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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » My Tracker Deck » 02-11-2010 21:39:19

I decided to give this deck a shot, and I've been gathering the cards as of late. I'm now at a stop at 23/23. 

Here's what I'm running:


2x Shuriken
2x Tracker's Mask
3x Tracker's Emblem

3x Art of the Iron Fist
1x Assassination
2x Time to Die (see comment below)
1x It is Time
1x A Close Shave

3x Katamaru
2 Ice Barrier

Now, I was aiming (as suggested) to substitute 2x Firon for +1 Assassination/Time to die, which I temporarily used more Art of the Iron Fist for until I can afford it. Anyway, I just got my second Time to Die and noticed I'm unable to run it in the deck - only one copy allowed. Any ideas on how to tweak the deck from here, or what to run instead?

Thanks, it's a fun deck!

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