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#26 30-08-2012 17:13:53

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-05-2012
Messages : 242

Re : Shard Trophies

~Doragon~ a écrit :

I have 3 #6 shards.
My first one came from the first Sap Heart mission and I used my zil deck.
My second one came from the first Katoba mission and I used my Zil deck.
For my third one I fought against the first Zil mission using my Zil deck and I didn't get a shard and then I used my Sap Heart deck and I got a shard.

So go ahead and figure something out of that.

I think you get a point every time you play one of those colors against a different one of those colors.

I don't think it even needs to be a deck type, I got a point from playing kotoba against a pirate deck with Mylad in it and still got a point.

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#27 30-08-2012 17:22:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-05-2012
Messages : 242

Re : Shard Trophies

Okay, I just got a number 6 trophy from beating a nehantic deck with a kotoba deck..... Back to square 1.

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#28 30-08-2012 17:39:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Shard Trophies

i think the 3th is for everytime you fight a dragon/dragon guem,,,bcoz i just got 2 points for fighting conpedium

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#29 30-08-2012 17:52:43

Dr Vlad
Inscription : 23-03-2012
Messages : 94

Re : Shard Trophies

Hmm... I got #2 on Noz campaign, mission against DK's. I wonder what that means?

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#30 30-08-2012 18:04:14

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : Shard Trophies

I feel it's safe to say #4 is definitely wins against bosses in adventure mode. I got one vs nehant boss, kotoba boss and noz boss.  I beat nehant a second time but didn't get the shard again so I think it's only different bosses.  Haven't tried fighting in the tower yet so not sure if that would count or not. 

After beating the Noz boss, i received the #6 trophy twice.  I used Nomad TG Priests

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#31 30-08-2012 18:06:45

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Shard Trophies

from the 1st quest i got 3 points for:

-perfect win
-win after turn 6 with all char alive
-win by discard

maybe the others will be: kill the opponents in the same turn, win before turn 5,,,,,,,and shit there are 11 of them!!!

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#32 30-08-2012 18:11:09

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : Shard Trophies

free_seller a écrit :

from the 1st quest i got 3 points for:

-perfect win
-win after turn 6 with all char alive
-win by discard

maybe the others will be: kill the opponents in the same turn, win before turn 5,,,,,,,and shit there are 11 of them!!!

Yep, feerik always do the trophies at the same way:

Win perfect after x Turn
Win perfect before turn y
Kill 2 in same turn
Kill 3 in same turn
And stuff like that...

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

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#33 30-08-2012 18:40:56

Inscription : 16-06-2012
Messages : 51

Re : Shard Trophies

This time killing 2/3 opponents in the same turn didn't give me anything

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#34 30-08-2012 19:00:54

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : Shard Trophies

h43m a écrit :

This time killing 2/3 opponents in the same turn didn't give me anything

Yep, you're right... I think that trophy n 3 is to use Act Cards... Maybe the trophy of the acts?

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

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#35 30-08-2012 19:23:32

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-10-2011
Messages : 208

Re : Shard Trophies

Ok I think I got one.  No 6 talks about the color depending on the place you are in, I think it might be the different backdrops to fights?  Myabe huh,

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#36 30-08-2012 19:24:27

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-05-2012
Messages : 242

Re : Shard Trophies

Stormholt a écrit :

Yep, you're right... I think that trophy n 3 is to use Act Cards... Maybe the trophy of the acts?

That sounds logical but I played a good 12 trophies in one game and I got no shards for that quest.

I did get one for the first quest tho.

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#37 30-08-2012 19:30:53

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
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Re : Shard Trophies

Ellias a écrit :
Stormholt a écrit :

Yep, you're right... I think that trophy n 3 is to use Act Cards... Maybe the trophy of the acts?

That sounds logical but I played a good 12 trophies in one game and I got no shards for that quest.

I did get one for the first quest tho.

Fallen from the Sky - 1 Point
Divine Inteference - 1 Point
The Dragon Sacrifice - 1 Point

Well i take that from brazil people who take this info of french ppl...

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#38 30-08-2012 19:37:11

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 15-02-2011
Messages : 9

Re : Shard Trophies

mrmutantlarry a écrit :

Ok I think I got one.  No 6 talks about the color depending on the place you are in, I think it might be the different backdrops to fights?  Myabe huh,

Yup, that's it.

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#39 30-08-2012 19:42:19

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
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Re : Shard Trophies

Ivamar a écrit :
mrmutantlarry a écrit :

Ok I think I got one.  No 6 talks about the color depending on the place you are in, I think it might be the different backdrops to fights?  Myabe huh,

Yup, that's it.

Yea, that's true, becuz on the zahal mission is a diferent Backdrop...

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#40 30-08-2012 20:12:42

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Shard Trophies

Stormholt a écrit :
Ivamar a écrit :
mrmutantlarry a écrit :

Ok I think I got one.  No 6 talks about the color depending on the place you are in, I think it might be the different backdrops to fights?  Myabe huh,

Yup, that's it.

