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#1 23-03-2011 00:27:13

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

In game market requiring fee'z purchase

has anyone else had a problem with this? I can no longer sell cards in the market because i have not purchased feez within the last three weeks. this totally disregards the fact ive spent over 200 dollars buying feez in previous purchases, and effectively turns this game into yet another monthly subscription game.

without the ability to use the market, you are stuck saving up the 40 crystals from games to buy your cards. and even then thats if you WIN every single game. if you dont your stuck with an even worse 20 something crystal.

we all know what the situation in the market looks like. 5-10k on most decent cards and can go anywhere from 75k-300k on some of the best cards. now even to buy a SINGLE 5k card, averaging 2-1 win/loss ratio (optimistic), that is a total of 150 games.

150 games to get one card, and a deck needs 20, not including the (often more expensive) character cards. lets just do a straight 5k average for the prices of each card in the deck (since some of them will be 10-20k as well) and thats 150x20, for a grand total of 3,000 games to make a new deck.

do you know of anyone who can be bothered with that?

Dernière modification par jedc (23-03-2011 00:27:40)

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#2 23-03-2011 08:24:58

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase


The game is still free to play without purchasing any booster. However, you need to purchase at least one booster to get a 3 weeks access to the market, which prevents some illegal uses that would greatly impact the gameplay experience.

Enough Fee'z can be obtained for free through our partners to buy at least one booster every 3 weeks, granting you, eventually, unlimited access to the market.



« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#3 23-03-2011 13:28:58

Inscription : 16-03-2011
Messages : 23

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Lonak a écrit :

Enough Fee'z can be obtained for free through our partners to buy at least one booster every 3 weeks, granting you, eventually, unlimited access to the market.

This is incorrect. Feerik has confirmed for me that accounts created after the partnership with Travian cannot recieve any Free Fee'z. New members MUST pay to use the marketplace.

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#4 23-03-2011 13:48:24

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Hydragyrum a écrit :
Lonak a écrit :

Enough Fee'z can be obtained for free through our partners to buy at least one booster every 3 weeks, granting you, eventually, unlimited access to the market.

This is incorrect. Feerik has confirmed for me that accounts created after the partnership with Travian cannot recieve any Free Fee'z. New members MUST pay to use the marketplace.

My mistake then. I do not hold all the information on the Travian Publishing / Feerik partnership, therefore my answer was incorrect.

« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#5 23-03-2011 13:55:35

Inscription : 16-03-2011
Messages : 23

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Lonak a écrit :

My mistake then. I do not hold all the information on the Travian Publishing / Feerik partnership, therefore my answer was incorrect.

It's no problem. I've just seen many people, including forum moderators and staff members, mention free Fee'z to new members who do not have access to it. I thought I'd help clear the confusion. Perhaps this can be stickied or something to inform new players?

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#6 23-03-2011 14:04:04

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

I'll try to get further information on this, and ask moderators to post on their forums a sticky, or update the already existing FAQ stickies.
Thanks for your help smile

« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#7 23-03-2011 14:46:06

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

There is two way to obtain selling access to the marketplace:
Buying Feez or buying Boosters.

If you purchased a lot of Feez, keep some of them to buy a booster 3 weeks after the initial action.
You will gain 3 other weeks of access to the marketplace.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#8 24-03-2011 01:03:00

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

i just dont feel it should be in a "subscription" type format, when people who have already spent money have to keep doing so to gain pretty much the only way to make a decent deck in this game.

Fee'z Amount
5000 Fee'z
including 1600 Fee'z offered

5000 Fee'z
including 1600 Fee'z offered

5000 Fee'z
including 1600 Fee'z offered   

each of those costing 68 dollars, that 204$ to date that ive purchased, only to now have my account effectively handicapped because i cannot afford to buy any more now, let alone afford a place to live on my own.

My suggestion would be that people who have paid a certain amount should have "unlocked" access to the market, giving them the ability to use it for their contribution  to support the game.

All I am saying is it's just pretty irritating to put so much time and money into something to come to find it's now become all but useless because you cant continue dishing out the money.

Dernière modification par jedc (24-03-2011 01:08:09)

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#9 24-03-2011 05:56:48

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

You can also just ration yourself and save 120 Feez for every 3 weeks. If you can spend 200$ on a game, you can easily spend one hundreth of that every 3 weeks to keep a 'subscription' running.

