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#26 20-04-2012 04:34:10

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : NB, Canada
Inscription : 31-01-2012
Messages : 109

Re : Runic Legion release special offers!

yea i have 11 of them there collector ceremonials lol, got 10 from basic boosters and the other one from the deck, have doubles of pretty much everything with exceptions to elios and the priests, actually spent 60000 crystals the first day then decided to just buy the whole thing, none the less have lots to work with lol

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#27 20-04-2012 12:46:21

Wanderson Farias
Habitant de Guem
Lieu : RJ
Inscription : 30-12-2011
Messages : 350

Re : Runic Legion release special offers!

Zurga a écrit :

No chance since the new release is effectively act 6 cards.

I actually got one act VI card when I brought the brithday booster. I don't have a print, but it's true.

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