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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
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Race: Acid Guemelite
Gender: Female
Guild: Zil
Class: Warrior
Levels: 3
Spirit: 1
Attack: 7/10
Defense: 2
Health: 16
Rarity: Rare
Gain chain if you play a jewel
Turns 1, 3, 5: Attack +1 and Defense +1
Additional Attack +1 if the opposing character is a Golem
Flavor text: Not only that Agatha has a large gut that will give Okooni a run for his money, but she's made out of lethal, absorbing acid. Definitely don't wanna mess with her.
Raito Washi
Race: Light Guemelite
Gender: Female
Guild: Kotoba
Class: Marauder
Levels: 4( Level 4 requires Raito Washi level 3 merged with the card Vanish)
Spirit: 2
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 2
Health: 14
Rarity: Uncommon
Attack +1 against Marauders
If Karasu Kage is one of you characters and alive, both Raito Washi & the latter gain Attack +1 & Defense +1
Gain Chain if you play Tsume
Turns 1 & 4: Spirit +1 & Defense +1
Flavor Text: Although Raito Washi & Karasu Kage have undying love for each other & they follow the same teachings, Karasu is the assassin of Darkness, while Raito is the assassin of Light.
Here are some ideas for now. Tell me what you think.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (23-12-2011 21:43:47)
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Action card: Power to Power
The upgrage of Mano e mano
Max attack +1 to 3
Flavor text: To this day, very few people have the power to move Agatha and lived. One must have incredible strength and endurance to accomplish that task.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (19-11-2011 08:11:38)
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Race: Iron Guemlite
Gender: Female
Guild: Zil
Class: Warrior
Levels: 2
Spirit: 0
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 3
Health: 14
Rarity: Uncommon
The Pack
Gain chain if you play armor
Turns 3 and 5: Attack +2, Defense -1
Flavor Text: The iron, spiky skin around her arms and legs is not only a lethal defense, but a devastating offense. Also, she really likes candy.
Adèle (merge Barricade level 2 + Wild level 3)
Race: Multi (Beast, Shadow Guemelite, Iron Guemelite)
Gender: Female
Guild: Zil
Class: Multi(Warrior, Marauder)
Levels: 2
Spirit: 1
Attack: 7/11
Defense: 3
Health: 15
Rarity: Rare
The Pack
Attack +1 against warriors
Turns 1, 3, and 5: attack +2, defense -1
Flavor text: Adèle's pastime: Sniffing out intruders, and turning them into mincemeat.
Race: Fire Guemelite
Gender: Female
Guild: Zil
Class: Marauder
Levels: 2
Spirit: 1
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 2
Rarity: Uncommon
The Pack
Gain Chain if you play a Dagger
Turns 2 and 6: Attack -1, Defense +2
Flavor text: Luce may look like a temptress, and act like a temptress, but don't let that fool you. She's a SKILLED temptress.
Renée (merge Luce level 2 + Wild level 3)
Race: Multi( Beast, Shadow Guemelite, Fire Guemelite)
Gender: Female
Guild: Zil
Class: Marauder
Levels: 2
Spirit: 1
Attack: 7/11
Defense: 2
Rarity: Rare
The Pack
Attack +1 against Warriors
Turns 2, 4 and 6: Attack -1, Defense +2
Flavor Text: Come here, cutie. I promise I won't bite... much.
Hellion (merge Adèle level 5 + Renée level 5)
Race: Multi( Beast, Shadow Guemelite, Fire Guemelite, Iron Guemelite )
Gender: Female
Guild: Zil
Class: Multi( Warrior, Marauder )
Levels: 2 (Level 7 requires Hellion level 6 to merge with Old Watchmaker of Destiny level 3)
Spirit: 1
Attack: 8/11
Defense: 3
Rarity: Rare
The Pack
A Lunation from your deck automatically gets drawn out and is equipped to one of your The Pack characters chosen randomly
Even Turns: Attack +1, Defense +1
Odd Turns: Attack -1, Defense -1
Flavor Text: EHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You can run, but you can't hide!!
Dernière modification par tray4020 (16-08-2012 17:14:18)
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Come on, guys. Don't be shy about the comments. As long as they aren't harsh. Maybe some ideas to improve on these?
