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#1 Deck and Strategy » Runic Priest Deck: Help!! » 04-01-2013 17:23:34

Réponses : 0

I need some aid with a Runic Priest Deck, I don't know what side cards might help me the most besides Stiches, Aura of the Goddess, The god Keep Us..., ...And Judge Us. Please help tongue Thanks!!

#2 Deck and Strategy » Immortals: Help needed » 19-06-2012 04:56:57

Réponses : 0

I'm needing some help with my Immortals Deck, running out of ideas to get it to work perfectly: get smacked out fairly easy by Deck Destroyers, because I don't power up fast enough or don't recover enough cards from my Grave. Here is my Deck, open to any suggestion:

Prince Metchaf / Vizier Mahamud (Not sure of which of both putting in)

x1 Artrezil's Heritage
x1 Danger in Delay
x1 Dazzle
x1 Desert Scimitar
x2 Desertification
x1 Fame for the Winners
x1 Hibernation
x3 Istaryam Blade
x1 Life Devourer
x2 Obesity
x1 Phantasmagoria
x2 Sandstorm
x2 Solaris
x1 Spirit Master
x2 Support of the Gods
x1 The Pack Spirit


#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Immortals » 12-02-2012 14:52:38


We just really need a new update!! We're limited to 3 characters, and the "immortal" quality of one of them is quiet cheap (Prince Metchaf). and maybe a new weapon, and more support cards!! 'Cause Immortals rules when they were released, but they've become pretty pitty with time.

*I hope the Nomads go against Nehantics on Battle of the Guilds smile

#4 Deck and Strategy » Immortals » 11-02-2012 16:55:16

Réponses : 41

Even though Immortals haven't get much updates (yet), it is pretty hard (at least for me) to make a compeling Immortals Deck. I have 3 Supportof the Gods, 2 Solaris, 2 Obesities, but I still pass a rough time with discarders, healing priests and Foam Golem. Longetivity take the space of cards that may be worthier, but makes run out of cards somewhat easily. I have Danger in Delay, but that is not enough.

I really need some helo here, please!! And thank you!! :3

#5 Re : Update list » The Pokeredan Event! » 20-08-2011 02:09:48


What I must complain is about the Pokeredan Hero card. It doesn't matter what I do, I can't figure out how it works!! Feerik guys, would you mind please helping us frustrated Pokeredan players fix this?

#6 Re : Update list » The Pokeredan Event! » 20-08-2011 02:08:02

Stinkingooze a écrit :

I REALLY hope that when the tournament is over, they keep this extra game. I haven't been able to get off it all day!

Me either!! xD

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