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#1 Re : Bugs » Crackling Crown not working - SOLVED » 23-05-2011 19:45:09

Sorry for replying so late hmm Yes, I was losing the HPs too.
BTW I've seen this has been fixed the very next day I posted this thread, so thanks a lot ^_^

#2 Re : Bugs » Items that improve spell damage not working (screenshot included) » 13-05-2011 00:04:27

Joey_Parker a écrit :
LenardCzar a écrit :
Joey_Parker a écrit :

list of messed up card

Crystal Storm isnt  give to +2
Lighting Bolts lv isnt giving the +2
Win using Magic not giving the +on char spirit
Static Charge isnt giving the +2
Erevent lv 3 not give +2

To me it seems that everything in the magic department is broken and needs to be fixed ASAP

static charge works...

I was in Elo and used Pilkim and Last Word with Static my spirit was 10 and the other char had a spirit of 0 and all i did was 10 magic damage

The Spirit improvement from The Last Word had not possibility to increase Static Charge's damage if it was already attached to your Pilkim, because Static Charge deals its damage before any effect by cards played during that turn (it's the same for any attached card having an effect triggered at the start of the Turn). Only possibility to increase its damage that way was by playing it AFTER The Last Word.

#3 Bugs » Crackling Crown not working - SOLVED » 12-05-2011 23:57:47

Réponses : 2

Crackling Crown's Lightning Spell Immunity is not working: on different occasions, my characters wearing it have got damage from Lightning Bolt and Static Charge. Please fix this.

#4 Re : Bugs » Items that improve spell damage not working (screenshot included) » 01-05-2011 04:02:14

I've just noticed the same for both versions of Alishk: sadly, no +2 to magic damages (I tested the Fire version using Smoked Arrow and Fireball, the Draconic version using Dragon Fangs)

#5 FAQs » I was stuck... » 03-10-2010 22:08:23

Réponses : 3

Today, while I was fighting on Facebook in the training rooms (and what's worst, I was winning), at a certain point the game seemingly stuck (but was not ffrozen...). It was my opponent's turn to chose the characters and he did nothing for about one hour, then I've received the message that I was disconnected from the server... I assume I've lost both the battle and fair-play points. I don't know if it was my opponent who just did nothing (but then, why after so much time I've not had victory?) or if the game was stuck on my PC. My connection was still fine and I was able to see enlarged cards and writings pop-ups when moving the mouse on the various points of the screen. The hourglass was as well "working". What's the reason for this, is it my computer or my opponent's fault? Have I been penalized for this? (as if losing an almost won battle isn't enough...) Thanks in advance for replies.

P.S. I've found the statistics (sorry, I'm new to this game) and that battle is not shown, so no one won or lost it, seemingly... Does this mean my fair-play is safe too?

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