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#1 Re : FAQs » [FAQ] Foil cards » 20-06-2012 18:13:43

Hi, I have a question.

I kept the foil card from last year's event and I was wondering if I can foil up my ecstasy and sell it for the 'foiled' up price to the refund event.

Or alternatively is the foiled copy be able to be re-selled to the market?


#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Nehant Aggro » 18-01-2012 11:08:53

Might i ask why you are not using the usual Nehant Demon combo:

[card]demonic explosion[/card] and [card]demonic cloud[/card]

I myself have a variation of that deck using [card]Ripper[/card] and its been doing a fair job. Other than the fact that the cloud is almost useless with Chalice and the setup needed to use the explosion + flesh combo.

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Adventure Mode Boss Rewards » 17-01-2012 09:19:24

I guess when they meant by random rewards, it is really random hmm

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Trying to build a Nehantist deck. » 16-01-2012 11:56:04

You can try to make a funky combo deck using a mix of nehantic spells

something along the line of

[card]Nehant's Presence[/card]
[card]Corruption of the Soul[/card]
[[card]Break the first chain[/card]

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Nehant Aggro » 16-01-2012 11:52:51

If I had to guess [card]Ecstasy[/card] combo with [card]storm[/card] makes for some silly interactions tongue?

#6 Re : Bugs » Chalice bug in adventure mode » 13-01-2012 10:11:18

The best I can get without being cut. But you can clearly see Chalice (second form) being a 0/0

#7 Bugs » Chalice bug in adventure mode » 11-01-2012 18:43:51

Réponses : 2

Fought against the Zahal quest's final boss. And it already happened every time I fight him.

I got a screenshot as a proof.


Thanks for the response.

Edit: my bad

#8 Re : Bugs » not "SAVING" deck! Why is it happening? » 05-01-2012 17:16:35

It happens in adventure mode as well.

Return my 46 energy .__.

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