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#10 24-03-2011 21:57:38

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

you seem to be under a false impression. i did not buy them all at once. sure, i had access to it for awhile, but when that runs out, suddenly im screwed. the fault lies not with the consumers and their support, but with the producers and their faulty game mechanics.

If you want to make a pay2play game, then do so, if not then dont. dont make it half and half, because that just doesnt work out. with the market being as such it pretty much is a pay2play game, as i have proven above, it is near impossible to make a decent deck buy having to save up for it with your winnings.

the fact is, you have trophies for feez, you have cards for feez, and most importantly, you have booster packs for feez. now in order to get the cards to sell in the market in the first place, you have to have supported the game by buying the booster packs. you see how that goes arond in a nice circle? one of my major issue's with this is that i do not see why the benefit i gain through my support of the game has an expiration date. i buy feez when i can and now that i cant, im cut off from the market.

I would think that about 42 or so boosters would be enough support that such "benefits" should just come naturally, but it seems they can't be bothered with that and just want all my money.

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#11 25-03-2011 00:20:59

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Shall I say that, equally, you have cards for free or for crystals, trophies (earning crystals, XP and cards) for free every week (on top of all the others), crystals for login in, crystal for winning?

The game is free to play, unless you are within a very competitive view.

It is eventually possible to make a good deck keeping the game fully free, if you so wish; it just takes a bit more time. Competition requires you to have the best cards: it just seems to me fair that those getting boosters get more chances at winning the weekly tournament, for example. Rules have been setup from start with the marketplace: if you buy one or more boosters, you get a 3 weeks access to the marketplace. Getting more boosters at any one time gives you quite an edge during that time compared to other players. Adding another potent edge by enabling more than 3 weeks acces to the marketplace on top of that would be like saying we don't like players playing for free (we like you too, free players tongue).

I must as well remind you that the market is an exchange tool for players: Feerik does not decide crystal prices on the market: prices are the sole responsability of players putting their cards for sale within the marketplace.

On the other hand, if you wish to suggest a pay to play option, please do make so, with a reliable business model that will get the other current players on the same happiness level as right now. I will be happy to pass it on to the team, as I pass on all good and relevant ideas to them. If the mechanics were that faulty, I believe noone would be posting here anymore, and this game would be shut down a long time ago. It's far from being the case, so I guess quite a lot of players are happy with the game being like a real tradinc card game in the way it works, and not a generic MMO with a monthly subscription.

By the way, 42 boosters, opening one every 3 weeks would have granted you more than 2 years and a half of unlimited marketplace selling access: the game hasn't celebrated its 1st birthday yet.

Hope this cleared the problem smile



« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#12 25-03-2011 12:41:35

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-05-2010
Messages : 299

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Lonak a écrit :

By the way, 42 boosters, opening one every 3 weeks would have granted you more than 2 years and a half of unlimited marketplace selling access: the game hasn't celebrated its 1st birthday yet.

Come on Lonak, please be honest : do you know any player who would be able to keep 42 boosters and open one every three weeks ?
Especially when, as you said, "those getting boosters get more chances at winning the weekly tournament". You can't expect a new player to buy 50$ of boosters and thinking "Ok, I'll maximalize my Market Time by not opening all these boosters, full of cards I need to make my deck or that I could sell".

As for me, I'm also hurt by this restriction. I Feez'd once in a month during a while, and now I don't have access to the market anymore. Thing is if a release is attractive to me, I'll Feez 50€ at once. I wasn't attracted by the last ones (*cough* Lightning Chain *cough*), and so I lose my privilege to sell cards.
You'll answer me "You could have kept some Feez to buy boosters 3, 6 and 9 weeks later", but if I do so what's the point of feezing the day of the release ?

Do you know any card shop who will tell you "You need to buy somthing in the shop or else you don't have access to the gaming room. I know you bought 200$ of products last month, but it was last month. Now you have to spend more, come on you have been able to spend 200$ at once, why didn't you spent only 196$ and plan to buy a booster this month" ?

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#13 25-03-2011 15:36:15

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

I just suggested a different way to "use" boosters. Everyone do what they feel like, as everyone knows that getting one or more boosters will net you 3 weeks selling access to the market.

