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#1 15-10-2010 01:40:54

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 67

Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

This week's trophy really seems to be bringing out the worst in people.  I have never had more people quit in the middle of a match or otherwise try to screw me over so I can't get my points toward the trophy.

After five (5!) hours of play, I've gotten all of 2 points.  I realize that my cards aren't that good.  I'm broke and can't afford to buy much.... but still.

If anyone wants an actual chance at getting this week's trophy, feel free to look me up in the level rooms.  I swear that if I've got to lose, I'll only take out two of your characters rather than kill the last and lose on points.  If I'm going to win, I'll accept a rematch challenge and throw the game so you can get your points too.

Lets have some sportsmanship, people.  Leave the psycho-cutthroat action to the ELO rooms.

Thanks for listening.

Save Toran the Faithless!  Equal cards for mercenary caste members! … at=itcg-us

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#2 15-10-2010 10:14:48

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

The problem of this weeks trophy is what oponent has too many options to negate it for you, and lets face the facts, if he can, he will, so my sugestion would be changing to "at least one char alive" or doing it 20 battles only needed.

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#3 15-10-2010 10:17:53

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Same happens to me, out of 50 matches today only got 1 point. It's either I win      (or lose) by points cause all of our characters are dead or I get a perfect (which rarely happens to me) or they stall the game then quit.

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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#4 15-10-2010 10:25:05

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

In french forum some people have complained about lasts events which was too easy to have.
The staff has heard them and...

Collectionneur de cartes

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#5 15-10-2010 11:38:39

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

The staff has very selective hearing it seems.

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#6 15-10-2010 11:41:00

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Well, the prize, in my opinion, is worth that effort. There are plenty of decks that can sink a character to -10, being able to inflict half of that in spirit/defense ignoring damage can become quite usefull in keeping your opponent from winning just because one of their characters survived.

Mind you, this is coming from someone who would be at a DISADVANTAGE from this card, I usually sink people to -5 and have actually hit -12 on a few.

Dernière modification par Anihilate (15-10-2010 11:42:08)

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#7 15-10-2010 12:21:10

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Its not about the prize, its about event there oponent has the ability to take your points from you, and lets face the fact, after loosing to you at least half will think like "this guy owned me, let avenge him and don't let him get event points"

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#8 15-10-2010 12:42:01

Inscription : 04-10-2010
Messages : 21

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

lol, most of the people I've played against so far just play for the win, they don't care for trophies and stuff like that. Most of them even do their best to prevent you from achieving something - like perfects, for example. Their character has no chance of survival, still, they'll pick the lowest HP one of your three and do their very best to finish off that character...

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#9 15-10-2010 13:24:15

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Mahothecat a écrit :

lol, most of the people I've played against so far just play for the win, they don't care for trophies and stuff like that. Most of them even do their best to prevent you from achieving something - like perfects, for example. Their character has no chance of survival, still, they'll pick the lowest HP one of your three and do their very best to finish off that character...

^ This. It's a competitive game. Hence why counterspell, deflection,and magic shield skyrocketed in the market when the event said Play 8 spells a game for 1 point.

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#10 15-10-2010 13:44:47

Inscription : 01-09-2010
Messages : 71

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I've also had a bunch of people quit if their goal seems unreachable or I could actually get a point for this week's trophy. Really poor design IMO.

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#11 15-10-2010 14:27:24

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Admittedly, this week's trophy is a challenge. I have seen the rise of Tadaaa!! That card is a game changer, especially you want to have 1 survivor at the end (and no I cannot afford them tongue).

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#12 15-10-2010 15:18:19

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Checked all  past trophies, and all trophies what had "win X games" in them was about having some types of card in your deck, so it wasn't dependent on oponents actions

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#13 15-10-2010 20:44:06

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I've decided to start taunting every sore loser from now on for thier childish attitudes of's getting too commonplace.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#14 15-10-2010 21:44:22

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

You better send hatemail to staff every time this happens, for doing event like this, maybe they will listen and we will not get any more like this in the future.

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#15 16-10-2010 01:12:00

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 67

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I honestly didn't intend my post as an attack on the developers.  I think that the event this week is an interesting challenge... and I'm probably going to get the trophy (even if by sheer attrition) since I have a decent amount of time to play.

No, what I had an issue with is the overly-competitive attitude of some of the players.  The attitude that says: "Even if it costs me NOTHING to let you have your point... if I can't have it, neither can you!"

Giving up a perfect to your opponent is a separate issue, since it gives them more crystals, and thus contributes to higher prices to buy cards in the marketplace.

But yeah... there's NO downside to letting your opponent get his trophy point, so I'm fairly baffled and frankly outraged by this behavior.

