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#26 25-05-2012 15:38:29

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : Immunities Deck

I get My Deirf Geis when i perfect the boss first time

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#27 27-05-2012 00:34:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-05-2012
Messages : 219

Re : Immunities Deck

Just curious if I do go through with making this deck, does it have any potential or is it gonna be more of a situational thing in adventure?

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#28 27-05-2012 03:15:39

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Immunities Deck

it's kinda like if I bought the DK deck. they give you one Draconian sword that could replace 1 of the 2 that I have (bought them last year for 10k) and now they are worth over 20k. along with the dragon armor and magic attack I would say that it is a very situational way to make some crystals. depending on which deck you wanted to by along with what cards from that deck you already own.

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