I'm being honest on that. That's the way I've done: I used the welcome bonus to its max by buying lots of Fee'z, then I restricted myself to 2 boosters per week, releases I liked or not. When I was playing Yugioh in real life, I was buying 70€ per month, no more no less, even though it didn't grant me enough competitive cards, I was betting on selling the cards I didn't want to get the ones I missed out by lady luck not being on my side.
Everyone is free to adopt a personnal strategy, I was suggesting one, which may seem irrationnal to some, but I find the way to restrict myself, and it works just fine with my needs (casual gameplay) smile

« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#14 26-03-2011 04:54:52

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Lonak a écrit :

Shall I say that, equally, you have cards for free or for crystals, trophies (earning crystals, XP and cards) for free every week (on top of all the others), crystals for login in, crystal for winning?

yes, there are, and you need to win 30 games to get the cheapest card for sale (thats sold alongside the boosters) and many more to get a decent card sold in the market, nevermind those cards you need to even GET the trophy, making the net gain of crystals in the negative column. i believe i did out the math above proving it is rediculous amount of games to get a single card, and 20x that to get a decent deck.

lets go with one of the cheapest decks known to eredan, the tracker deck. that goes for about 20k. now lets be very generous and say this person wins every single game. thats 20,000/40. that is 500 games to get pretty much the cheapest deck on eredan, and lets be honest, trackers wont take you that far.

The game is free to play, unless you are within a very competitive view.

please be honest, if you want to win more then 10-15% of your games, you need to buy cards.

It is eventually possible to make a good deck keeping the game fully free, if you so wish; it just takes a bit more time.

its not the time, its just the sheer amount of games needed to get there.

Competition requires you to have the best cards: it just seems to me fair that those getting boosters get more chances at winning the weekly tournament, for example.

and i was one of them. but when my money ran out, so did any hope of any new deck. its also not like we are talking about anything that would cost eredan extra money, because the people who have the cards to sell in the market to begin with are the ones who are buying boosters. that was my point in mentioning all those things that cost feez to begin with

Rules have been setup from start with the marketplace: if you buy one or more boosters, you get a 3 weeks access to the marketplace. Getting more boosters at any one time gives you quite an edge during that time compared to other players. Adding another potent edge by enabling more than 3 weeks acces to the marketplace on top of that would be like saying we don't like players playing for free (we like you too, free players tongue).

You misunderstand me, i dont think the market place should have a cost in the first place. to be honest i think you would actually find yourself making more that way. both sides benefit, the free players can use it to upgrade those starter decks into something more formidable (as i did, turning my starter Zil deck into a Pack deck) and the people who buy boosters can sell the cards they dont need in search of the cards for that next deck they want to build.

you ask why i think this would actually increase profits? what do you think the impression of a new player coming on here getting 20-40 crystal a game, with his or her starter deck, getting maybe a 50-50 w/l rate, is going to think when they look at that market to see if they cant find a card to tweak that deck just a bit and see all those cards for 5,10,15, 20k? and then just watch as their face turns from anticipation of what could be a exciting new game for them, to complete uninterest.

now if they could use that market, they could sell a few cards they dont like, think dont work, or are just plain unneeded (and every starter deck has them) and buy those cards they were looking for. suddenly you find your player base growing.

And one last question about that. what is the cost to eredan for this? absolutely nothing. Just because something has been in place for a while doesn't make it right.

I must as well remind you that the market is an exchange tool for players: Feerik does not decide crystal prices on the market: prices are the sole responsability of players putting their cards for sale within the marketplace.

yes, but lets put it this way. when its those prices driving away new players, you are effectively cutting down your own player base. even older players are being driven away by this, this very topic is it's own proof. i had about 5k or so crystals, wanting to try my hand at a crow deck after reading a bit on the forums, so i go on and by a Tsume, bringing me down to about 100 crystals, so in an effort to get more i go and delete my Foam Giant deck (which i can guarantee you no free player has) to sell those cards, and to my surprise i find im blocked from selling cards. looking at my 100 remaining crystals and knowing from experience how little you get from playing games, i couldnt be bothered trying to save up for the rest of the cards i would need. now can you honestly give me a reason (besides 'these rules have been in place since the begining") that someone who has put in 200+ dollars into this game should be cut off from the one thing that actually makes this game playable? ( i know that sounds a little harsh, but its the honest truth, try building even the tracker deck just by saving up those 20-40 crystals a game and then come tell me im wrong. now do it with a starter deck). you cant say its because the game needs money to support itself, because ive put in over 200 dollars of support.

On the other hand, if you wish to suggest a pay to play option, please do make so, with a reliable business model that will get the other current players on the same happiness level as right now. I will be happy to pass it on to the team, as I pass on all good and relevant ideas to them.

