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#1 14-12-2010 15:34:55

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Guild Idea

Alright, all the updates seem to be the usual SOSDD now, and I'd like to suggest something to complete and open-ended circle I've sensed here.

Here we have five guilds:
Kotoba - Your usual "honorable" samurai guys.  Men and women of steel.

Sap Heart - The forest and the trees.  Seemingly the anti-thesus to Kotoba.  Since they're nature, they've got to be good... right?

Noz'Dingard Envoys - Very strange name, but definitely the "Mage Academy" of the game.  Well, until the port of the dragon knights came in.  Now they seem more like the protectors of the crystalomancy arts.  Bit of identity confusion here.  Obviously they're good guys too... right?

Desert Nomads - Conditioned by harsh environments, keepers of ancient secrets (?) and are all healthy.  Not interesting.  Seem to not really hold alegiences, but they do seem to have a "good guy" feel to them.

Zil Warriors - Not really warriors, but marauders.  Most of them look like circus freaks.  Creepy un-natural people.  For people who are like that in real life, these guys look like a joke, but hey... very high fast damage.  Their appearance and feeling, flavor text, etc. just yells out that they are of sinister intent.

ISSUE!  There's only one group that's obviously evil.  They aren't even THAT evil, either.  Mostly - they're just creepy.
My suggestion, though I doubt it'll happen, is a guild that can be truely horrifying... actually have that evil feel...

Guild Name: Hands of Sandro
Guild Leader: Zax'thul the Ancient
Main Premise: The idea of the Hands is that the main bulk of the group would be multi-purpose undead.  The group would be very specific in targets, as most of their guild-specific abilities would directly reduce the resistances of certain classes, rather than the usual "get bigger than them."
The units would also have below average HP, but above average in other stats.  Warriors would have more defense, Marauders more damage, and Mages would have skills increasing the damage of spells without increasing their spirit.

As some examples:

Deep beneath the crust of the world, the ancient one has been waiting.  He's been plotting, and building his army.  Necromancers shunned by the outside world and spirits who have been trapped by utter torment.  His power grew with every passing year since he disappeared and was forgotten so many years ago.  Now, with a fury that's grown for many centuries, his army crawls from every tomb, grave, and shrine to descend upon the living.  His purpose is to take the world and turn it into a plane of death to ressurect the dead god Sandro into mortal form.

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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#2 17-12-2010 03:48:48

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-10-2010
Messages : 175

Re : Guild Idea

Nice i like the idea and the story smile TWO Thumbs Up

"Fear is all in the mind"

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#3 17-12-2010 06:02:35

Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 83

Re : Guild Idea

call me crazy but i think the weekly trophy card looks a lot like something like a necromancer

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#4 17-12-2010 06:12:36

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Guild Idea

So your mage does 1st turn RoD damage of 22 - 30 - 2x Spirit.


The first. The best. MSN.
Visit our guild's thread here and join up!
Also check this out: An English chat room!

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#5 17-12-2010 13:34:58

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : Guild Idea

bleachman a écrit :

So your mage does 1st turn RoD damage of 22 - 30 - 2x Spirit.


Yeah, I was having second thoughts on it a few days back.  +2 damage non-AoE and 3 Spirit would be just fine.

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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#6 18-12-2010 06:24:28

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 49

Re : Guild Idea

I personally don't think undead are necessarily always evil.

Although in your interpretation they are tongue

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#7 20-12-2010 13:55:20

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : Guild Idea

Jagera a écrit :

I personally don't think undead are necessarily always evil.

Although in your interpretation they are tongue

Right, this group would be.  The art would also need to be much more sinister.  I even know an artist who would be perfect for this kind of thing, (and a good friend of mine.)

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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