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#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » New Community Manager » 13-12-2011 15:19:57

Hi Sapphon, I was told that you were the one that could possibly help me out with a little dilemma I have. After a brief discussion on the forums I was directed here to try and reconcile a mistake I made, being a brand new player to the game. I will paste the main part of the conversation here to see if you can help me out. I will also send this message through the in-game support link to see if that helps either.

I just purchased a trophy from the in game store on Facebook, and after one game of using it I realized that it was the complete wrong card and didn't do what I thought it did. Is there any way for me to exchange it, or perhaps someone would be kind enough to fix this for me? I am a brand new player and still trying to figure out how things work. If it would be possible to just remove the card "Extinction" and whatever title it gave me and refund my 195 fee'z I will do the work to earn the proper trophy. Thank you for your help and support! My player name is Brahmz, the same as my forum name here.

I'm new to the game, as in: played for less than a week. I misread the card and thought it did something else, I didn't just "take it for a test drive" and then decide I didn't want it.

I've worked in customer service for a long time so the "too bad you f'd up it's your own fault, sorry about your luck" attitude isn't how good businesses handle their customers. I'm looking for a one time fix for an honest mistake, not a "let me see if I can take advantage of these guys" opportunity.

Hopefully, someone can sympathize with me enough to help me out, as I did spend real money on this game to purchase the card. Had I bought the wrong toaster at the store I could always bring it back for an exchange. I don't feel that I am asking too much, especially as a noobie who is still learning the ropes. Customer service is a big part of a successful gaming experience so I hope that I can get this resolved.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

#2 Re : FAQs » Trophy whoopsie » 13-12-2011 12:42:25

I'm new to the game, as in: played for less than a week. So you don't need to be rude and sarcastic If you were so helpful you would encourage the devs and moderators to support and assist new players. I misread the card and thought it did something else, I didn't just "take it for a test drive" and then decide I didn't want it.

I've worked in customer service for a long time so the "too bad you f'd up it's your own fault, sorry about your luck" attitude isn't how good businesses handle their customers. I'm looking for a one time fix for an honest mistake, not a "let me see if I can take advantage of these guys" opportunity, as you so insinuated. Not everyone is evil and trying to scam so don't be such a bitter negative nancy the next time you respond to someone.

#3 FAQs » Trophy whoopsie » 13-12-2011 10:55:17

Réponses : 5

I just purchased a trophy from the in game store on Facebook, and after one game of using it I realized that it was the complete wrong card and didn't do what I thought it did. Is there any way for me to exchange it, or perhaps someone would be kind enough to fix this for me? I am a brand new player and still trying to figure out how things work. If it would be possible to just remove the card "Extinction" and whatever title it gave me and refund my 195 fee'z I will do the work to earn the proper trophy. Thank you for your help and support! My player name is Brahmz, the same as my forum name here.

#4 Re : Bugs » Known Card Bugs and Game Bugs + Updates » 11-12-2011 03:24:57

1) The quest card "Trial on the Bridge" is not working right. 4 out of 5 times when it triggers and does 8 damage to an opponent, that opponent will randomly heal back up to 1-2 health. (This happens with no other effects or permanents in play)

The card works perfectly, there is only a visual bug, very common with direct damages outside of turn : the number of HP is higher than he should (basically twice the number), the system give back HP to arrive to the correct number of damages. look the HP before and after, you will see that the card does exactly 8 direct damages.

I am reporting this because 50% of the time or more I visually see a card at less than 8 health get hit with the 8 damage from "Trial on the Bridge" and drop to anywhere from -1 to -7 health, and then adjust back to 1-2 health or more. The game I JUST played after I first made this post it hit a card with 4 health down to -4 health, and then adjusted back to 4 health and was still alive. Again, this is without any other effects present when this happens and it is definitely broken.

2) The daggers "Vampiric Dagger" and "Life Devourer" are activated at end of turn, but will randomly heal for 2 health the turn it is played without either a.) having done more damage then the opponent, and b.) without "In the nick of time" being used (or any other ability that would activate it immediately)

Last time I checked, this two card work correctly. Do not be confused with living dagger. If you feel that there is a bug, feel free to post your screenshot of theses bugs in a dedicated thread.

