
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Eredan Training Group aka [ETG] » 24-10-2010 16:01:32

IGN: JArekMace4
Level: 12
Hours: Generally 4 pm est til 4 am est give or take

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Sap Heart character lineup » 23-10-2010 07:21:40

Every one i've faced so far has been Melissa,Ydiane and SPiritspeaker

personally if i ever get the crystals im going all warriors but it seems the mixed works better

#3 Re : Update list » The Sap Heart clan » 22-10-2010 20:33:28

sucks i cant afford ot make this deck i have such a good idea going through my head lol.

#4 Re : Update list » Death of the Dead! » 21-10-2010 23:03:08

Well, got my trophy lol. back to losing by actually trying to wina gain! whee!

took me 22 games (A couple were D/cs though, so)

#5 Re : Update list » Death of the Dead! » 21-10-2010 22:17:42

i boguht a bunch of cheap theurgy, Lady Jane, Saphyra and i had an apostle i was levellnig anyway..I've gotten mostly +3 up til now. Admittedly my record went to crap because i havent won a game, but still.

I've also been lucky, when people realize im just going for the trophy,and have no way of killing them, they usually go easy to try to keep all 3 of my mercs alive. they get a perfect and a +1 towards mercenaries, and i get +3 towards my trophy

Like i think the only thing >200 crystals in my deck is the apostle and a sacred nova

#6 Re : Update list » Death of the Dead! » 21-10-2010 20:47:05

Well I do have a priest in my deck i cant really afford other priests at the memont but if you see me im willing ot trade a win or two (a point is a point i suppose)

Edit: lol its fun giving everyone vitories towards mercenaries, as well as perfects..i feel like such a good donator ^_^

#7 Re : Suggestions » Honor Points » 21-10-2010 02:45:27

I'm all for this idea considering ive bene palying ~100 games a day to level up the stupid apostle lol.

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Mercenary Grind » 21-10-2010 00:37:03

Id be down for this too..i THINK i have 3 mercenaries laying around

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Eredan Madness » 20-10-2010 07:31:10

Haven't seen ya much otuside of that thread, but Hi XD

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Present Yourselves! » 19-10-2010 08:21:04

Sup, Steve here, 25 years old from the east coast of the U.S. Just started a couple days ago and have a solid Zil deck and am working on a Nomad deck (so hard when none of the fee'z offers i try work, so i cant buy packs =/)

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The Popular Team » 18-10-2010 21:30:45

Yea i see this combo alot, i cringe a little every time i see it because I can almsot never beat it unless the player is stupid.

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship? » 18-10-2010 10:15:33

The trophy wasn't TOO bad for me to get, it took me a day and a half of playing (about 10 hours total), I used my Zil deck and sometimes i forewent the order bonus in order to get a kill/get killed, and then later on id like, use a potion instead of buffing my attack and hope to survive and such, the only problem i really had was Kotoba that ran the fat samurai dude that's a wall ( i forget his name but i think hes a 3 def 13 health wall, and the brute too)

It wasnt easy by any means, and i only got like 1/2 game leavers too, perhaps i jsut got lucky lol

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