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#1 Re : Suggestions » Extra Starter Deck cards » 18-08-2010 07:32:34

Theres needs to be a way to create folders to put cards I'm tired of thumbing through into.  They already have a way to drag and drop cards into making/editing a deck, why not drag and drop ones you don't ever use into some folder that has a 'hide all things in it' feature.

The folder would be coded like a deck, just with no restrictions of type and number but will never be used in a battle.

Probably wouldn't take much to code it since they could use the base code from how the deck works, with slight modifications.

And they already have a way to filter what cards show. Just need a check box that hides all cards in this folder

Or some other way to hide them like you said.

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous Spirit scores » 18-08-2010 06:20:50

That I have done lol

We were thinking you used the pen and fire ball

I have also done that but, I've swapped out mightier than pen combo for more defense and spirit + actions/spells/equips

The Irony of what your talking about is that I just ran into a deck that has the same cast of characters and nearly the same cards.

The only difference was that I focused on raising spirit and defense, while lowering their defense.  They focused on raising their defense and spamming spells, since a lot of tank and attack decks have usually 0-2 spirit.

I won this fight because, well, he focused on using his Anryena for fast magic damage on Eglantyne(who has 1 spirit).  Though Anryena did manage to one hit Eglantyne, my other two had spirit had at least 1 of these equiped cloaks/dragon armor/crystal shelf/mystic staff/ice barrier.  By that time MY Anryena had about 4 spirit 4 defense and my Moira had like (not sure exact) 4 spirit and like 5 defense(7 if Anry was still alive)

Since my opponent started doing no damage no matter what they tried, I eventually wiped them all out with things like static/magic attack/light sword.

They tried to use "I hate brawlers" (increase defence +3) but I seemed to manage to use "Magic attack"(decrease defence to 0) right after they use it...

I do see how annoying it is to fight one of these decks, specially if you're a tank deck x_x

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » So how do you play? » 18-08-2010 04:15:21

Yeah I hate that, equipment is how my deck works XP course, it never helps against magic users since magic ignores armor. Espicially static. Blehh..

Need armor that adds spirit then.  Spirit is doesn't just determine spell damage but spirit also acts as a defense against it.

Opponent has 2 spirit

You have 4 spirit

Opponent uses static (does damage equal to casters spirit, +2 if You have equipment on)

Since you have more spirit than your opponent, they cannot do any damage.

I saved up for a ruin gauntlet just for this reason.(adds +2 defense, but if opponent casts a spell + 2 spirit)

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous Spirit scores » 17-08-2010 22:16:06

mmm I see what your saying, guess I shouldn't be typing when I first wake up tongue

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous Spirit scores » 17-08-2010 20:34:09

John_Snyder wrote:

As it is, it's granting +7 to attack, and then they cast a fireball right after it. Rank-2 characters are doing 20 damage per turn. That's silly.

this is a bit wrong, people have to chose between a basic attack or an attack by a spell, they cant be done on same time except by a two-classed character (but this one can only use 1 spell per turn)

I use a deck that uses two-class characters and I use the strategy he talks about <:

#6 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous Spirit scores » 17-08-2010 19:10:33

So far I've met only one other deck like mine.  with the high spirit and attack, but then again I'm almost lvl 10.

most of my spirit + stuff only takes affect the turn after though :\

I've met a couple people that use cards that bring the opponents spirit to 0.  Maybe this could help you?  Its called distraction or something.  Also there are a couple cards that can unequipped the opponent stuff.  I'm not sure what it's called and not sure if its affordable or not.

I'll have to look and confirm the names of those cards.

Edit1: Ok the card "Smash that wall!" is a card that lets you choose one item equipped by your opponent and send it to the discard pile (first upgrade, requirements Warrior or craftsmen). There is a second upgrade to this but, I don't see any difference between the first and second.

Edit2: The one that brings the opponents spirit to 0 is called Diversion (requires marauder and chains assassination)

Edit3: Earlier today I came up against someone with a ruin gauntlet, which increases your defense 2 and if your opponent plays a spell it increases your spirit by 2.

So far Diversion is the easiest to afford, and Smash that wall is something that you have to save of like 3,000 crystals or so in the market and ruin gauntlet I think I saw last for about 5,000.

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » So how do you play? » 16-08-2010 19:52:11

So far I use highly defensive Noz'Dingard characters.

using eglantyne and Moira, they increase each others defense by 2

and adding Anryena as my third character, she adds 1 defense to all my other characters in game.

This deck is full of + defense and + spirit equips, along with the ones that add +2 hp on activation.

I also have a magic cards that increase defense by how much spirit I have.  A lot of the time Anryena has at least 5-8 spirit.

Even though I'm defensive, doesn't mean I'm not offensive wink
I'm also full of magic cards that get around those high defense types.  One card brings the enemy's defense down to 0 and the wrest do damage.

This deck is strong against those that use magic and have low defense, and those that have high defense and no spirit.

So far it's weak against ones that focus on having you discard cards going by your spirit and other decks built like mine, high defense and high spirit.

One stupide this deck has is that if I get all offensive cards on the first turn, Anryena could be taken out on the first turn while fighting those fast damage decks.

People in game might know me as Drakko and I think I might of went up against Snyder's deck once.

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Present Yourselves! » 16-08-2010 19:39:10

Hi my name is Bryce and my deck focuses on using Noz'Dingard characters.

I'm 20 years old and I found Eredan about a week ago and I already love it.
I kind of live in a secluded area and it is hard to find someone to play any kind of card game with, so and online card game is just perfect for me big_smile

Also, I alway complain I can never find a game with enough dragons in it and in this one there are quite a few.

Yay Dragonz! lol

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm from the Us xP

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