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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
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For those who don't see the difference in ourenos, the old one deals a physical attack when one of YOUR CHARACTERS dies, while new one deals a physical attack when one of YOUR SAP HEARTS dies. which isn't really much of a nerf since I see Ourenos in pure sap hearts decks anyways.
Comp Secret didn't get nerfed too badly since you can now play a spell from your hand making it a card that lets you play and extra spell in a turn and from hand can be AoE unless they forgot to add that part.
Lost scroll: err.....what's changed here?
General fray. The new text: DURATION 2 TURNS. Defense +2. Your allies from "The Pack" have Attack +1. DURATION: 3 TURNS. If your opponent is not a Warrior, his next card is ignored. Chain if your characters have less than 30 health points in all.
^need to fix this so we know how long it's supposed to last^Put-Up: it's about time they nerfed this, and the old one gave def +3 to all your charaters, while new one gives it to all priests.
Entropy: needed nerf too, though this might be a bit harsh
T&F: was getting tired of this card
ourebis have less attack than ourenos why u don't see??
all cards which are going to be changed are my expectation. Especially, Ourebis and eltarite's heritage, I accept this change..
Umm.. still not clear .. "old ourenos lv3" can be sold to the system, or it can be upgraded to "new ourenos lv3" .. Am I true??
still cannot purchase feez via mobile phone everyone in Thailand got the same problem, one week now
karnoki a écrit :whatever... not OP cards again.. I wish
Haha of course they will be OP, we are getting new defense crippling arrows with more double attacks maybe OR we are getting some better defenses for Bards or simply more damage.
Umm.. elfine nowadays I like it..can also counter high df and spell.. however the weak point is fragile. when facing the hard hitting and df character... um u need to do everything (in 1 turn) by only playing 2 cards = = from a fast deck become to be a slow deck that cannot do anything at late..
whatever... not OP cards again.. I wish
I thought t was going to be Courtesan release this week.
possible.. I think so
Anybody know when Ourenos will be nerfed?
I think when sap heart release next time .. may be this week (notice that sap heart does not release very very long time i expect it waiting for new ourenos coming together )
Guys, stop trying to defend the legendaries.
The problem with legendaries is that it takes so much to kill just 1 character.
You either need:
a) luck,
b) or specific strategy against that particular legendary,
c) or an OP deck yourself.None of the above is a legitimate compromise.
What does the Legendary need to defeat you? Nothing, it's legendary. It's that good.
sry Nurvus .. my point only to view that all legendary have own way of supreme power.. and all legendary can be counter by some decks easily (not ONLY Ourenos) .. everyone mention that Ourenos is far away for defeat however some others are also so strong. BUT If ask my mind, I hate all legendary cards because they make game so boring by cheating of such power.
That mean..nowadays I have Ourenos but normally I do not play it. it's not fun. I love w-t .. so I play w-t as my main deck.
for god sake , nobody says that the legendaries are unbeatable . Myself have beaten all the legendaries multiple times , but it sucks how every match against them makes me feel like a boss fight because they have a lot of advantage over normal deck .
Nebsent ? I would say himself is very strong : 3 ability ( enchant max health , enchant heal effect , reduce damage and those 3 abilities affect his allies , not ust himself ) . Plus he is a monster in Sol'ra Avatar deck .
About Ourenos , i'm waiting for one of his children to cut him into pieces to take over the Sap Heart .
Nebsen strong.. he has good ability .. but mostly = = he lost normal attack directly decks ... most warrior kotoba or runic or.. then nebsen can be failed easily
ourenos... to counter them.. easy deck is w-t warrior with whisper ... I win perfect almost time.. and hardly ever lose ourenos deck with my sap decks.. can say that ourenos lose own guild = = ... the key card is "whisper" and 'painting of war" ourenos -> what are u doing 55
I am the strongest.
And Ourenos.
have u play ourenos?? Nurvus.. something to say, it's a pity. WBs and some 3-4 decks can overcome my ourenos all combo(es) completly
I purchase Fee via mobile phone. However, It cannot be success for 5 days. Pls check the system for me, my friends also facing this problem.
very good , a basic booster .. that is!! eredan ^^
Poker eredan may be the most fun event ever have... I like it very much
No ban for Scroll from hell?? (scroll powder At+8)
I think this elo will be full of the scroll from hell
No info at this stage.
^^! OK.. Thx
sorry to put this topic up..
Can I exchange "new Ourenos" with "Old Ourenos LV3" ?? or can exchange with only LV1
not overly powerful or unbalancing
there are few cards to draw more cards (and most players do not notice this effect) may be this is your case
agree to u... more new cards, more over powerful cards..
however, I think we should not to focus on legendary card only... I see many posts in eredan forum said about the legendary cards so OP.. In my opinion, nowadays, there are many decks which are stronger than legendary card deck as well....
BUT I feel that Feerik release the new cards lead to a new balance.. except some mistake cards (obvious OP and make those decks so much strong)
and the player facing them feel so boring...
one thing that make game so boring is a card which super counter some cards completely.. Ex.. Black witch (with 1000 combo to play) can Q mage deck doing magic dmg. easily. Tracker guem can one shot mage anytime. Lock down make a control deck be a joke. "magic attack" and "stink bomb" go go to destroy the df decks (the decks playing "magic attack"and "stink bomb" normally have very high attack). warrior kotoba or slow sp warrior can be kicked joyfully by mage deck...
love to see lv 3, both version of them .. it kinda interesting
before I have seen this update.. I just lost necro deck
then after that fight, I see new card update for them. this is my face --> -0-
normally, I lost them anyway 555.. and now.. -0- I fear them so much.. so scary deck now
Heal 1 and gain defense and spirit + 1
Thx. actually, I want heal 1 = =! .. I type wrong..
Name: EX
guild: sap heart
race: elfine
class: warrior
sp 0
at 6/9
df 2
hp 16
come in game with a bow in your deck. Whenever an elfine does physical dmg, that elfine has heal+1, and df+1 until the end of turn.
turn 1, 3: a net traps is created and played following your card"
turn 4, 6: deal additional physical dmg, equally to EX's min attack, to an out of combat alive opposing character"
THis is an idea for improving elfine deck. Pls comment how is going.. good or not?? OP or weak . be appreciated to any comment.
Um.. sorry.. may be this is mess your topic however
make "elfine" be stronger, pls. They have good bow and arrow but they are very fragile ><! in 1-3rd turn, there exists at least one of them going to the hell - -!..
suggestion from me, definitely more new character.. replace to Ydian.. I will post in "idea card"
be careful... if the imperial is strong and can be the top of elo, it may be banned..unfortunately, the cards are changed to be weak.. (by some1 who don't love them, and lost them then report it as OP deck..)
Imperial is my first deck for me too.. ><! love this deck so much..
may be not involve to this topic.. but the problem occur as well when u play multitasking + craft item
EX. when I play multitasking + port.. then attach them to an opposing character.. the cards show that both of ports are played by "..." but it doesn't show that which is the multitasking, which is the real port.. (we cannot identify between 2 ports) the problem is when u play Balaster to pull item up in your hand, u need to choose the real port. If u choose the port coming from multitasking.. it's not present in your hand but it disappear from the attached character = =!.. Moreover, "technological advance" when i play combo for technological advance+illegal traffic ... if "technological advance" choose the copying port.. it's not present in discard pile and the combo will be failed = =