Dernière modification par tray4020 (19-11-2011 20:04:10)
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Race: Elfine - Shadow Guemelite
Gender: Male
Guild: Zil
Class: Multi (Marauder - Warrior)
Levels: 3( level 3 requires "Havok" level 2 merge with "Ferocity")
Spirit: 1
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 2
HP: 17
Rarity: Rare
The Pack
Gain chain if you play "Savage Claws"
All your other "Pack" characters gain Attack +1 and Defense +1
Turns 1, 3, 5, and 7: Defense + 1
Flavor Text: Instinct, Power, Viciousness, Insanity... These are all & more that Havok needed to become the leader of The Pack.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (21-05-2012 01:41:42)
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Race: Undead, Ghost Guemelite
Gender: Male
Guild: Mercenaries
Class: Multi (Mage, Warrior)
Levels: 3
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/10
Defense: 3
HP: 14
Rarity: Rare
Gain chain if you play "Armor of Bone"
All Nehantists on the opposing side have Defense -1
Turns 2, 4, 6, and 8: Attack +1 and Defense +1
Flavor Text: With his weaponry recovered, and his army rise again, Yorvek will let the world know that the bane of Nehant... has returned!
Race: Undead, Ghost Guemelite
Gender: Female
Guild: Mercenaries
Class: Multi (Mage, Warrior)
Levels: 3
Spirit: 2
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 3
HP: 14
Rarity: Rare
Gain chain if you play "Spear of Spirits"
All Undead on your side of the field gain Defense +1
Turns 1, 3, 5, and 7: Spirit +1 and Defense +1
Flavor Text: Now risen from her grave, she will not rest as long as she is with Yorvek.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (09-12-2011 00:23:30)
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Race: Human
Gender: Male
Guild: Courtesans (Desert Nomads - Sap Hearts)
Class: Multi (Priest - Marauder)
Levels: 4( After level 3, there's a branch for one of two evolutions. The first one needs Razan level 3 merged with Support of the Gods. The other one turms him into an Eclipse by merging Razan level 3 + Expiation)
Rarity: Rare
Spirit: 3
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 1
HP: 17
If "Iolmarek" is one of your characters and alive, "Razan" and the latter gain Spirit +1
Your Desert Nomads and Sap Hearts gain Health +1
Turns 1, 3, and 5: Attack +1
Flavor Text: The Gods shall support Razan with helping his people, especially his father, Iomarek.
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/11
Defense: 1
HP: 16
If "Iolmarek" is one of your characters and alive, "Razan" and the latter gain Defense +1
Your Eclipse characters gain Attack +1
Your Desert Nomads and Sap Hearts gain Defense +1
Turns 1, 3, and 5: Attack +1
Flavor Text: Not only that Razan can call upon spirits of fallen Solarians, but he could also steal souls to add to his ranks.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (31-01-2013 19:09:00)
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I like your cards because they are all balanced. Good job
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Race: Human
Gender: Male
Guild: Desert Nomads
Class: Multi (Priest, Marauder)
Levels: 3 (Level 2 requires the merging of Saljim level 1 + Disembodiment, whle Level 3 requires Saljim level 2 + Sacred Nova)
Spirit: 1
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 0
HP: 16
Eclipse - Temple Guardian
If Djamena is one of your characters and alive, both the latter and Saljim gain Spirit +1 and Defense +1
Turns 1, 2, and 3: Attack +1
Flavor Text: Whoever thought that this desert casanova has as much power to rival Djamena?
Dernière modification par tray4020 (31-01-2013 19:09:28)
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Race: Human
Gender: Male
Guild: Desert Nomads
Class: Multi (Warrior - Marauder)
Levels: 3
Spirit: 1
Attack: 6/8
Defense: 0
HP: 18
Rarity: Rare
Eclipse - Immortal
Can Dual-Wield a Two-handed sword
Your Immortals have their health upgraded by 2 until the end of game
Your Eclipses have Defense +1 until the end of game
Turns 2 and 5: Defense+1
Flavor Text: Although he is now limited with one eye, Kavar's sight is more pure than when he had two.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (10-02-2013 11:02:32)
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Race: Nature Guemelite
Gender: Female
Guild: Sap Hearts
Class: Marauder
Levels: 3
Spirit: 1
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 2
HP: 15
Rarity: Rare
Your Elfine, Hom'chai, and Dais gain Attack +1 and Defense +1
Evens turns: Defense +1
Flavor text: She is one with the forest, and its greatest ally.
The Land (merge Melissandre + Dryad)
Race: Multi (Elfine - Nature Guemelite)
Gender: Female
Guild: Sap Hearts
Class: Multi (Marauder - Warrior)
Level: 5 ( Level 5 requires The Land level 4 and Cohesion)
Spirit: 1
Attack: 7/10
Defense: 3
HP: 15
Rarity: Rare
Your Elfine, Hom'chai, and Dais gain Attack +1 and Defense +1
"The Land" can deal attitional attack equal to its printed Min. Attack
Odd turns: Attack +1
Even turns: Defense +1
Flavor text: Desecrate the land, and you shall feel its wrath.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (10-01-2012 02:07:42)
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Race: Solarian
Gender: Male
Guild: Zil Warriors
Class: Mage - Marauder
Levels 3
Spirit: 3
Attack: 7/10
Defense: 2
HP: 14
Rarity: Rare
The Pack
If any members from The Pack suffer magical damage the opposing character suffers 1 direct damage
Turns 4, 5, and 6: One of your other Pack members gain Health +1
Flavor Text: Instead of worshiping Sol'ra, Darkmoon and his other fellow Solarian deserters worship Lun'ron.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (05-08-2012 13:57:38)
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Why don't you make more action, spell or anything ?
