have decided, clicked then waited and waited and waited then game over,
There has been nothing else to click and I was waiting for my opponent.
before complaining, try thinking, almost all guilds have a golem and a craftsman...
All you need is too make a tank deck in all of them.
There are plenty of non guilded cards for these decks, so All you need to change are the characters...!
I may add, than concerning PVE, 4 decks are not that expensive, and are really often required for events:
Discard, tempus, Portal and Hom'chai IHS
Can you elaborate re which cards to use for these decks pls. I've tried searching for portal and IHS and not found much. I have a Zil discard which I used to beat the zil one.
Any suggestions for the cheapest deck for each guild that may beat a random boss.
I only have zil decks and used a Discard for that - first up was the Amnezy boss so no chance there but tried again and up came the Nahant Shadow which was a very easy win - I got a perfect and got the Axiom.
I've not completed much of the adventure mode, done Zahal, Saphearts, Zil, Volcano, so no idea what to expect but if I can build a low cost deck for each guild that has a chance against at least one boss I may some chance to complete this.
Also, which guilds are likely to be the most difficult i.e more likely to need feez or councilor favors to complete?
Annoying that the favors are not given to those of us that bought the legendary pack before today - I managed to get enough feez to get one pack by doing offers but unlikely to be able to get another!
Hello, we have also brought back the message box in the player profile.
Good day !
Excellent - thank you
The new size is great for adding messages -
How about getting creative with your profiles and posting here!
Re the special "foil card" that converts a non-foil card to a foil, will a salable card remain salable once converted in this way?
I'm guessing yes but would like to know for sure!
I do wish the challenge descriptions were clearer!
I put a deck together so that I could be wearing three items when killing the opponent but it looks like the opponent is the one that needs to be 'wearing' my cards. I guess that means they have to have 3 of my cards attached to them, not that they have to be items of clothing or have I still got it wrong?
Can they fix the message button so it works like before?
I used to be able to send a message to my opponent mid fight or immediately after the fight without leaving the PVP room. Now you have to exit out of the room to message someone and your have to type in their player id.
Otherwise, I like this change.
Can someone suggest a cheap deck to do this as have not been able to get a point yet. I play mostly Zil.
Unknown courtisans has been mention but no idea what I would need to put that together.