I have already made a suggestion. if you disagree with my reasoning onwhy it shouldnt have a cost, then just a little bit further back we have another idea where i suggest, since pretty much the only people who have anything to sell on the market are those who buy booster packs, when a player has put in a certain amount they have "unlocked" (for lack of a better word) access to the market. when someone puts in several hundred dollars into a game, im pretty sure they are loyal active members who will most likely buy even more booster packs in the future. But the thing is, when you cut those players of like this, there is no "in the future" since its such a staggering task just to get a few new cards.

If the mechanics were that faulty, I believe noone would be posting here anymore, and this game would be shut down a long time ago. It's far from being the case, so I guess quite a lot of players are happy with the game being like a real tradinc card game in the way it works, and not a generic MMO with a monthly subscription.

LOL, thats like saying because people are still studying math it means we like it, otherwise it would be tossed out of the curriculum, and nobody would learn it anymore. yes, there are those that like it, but then again there are those who do it just because you have to, and then there are those who view it as little more then a chore. most people dont bother to say something about it and make some noise, because they either dont bother and just leave (more potential players lost) or they figure it wont matter because whats the opinion of one person matter against all the people in the company and whatnot that came up with the system in the first place? im neither of those, luckily, and when i see something like this, i will bring it up. now you say its far from a generic MMO with a monthly subscription, but what do you call having to pay every month to unlock what ive repeatedly proven to be the key to keeping this game playable? the cheapest amount is 10 dollars for 550 feez, making this game more expensive then runescape and slightly less then World of Warcraft. and thats only if you dont plan on getting any more packs, or else your looking at almost double the price of WoW. you know something is wrong when you can actually SAVE money by switching to WoW.

By the way, 42 boosters, opening one every 3 weeks would have granted you more than 2 years and a half of unlimited marketplace selling access: the game hasn't celebrated its 1st birthday yet.

Hope this cleared the problem smile



erm, yes.... because people buy boosters so they can open them 2 and a half years later.... sorry, but i dont buy that. people shouldnt have to wait to get their cards just so they can plan out how to keep being able to use the market, when the very reason they're even putting money into this game is to be able to get those cards to begin with! That is just counterintuitive.

Responses in bold and underlined to stand out from the quote, by the way.

Dernière modification par jedc (26-03-2011 05:01:22)

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#15 28-03-2011 23:32:24

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

no one has anything else to say? i guess they only take player opinions into consideration on more trivial matters....

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#16 29-03-2011 03:11:41

Inscription : 11-03-2011
Messages : 20

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Well, I must say I agree with Lonak. You can still PLAY without purchasing boosters... You don't even need to sell cards to play the game... you can perfectly play (and have fun btw) without having to purchase ANY booster/s at all...
However, there r lots of people that seem to think that it's not possible to play without purchasing 400 boosters a day... Well... That's their own fault. Nobody forced u 2 buy any on the 1st place. You can perfectly purchase an Ishaia WITHOUT paying real money... But it'll take a lot of time, though...
My opinion is that you should all stop crying... The game costed time (and will keep on doing it) for the creators to make it, so why shouldn't they earn some cash out of it?
Still, maybe they could increase the 3-wk period for players that have purchased a high number of Fee'z, or maybe rend it permanent.

Here speaking someone that has purchased 2 Noz Boosters and 2 basic ones.

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#17 29-03-2011 03:45:28

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

jedc a écrit :

no one has anything else to say? i guess they only take player opinions into consideration on more trivial matters....

How can you say that after you recieved more than one detailed post regarding YOUR issue? Before you start whining about something, actually regard the situation at hand first and then comment on it.

As for your problem, quite frankly, I doubt that many people (player base) really are as bothered by it as you, thus the low response count in this thread. I have seen some of the best players, I have  ever encountered in the game, rise from the 'depths' of free players to being able to compete with top end paying players.

These players busted ass grinding cards (even back in the day when people weren't spoiled with 13 XP per char per win and Abomination took months to make) and did endless amounts of Feez offers to net enough cash to buy some boosters and also unlock marketplace rights for themselves. You can get far in this game as a free player. If you aren't willing to work for it, then that is your problem. Not Feerik's, nor anybody else's.

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#18 29-03-2011 04:02:03

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Erian a écrit :

Well, I must say I agree with Lonak. You can still PLAY without purchasing boosters... You don't even need to sell cards to play the game... you can perfectly play (and have fun btw) without having to purchase ANY booster/s at all...
However, there r lots of people that seem to think that it's not possible to play without purchasing 400 boosters a day... Well... That's their own fault. Nobody forced u 2 buy any on the 1st place. You can perfectly purchase an Ishaia WITHOUT paying real money... But it'll take a lot of time, though...
My opinion is that you should all stop crying... The game costed time (and will keep on doing it) for the creators to make it, so why shouldn't they earn some cash out of it?
Still, maybe they could increase the 3-wk period for players that have purchased a high number of Fee'z, or maybe rend it permanent.