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Why don't you make more action, spell or anything ?
You're right. Excuse me. I was a little bland on the ideas at the moment.
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Primal Return
Card: Action
Rarity: Event
If your character is of the same race as the opponent character, Attack +2
If you have more than one character that is of the same race, Defense +2
Your character will have Spirit -2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: WE'RE BAAAAAACK!!!
This is a story card. It's about when The leader of The Pack, Havok, has returned with new members, and has declared war against the Sap Hearts.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (03-01-2012 08:20:08)
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Orb of Kol'val
Guild: Desert Nomads
Card: Item
Rarity: Rare
Item: Jewel
Your opponent has Spirit -2 and your character has Spirit +2
If played by Razan: heals +1 HP each fight
Flavor Text: Razan keeps the soul of his enemies in this mystical object. And he really collected many souls.
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Card: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon
Fire Spell
Deals 5-X fire magic damage where X equals the opposing character's Spirit.
Card: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon
Water Spell
Deals 5+X water magic damage where X equals the opposing character's Spirit.
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Card: Event
All Sap Hearts and Desert Nomads gain HP +2 at the end of each fight.
The story of this card is that Razan & Popana arrive at the destination of the war between Desert Nomads and Sap Hearts to end it with a peaceful solution, and to point them at the right direction of certain events and their true enemy.
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Lifting off the Burdens
Card: Action
Rarity: Rare
Each opposing card that is attached to your character are immediately discarded and your character gains attack +X where X equals the number of cards that are discarded by this card's effect.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (16-08-2012 17:26:16)
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Bronze Sword( level 1)
Card: Item
Guild: Desert Nomads
Rarity: Rare
Two-Handed Sword - Immortal - Eclipse
Attack +2
Activates at the end of the fight.
Immortal: Defense +1
Eclipse: Attack +1
If used by Kavar: Activates immediately
Sword of Navo( level 2)
Card: Item
Guild: Desert Nomads
Rarity: Rare
Two-Handed Sword - Immortal - Eclipse
Attack +3
Activates at the end of the fight.
Immortal: heals 2 HP at the end of the fight.
Eclipse: Defense +1
If used by Kavar: Activates immediately
Flavor text: The Bronze coating was just a shell... This is the true sheen of this powerful sword.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (10-02-2013 11:06:03)
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Race: Dais
Gender: Female
Guild: Sap Hearts
Class: Multi(Mage-Marauder)
Levels: 3
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/10
Defense: 1
HP: 16
Rarity: Rare
Gain chain if you play "Flourish"
Gain Defense +1 if you play a Nature spell
Turns 2, 4, and 6: Spirit -1, Attack +1 and Defense +1
Flavor Text: With great skill and intelligence, Yaka grew to being one of Popana's most loyal vassals.
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Card: Action
Rarity: Rare
Attack= X + 2 where X equals the amount of the opposing character's attack increased by each item attached to it.
Flavor Text: Kavar and Saljim may be two of Razan's most trusted vassals, but they despise each other, right to their very bones.
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Race: Solarian
Gender: Male
Guild: Desert Nomads
Class: depends on third level
Levels: 4 (at level 3, you can choose to be a priest-warrior or priest-marauder)
Rarity: Rare
Spirit: 2
Attack: 6/9
Defense: 2
HP: 16
Temple Guardian
If Hakim is one of your characters and alive, Your other Temple Guadians gain Defense +1
Turns 1, 3, and 5: Your Temple Guardians heal 2 points
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/10
Defense: 1
HP: 16
Temple Guardian
If Hakim is one of your characters and alive, Your other Temple Guadians gain Attack +1
Turns 1, 3, and 5: Your Temple Guardians heal 2 points
Dernière modification par tray4020 (17-01-2012 01:43:29)
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Race: Undead - Air Guemelite
Gender: Female
Guild: Kotoba
Class: Warrior
Levels: 3
Spirit: 2
Attack: 6/10
Defense: 2
Rarity: Rare
Demon Hunter
Gain chain if you play a Cloth
If Nashi is one of your characters and alive, attack +1 and defense +1
Turns 6, 7, and 8: If Jyushi deals more damage than the opponent, weapons attached to the opponent are discarded.
Dernière modification par tray4020 (26-04-2012 21:23:57)
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