I am not talking about "Living Dagger" I am talking about "Vampiric Dagger" and "Life Devourer" having the same effect as the living dagger without the stipulation of doing more damage than your opponent. However, I have also had problems with Living Dagger NOT activating and giving me the 2 health (only the attack increase). All 3 of these daggers have some issues.

3) The trophy "Danger in Delay" is not accessible through the trophy shop. This is a very popular card and is not available for newer players such as myself that did not earn it in time (or in my case, I hadn't started playing at all yet). I would very much like to have this card, and it's not fair (or balanced) that it is not available to at least purchase with virtual currency. This should 100% be corrected.

The trophy are accessible for free for one week. After that, you have to wait 6 weeks in order to see theses trophies in the store. this is faire for people that have taken time to do the trophy during the time it was free. You have a possibility to do the trophy after. This is more than mythic cards that are no more available after the time they were available for money (like [card]Scragh[/card] or [card]Master of Seduction[/card]) This is the case from day one of the game. There is nothing unblanced here, this card is not used by all deck. It's a good card and a recent one and from a very simple trophy. So the card is used a lot, but this is not unbalanced or unfair for new players. If you think about the first trophy of this kind in the game ([card]Journey[/card]), at the time it finish, there was no possibility to gain it and no plan to have it.and this card was used by all decks, absolutely all decks. No-one speak about unfair or unbalanced, but only bad luck no to be there at the correct time.

As I said, I am brand new to the game. Thank you for the info on how the trophies work, I wasn't sure. I'm not familiar with the other cards you mentioned, but hopefully "Danger in Delay" will be available in the trophy shop soon. I REALLY WANT IT!

4) My current deck as of this time is presently undefeated, however the mechanic of what happens when a player leaves a game before winning/losing has screwed me out of "PERFECT" victories a multitude of times. If you have 3 characters left, and your opponent only has 1 then you should still be able to earn a "PERFECT" victory if they leave the game.

Ask other people no to leave. We have all the same trouble with unfair players.
but, you have to know that in the game, there is no way to know if your opponent leave or if his connexion failed. Perhaps when you reach real number of game (i have played actually around 16 900 games), you will be less irritated by this type of player.

There is no way to chat with your opponent on Facebook or else I would at least ask players not to leave. The only available message function on Facebook always says I must abandon my current game if I want to send or receive a message while playing. Also, I am not talking about unfair players in particular or people who disconnect, either way it's not fair to make someone lose out on a PERFECT victory because their opponent left the game (or was disconnected). As a programmer you could certainly make it to where there is a condition such as if you have all 3 characters alive and your opponent only has 1 then you should retain your perfect victory if they leave the game or disconnect.

#5 Re : Bugs » Known Card Bugs and Game Bugs + Updates » 11-12-2011 00:53:53

1) The quest card "Trial on the Bridge" is not working right. 4 out of 5 times when it triggers and does 8 damage to an opponent, that opponent will randomly heal back up to 1-2 health. (This happens with no other effects or permanents in play)

2) The daggers "Vampiric Dagger" and "Life Devourer" are activated at end of turn, but will randomly heal for 2 health the turn it is played without either a.) having done more damage then the opponent, and b.) without "In the nick of time" being used (or any other ability that would activate it immediately)

3) The trophy "Danger in Delay" is not accessible through the trophy shop. This is a very popular card and is not available for newer players such as myself that did not earn it in time (or in my case, I hadn't started playing at all yet). I would very much like to have this card, and it's not fair (or balanced) that it is not available to at least purchase with virtual currency. This should 100% be corrected.

4) My current deck as of this time is presently undefeated, however the mechanic of what happens when a player leaves a game before winning/losing has screwed me out of "PERFECT" victories a multitude of times. If you have 3 characters left, and your opponent only has 1 then you should still be able to earn a "PERFECT" victory if they leave the game.

All of these issues are extremely irritating and make me want to quit playing altogether. I have browsed the forums and sought out answers from what I could find in English text, but there seems to be no awareness of these issues, and no resolution in sight. It looks as though no one has even used these forums in months. Hopefully I will get some sort of response so we can get these issues fixed right away.

I only play on Facebook so I don't know if that makes a difference when trying to troubleshoot any of the issues.

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