
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » July 26th 2012 : Olympiads » 30-07-2012 08:50:17


Is Keizan from Olimpic store count in the "Venerable One" throphy?

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » July 19th 2012 : The Eltarite » 19-07-2012 16:53:24

Zurga a écrit :

Elfine + Beast + Daïs/Guemelite => don't share any race.

ololol, just reform such deck to build it with 3 "uncommon" race smile

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » July 4th 2012 : Dark Tower first floor » 05-07-2012 12:37:47


How can I beat Dark Admirer?

I try Aelide, Bersercs, Sap Hearts, but no luck sad

#7 Bugs » 'Fête de la musique' » 25-06-2012 08:27:37

Réponses : 0

Why I loose my 'Fête de la musique' throphies? I still have about an hour to complete it sad

#8 Bugs » 'Fête de la musique' » 25-06-2012 08:18:19

Réponses : 1

Why I loose my 'Fête de la musique' trofies?
I still have about an hour to complete it sad

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Boss fights with video » 21-06-2012 06:53:31


How to beat "Ground Floor central door"? sad

#12 Bugs » Can't earn the pirate trophy... » 04-11-2011 17:43:46

Réponses : 2

I've take my desert nomads deck, win 2 games, but didnt reseive any points to trophy. Then I make deck with perfectly new Pirate and Mercenaries, win a game, but did not receive any point too. What I do wrong?

#14 Re : Bugs » Psalm dosn't heal the Kotoba Warriors » 26-10-2011 09:56:29


Then ok.
Just in context of phrase "Sap Hearts and Kotoba Warriors" it seemed like a Guild.

#15 Re : Bugs » Psalm dosn't heal the Kotoba Warriors » 26-10-2011 08:58:16


Akutsai (3), Amaya (3), Psalm (2).
Turns 4 and more Psalm heals only himself.

#18 Bugs » Mangled Scull » 25-10-2011 08:51:37

Réponses : 2

I've done "Halloween #1", but still not get the mangled scull. How can I get it?

#19 Re : Update list » Trick or Treat! » 25-10-2011 07:51:27


How can I get the mangled scull?

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