Here speaking someone that has purchased 2 Noz Boosters and 2 basic ones.

thank you for making it clear you read none of my posts.

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#19 29-03-2011 05:25:56

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

You could always just quit.  That would solve all out problems.


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#20 29-03-2011 05:30:18

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

steven_allen a écrit :

You could always just quit.  That would solve all out problems.

Quit what? Whining postings, that are long gone from the original post's purpose, or quit the entire game? yikes

The first. The best. MSN.
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#21 29-03-2011 05:31:17

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

I'm pretty sure the internet would cease to exist if everyone stopped whining.


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#22 29-03-2011 05:39:15

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

bleachman a écrit :
jedc a écrit :

no one has anything else to say? i guess they only take player opinions into consideration on more trivial matters....

How can you say that after you recieved more than one detailed post regarding YOUR issue? Before you start whining about something, actually regard the situation at hand first and then comment on it.

because this is the discussion thread, and in a discussion you dont say one thing and then take your leave. its a back and forth kind of thing. whereas all I've heard for responses have been the equivalent of "its been this way since the begining, its fine, if you have a problem with it, thats not our fault, go do free offers".

you do realize how crap that is, don't you? before you say im whining, why dont you "regard the situation" and take a look back at my previous posts and we will go through your post and show just how much of mine you didn't read or seemingly ignored.

As for your problem, quite frankly, I doubt that many people (player base) really are as bothered by it as you, thus the low response count in this thread. I have seen some of the best players, I have  ever encountered in the game, rise from the 'depths' of free players to being able to compete with top end paying players.

first thing is, its a GAME. you should not have to play 30 games with a starter deck to get a single card.  how do you not get this? lets take one of my above points into consideration here and look at exactly how much it takes to make pretty much the cheapest deck in the game, trackers.

Malyss: 1,800
Tsuro: 2,800
Hime: 130

x1 a close shave: 100
x3 shuriken: 3,600
x3 katamaru: 780
x1 ambush: 789
x2 art of the iron fist: 3,000
x2 firon: 3,000
x1 guardian benediction: 230
x3 trackers emblem: 2,850
x2 tracker mask: 3,400

(also, this is assuming you take the zil deck and get assassination and smart ass for free, otherwise its another 72,000 or so added on to this)

that comes out to 22,479 crystal. now again, lets be extremely generous and say you win every single game. 22,479/40 is 562 games to get. for someone who says i should regard the situation at hand, i think ive done quite enough research into this. now once again, lets ask the question, who wants to go through 562 games to get one of the bottom line decks? never mind how many they are going to have to play to try and build their next deck, which will most likely cost 3-5x the tracker deck.

These players busted ass grinding cards (even back in the day when people weren't spoiled with 13 XP per char per win and Abomination took months to make) and did endless amounts of Feez offers to net enough cash to buy some boosters and also unlock marketplace rights for themselves.

You can get far in this game as a free player. If you aren't willing to work for it, then that is your problem. Not Feerik's, nor anybody else's.

erm, what?why should someone have to do that? seriously, why, can you even give me a decent answer for that? like i already said, this is a game. when a game becomes work, why would you even play it? im not looking for a job, im looking to have fun. so yes, the fact that to "get quite far" as you put it, requires such an incredulous amount of games to make even a single deck is indeed more then just my problem, regardless of your rather abrasive attitude on the subject. especially coming from paying supporters of the game.

ive seen 3 other threads regarding the market not including this one, and including the person who posted in here regarding it, that makes 5 people just from glancing at the forums that are not liking the system. now that may not seem like much, but its like ants. if you see one there is a thousand others hiding out somewhere. i doubt this circumstance is quite on that scale, but the point remains the same. just because you only see those 5, i can guarantee there is a lot more then that. but no, go ahead and call it whining, glad to see such thought and intellect being put into your posts.

bleachman a écrit :
steven_allen a écrit :

You could always just quit.  That would solve all out problems.