Yea, that's true, becuz on the zahal mission is a diferent Backdrop...

what??i don't understand??i though we have to fight with every guild,,i already got 9 for fighting with each guild,,but there are only 9 guilds,,what is the other 3??i just fought the zahal boss and only got for 4th quest??i didn't got for the 6th

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#41 30-08-2012 20:19:48

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : Shard Trophies

free_seller a écrit :
Stormholt a écrit :
Ivamar a écrit :

Yup, that's it.

Yea, that's true, becuz on the zahal mission is a diferent Backdrop...

what??i don't understand??i though we have to fight with every guild,,i already got 9 for fighting with each guild,,but there are only 9 guilds,,what is the other 3??i just fought the zahal boss and only got for 4th quest??i didn't got for the 6th

Okay now i'm confused...

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#42 30-08-2012 20:24:36

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 15-02-2011
Messages : 9

Re : Shard Trophies

Well, at least we know one thing for sure - the clues are not clues at all... ^.^

it's all about luck

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#43 30-08-2012 20:34:11

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : Shard Trophies

Ivamar a écrit :

Well, at least we know one thing for sure - the clues are not clues at all... ^.^

it's all about luck

I only got 1 sure:

If you want to complete the event, buy feez xD

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#44 30-08-2012 20:37:40

Inscription : 10-08-2011
Messages : 439

Re : Shard Trophies

Stormholt a écrit :
Ivamar a écrit :

Well, at least we know one thing for sure - the clues are not clues at all... ^.^

it's all about luck

I only got 1 sure:

If you want to complete the event, buy feez xD

"We want your money!"

Adventure mode - made to have players try new decks. But Bosses are unbeatable.

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#45 30-08-2012 20:41:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-05-2012
Messages : 242

Re : Shard Trophies

MerlinCross a écrit :
Stormholt a écrit :
Ivamar a écrit :

Well, at least we know one thing for sure - the clues are not clues at all... ^.^

it's all about luck

I only got 1 sure:

If you want to complete the event, buy feez xD

"We want your money!"

If you get all of the available shards you can get all 4 and have about 4 leaft over.

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#46 30-08-2012 20:54:41

Inscription : 10-08-2011
Messages : 439

Re : Shard Trophies

Ellias a écrit :

If you get all of the available shards you can get all 4 and have about 4 leaft over.

Fixed. The hints are so obtuse I'm sure until 2-3 days go by people will blunder into them. Heck I have five and I can't tell you why. So the easiest fastest way is to just pay.

Heck, those random rares seem a better by than the stranger gear but that's another topic.

On topic, I was doing the Noz questline and got 2 shards so maybe that has to deal with hint 3. That or adventure mode period will cough them up randomly.

Adventure mode - made to have players try new decks. But Bosses are unbeatable.

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#47 30-08-2012 21:29:49

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Inscription : 27-08-2011
Messages : 227

Re : Shard Trophies

This is one of those events that are easier to win if you 3-4 different decks from different guilds, because from what I can tell you get shards for all types of things, discard, so many turns passed, winning against bosses, playing against low level adventure, healing, playing different guilds vs different guilds, playing against specific characters (dragon guems) .

I have 2 decks, Tsoutai and Runic War Guems, I've played maybe 20-25 games and already have 15 shards, a mix between PVE and PVP

Heck, those random rares seem a better by than the stranger gear but that's another topic.

I would agree. The stranger = meh.
Takes up to many slots that are specific to only him to make him really useful. I'v already beaten him the 2 times I've fought him with both my decks and one player I went up against with my Tsoutai had Deirf Geis and Kaes the protecter. Usually combined they are powerful enough, but I found that The stranger didn't bring anything to the table. 1 freezing to remove all his items and he's a sitting duck...

Dernière modification par mpandelidis (30-08-2012 21:36:36)


Only those who are willing to go too far, can possibly ever know how far one can really go. - T.S Elliot

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#48 30-08-2012 21:59:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-10-2011
Messages : 208

Re : Shard Trophies

Ok I feel stupid.  The 3rd one must refer to the diff type of Guemelite right?

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#49 30-08-2012 22:15:34

Inscription : 26-09-2011
Messages : 968

Re : Shard Trophies

mrmutantlarry a écrit :

Ok I feel stupid.  The 3rd one must refer to the diff type of Guemelite right?

Not sure. A gain 2 of the third shards fighting against a deck with Pythia - Archmage Anryena and Aerouant. And friend recieved one agiasnt an Avalonian deck.

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#50 30-08-2012 22:20:04

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-10-2011
Messages : 208

Re : Shard Trophies

Izayoi a écrit :
mrmutantlarry a écrit :

Ok I feel stupid.  The 3rd one must refer to the diff type of Guemelite right?

Not sure. A gain 2 of the third shards fighting against a deck with Pythia - Archmage Anryena and Aerouant. And friend recieved one agiasnt an Avalonian deck.

This is the worst one yet.  The clues are just too vague.

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