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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Don't you think that kotoba are already too casted of a guild?
And zombie Nehant too maybe...
And I'd say: Kotoba will be bff with nehant. Because they have also their undeads and ghostly stuffs in the kotoba, ya know. Zombies friendship and stuffs...
Bien d'accord avec f.rp que cette nouvelle guilde est arrivée bien trop tôt après les runiques. Ce manque de discernement m'a totalement surpris.
Oh yeah he's kinda cute...look at him with his cute lava tail...
Search the website for decks you might like then ask for advices. That's all I can recomend to not lose all your hard earned cristals meaninglessly.
Most of the legendaries alone will eat up all your cristals and you will be left with nothing to build your deck after.
Evite de mettre le nom du joueur, c'est interdit sur le forum pour éviter les "chasses à la sorcière".
Je compatis avec toi, mais malheureusement je n'ai aucune idée de comment t'aider plus. Tu peux essayer d'envoyer un message au staff mais je doute qu'ils réagissent.
Bon jeu.
For a game like Eredan, 325 000 critals are nothing...Not to discourage you or anything...in fact it depends in which room you want to play. For 90% of amnezy decks, that ain't enough...but for a lot of fun decks in lvl rooms or to go farm adventure mode, it should be enough. Tell us what you want to play so we can help you wit more eficiency.
It's a non-guilded adventure.
Without centorium, myrina is nothing. That's centaurium that is imba. You have to put him in your deck to have any chances in amnezy....
J'ai essayé moi aussi de jouer un deck avec Lodir...mais devant le sexe appeal de son corps à la virilité parfaite j'ai du abandonner...Comment faits tu?
T’achètes juste une faveur à 12 feez.
Wouldn't it be kind of similar with coutesans? Or did I miss something?
I've only got two rares from it since I started playing. So I guess there isn't a rare each time in one of the boxes...or I'm statistically super unlucky ^^.
Strictly elo speaking, right now it's the undeads deck with the combo [card]cutting all ties[/card] et [card]entropy[/card] but with this last one being nerfed...I believe human runic would be the better.
So basically if i wanna make use of it I have to use Maen and Catalyna...
...and [card]Temujin[/card] for now...maybe future releases will give us a similar card but for elementals...wait and see.
Everyonne is wondering...and sadly they won't change it tough it would have been goodon those elementals...sigh
Je suis d'accord sur le fait qu'on puisse être bien souvent trop rapide à juger ou à lancer des piques à tout va. Ça passe bien dans un télé-crochet de Jean-Luc Delarue. Mais sur un forum je comprends que beaucoup appréciassent modérément....Mais comment changer ce comportement...? Tout le monde ne va pas lire ce post...et après c'est un travail de longue haleine d'essayer de changer le comportement et le caractère de parfaits inconnus, protégé par l'anonymat du net...
Je ne participe ni à l'élo ni ne suis membre d'un clan, donc je ne commenterai pas le reste du post.
Bien à vous.
I would'nt put metal dudes in a greek-roman themed guild...
Lady anthousa is very strong.
Alexio seems good.
Runic smasher could potentially be too strong with all the resistances runics have already...I think that it shouldn't affect all opposing characters but only the one you've hurted with the hammer.
Shedding rust is horribad, I'd even say terribad!! It needs to be buffed heavily!! Just look at the card [card]drowning the sorrows[/card]. This card is considered bad already...the only thing your card has is permanent buff but it costs 2 nox runes!!! This card needs at least to give stronger bonuses or to apply to all your characters.
Doesn't seem bad. I can't tell if it will be as strong as a classic craftsmen deck. But it's worth a try.
[card]Return to nozdingar[/card] and [card]exorde[/card] so you still have a little something against mass item removals....
Beaucoup trop faible....fait la similaire à [card]esprit du corbeau[/card] ou au moins rajoute: "si votre deck contient au moins 3 exemplaires de cette carte, l'un de ceux-ci est placé dans votre main de départ."
Pourtant, les runiques ont eu 2 sorties à la suite. Bien qu'à l'époque, les sorties étaient double guildée.
Why would you get a refund on Blanche? The secret you used to evolve her is a secret you didn't intend to play...so why would you get a refund...?
Bah pourquoi pas ldp...faut bien la développer la ptite nouvelle guilde.