I've started making a note of people who were actually sportsmanlike, and I plan to thank them on this thread when the week is up.

Thanks for listening.

Save Toran the Faithless!  Equal cards for mercenary caste members! … at=itcg-us

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#16 16-10-2010 03:53:33

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I'll swap wins with anyone anytime.


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#17 16-10-2010 06:18:06

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-10-2010
Messages : 16

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Again, hating on the opponents here.  I'm almost tempted to say let's start a thread for all the people who have dorked you over for the trophy point.  If sportsmanship won't do it, let's see if public shame will.

So far, in addition to quitting the game before resolution, ergo, not killing all of the opponents characters, I've several times had my opponent intentionally drop his own attack just enough to avoid killing my character.  (Re-equipping a primary weapon so the first drops off seems to be the most common means of this.)

I'll admit to getting increasingly frustrated by this sort of behavior.  Missed the trophy a couple of weeks ago due to the sheer number of opponents I had who would rage quit before the end of a given match, preventing me from getting to the requisite 8 spells.  While I understand that the devs want to make things a challenge, by the same token, they either need to confirm that they're aware that players are doing this, and are just fine with it, or they need to take it into account when considering weekly trophies.

Dernière modification par SmilingElf (16-10-2010 06:56:19)

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#18 16-10-2010 13:41:40

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-09-2010
Messages : 211

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I'm going to have to agree. It is bringing out what seems to be the worst in people. I've been playing since the trophy began and HAVE NOT received even one point. All due to other people. Almost got one point but on the last round the opponent refused to play any action cards so they didn't do enough damage to kill my char. Sportsmanship in any game is important. And while the devs might not have anything directly to do with this, it would make sense not to design certain trophies like this. OR, have a secondary trophy that could go on for the month...or at least a couple of weeks (Sounds like something for the suggestion room!...) Well, thats my 2 cents lol

Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!

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#19 16-10-2010 14:12:15

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I haven't been able to play the past couple of days, but I thought I could get this trophy easily by running Aez and two Nomad priests. What I had in mind was some nice healing, Group Spirit (to force damage on to the characters with low hit points), some Sacred Novas and the 0-defense of the nomads, which seemed sufficient at the time. But from what I am reading here, it seems this is not the case. Is it really that sad?

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#20 16-10-2010 14:19:02

Inscription : 01-09-2010
Messages : 71

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

44 games so far, 16 points gathered. I've found out that Noz Mages let you control the game enough to gather points vs. players that don't quit and have an OK matchup vs. the omnipresent courtesans (don't get me started on those...). Furthermore, I started today to write player names down who show good sportsmanship to return the favor on this bulls trophy.

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#21 17-10-2010 19:23:03

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I give up on this trophy. I'm only missing one more trophy for three achievements (involved one, hardworking one, and emperor) and I missed the revelation trophy by a couple of hours (last few games left!) due to some RL responsibilities, and I've been trying my best to get the gamestate necessary, but to no avail. I've been giving points away to anyone who looks like the gamestate will go into the trophy requirement, but I haven't met anybody who was willing to do the same for me.

I want to believe that this is due to unsportsmanlike/ragequit problems, but I can't help but get the feeling that the trophy requirement is too unrealistic, or to put it better, stringent, to be achieved.

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#22 17-10-2010 19:48:14

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 13-09-2010
Messages : 145

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Almost any deck can get this trophy, it just takes time. It is far from impossible, but it can be a time sinker.

I prefer this one to the others that ask for 8 spells/items being played per match.
At least I don't have to buy X cards that I won't use later on....

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#23 17-10-2010 21:32:25

Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 52

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

I got this  trophy fairly easy with an underdeveloped Zil deck. High attack+low defense=fast kills and at least two deaths on your own side.

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#24 18-10-2010 09:09:28

Inscription : 28-09-2010
Messages : 98

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

Used the witchblades for it. mix of attack and defense cards to control the game. It takes a lot of time but it is achievable.

hell is when you drew 3 arcaniums at round 1

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#25 18-10-2010 10:15:33

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-10-2010
Messages : 14

Re : Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship?

The trophy wasn't TOO bad for me to get, it took me a day and a half of playing (about 10 hours total), I used my Zil deck and sometimes i forewent the order bonus in order to get a kill/get killed, and then later on id like, use a potion instead of buffing my attack and hope to survive and such, the only problem i really had was Kotoba that ran the fat samurai dude that's a wall ( i forget his name but i think hes a 3 def 13 health wall, and the brute too)

It wasnt easy by any means, and i only got like 1/2 game leavers too, perhaps i jsut got lucky lol

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