Quit what? Whining postings, that are long gone from the original post's purpose, or quit the entire game? yikes

well, considering the title of the thread is about the ingame market requiring fee'z purchase, and i've made several unanswered points on how that screws over free players and paying players alike, your post is quite pointless, not to mention wrong. well played, sir wink

Dernière modification par jedc (29-03-2011 05:44:28)

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#23 29-03-2011 05:57:37

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

You do realise this is not a game based on being free. Its a game based on earning money, which in addition to offer a helping hand and to cater to a larger community, has the capabilities to be played for free as well.

In other words, the intent behind this game is to earn money and not shove everything up the rear ends of players who think they deserve the freebies for absolutely nothing. Seeing as you fail to understand this simple concept of a business, I do not even need to read your extremely long posts of the same blabber on the issue.

You expect people to stick around and continue to throw poo across the room with you, as you are as stubborn as a boulder in your way of thought that you refuse to even try to understand what the person opposing your idea is saying. Why should anybody stick around for a mundane and retarded discussion like that?

Enjoy your 'discussion'. I am sticking out of it from now on, seeing as its literally a waste of time.

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#24 29-03-2011 06:18:07

Inscription : 14-03-2011
Messages : 22

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase


People gave your answer, that is how things are. You are asking for a reason other than it a feez generating purchase or earning through free offers. You should start asking yourself do cats goto heaven after they die, or which is first the chicken or the egg, as you aren't getting anywhere. As you will get more productive answers, and stop disrespecting everyone. It is like my Yo Yo I used to throw it but it never came back.

the market is supply and demand driven. period.

Seems like to me you are having fun doing this, or wait is it work? Either way man have some self respect and pride; stop trying to annoy not just the mods but the general public, you made you point, but you have taken it too far.

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain

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#25 29-03-2011 06:21:39

Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 44

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

bleachman a écrit :

You do realise this is not a game based on being free. Its a game based on earning money, which in addition to offer a helping hand and to cater to a larger community, has the capabilities to be played for free as well.

In other words, the intent behind this game is to earn money and not shove everything up the rear ends of players who think they deserve the freebies for absolutely nothing. Seeing as you fail to understand this simple concept of a business, I do not even need to read your extremely long posts of the same blabber on the issue.

You expect people to stick around and continue to throw poo across the room with you, as you are as stubborn as a boulder in your way of thought that you refuse to even try to understand what the person opposing your idea is saying. Why should anybody stick around for a mundane and retarded discussion like that?

Enjoy your 'discussion'. I am sticking out of it from now on, seeing as its literally a waste of time.

you are obviously not well versed in the ways of debate then, are you? one side does not suddenly go, "ah yes, you are quite right, well then, ill be on my way".

now to your retort of deserving freebies for nothing, tell me exactly what the use of the market for everyone costs eredan? like i said before, it costs absolutely nothing. it is used as a ploy only to make as much money as possible at every turn.

now on to your unfounded accusation of me not understanding the concept of business, that is what the booster packs and  cards and trophies that cost feez are for. the only purpose of having that 3 week booster pack rule is an attempt to rope people in to having to buy more.

lets have a look at the costs, shall we?

MTG booster: 3.69
Eredan booster: 4.86

see the difference? 1.17$ per. now multiply that by 42 and tell me again im just looking for freebies. but no, keep on with the randomly inserted insults and say IM the one "throwing poo".

Jason_C a écrit :


People gave your answer, that is how things are. You are asking for a reason other than it a feez generating purchase or earning through free offers. You should start asking yourself do cats goto heaven after they die, or which is first the chicken or the egg, as you aren't getting anywhere. As you will get more productive answers, and stop disrespecting everyone. It is like my Yo Yo I used to throw it but it never came back.

the market is supply and demand driven. period.

Seems like to me you are having fun doing this, or wait is it work? Either way man have some self respect and pride; stop trying to annoy not just the mods but the general public, you made you point, but you have taken it too far.

i have yet to be disrespectful in my posts, save for the occasional sarcasm directed at others snide remarks and the like. maybe im mistaken thinking the discussion about eredan iTCG  is where im supposed to post a discusion to do with eredan iTCG.  to say its "going to far" to not let the thread die after 3-4 posts is pretty much the exact opposite of the meaning of discussion.

my problem lies not with the cost of the cards in the market, as ive already stated several times, but with the repeated cost of boosters to unlock the use of the market. 98% of the people who are selling cards on the market are cards they got from boosters (which ive proven above are drastically more expensive then almost any other popular card game) to begin with, yet they are forced to keep buying those boosters in order to use the market.

Dernière modification par jedc (29-03-2011 06:37:30)

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